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5 results found containing "Digital Space" in Lot 1: Cloud hosting in the category Other database services

  • Digital Space Private Cloud Managed Service

    Digital Space Cloud Services Limited

    Digital Space Private Cloud Managed Service (VDC) - this is hosted from four UK based data centres. Virtual machines can be managed by Digital Space, unmanaged by customer or a mixture of both. This service can also integrate with AWS, Azure and IBM Cloud to provide hybrid cloud capabilities too.

  • Digital Space Amazon Timestream

    Digital Space Cloud Services Limited

    Amazon Timestream is a fast, scalable, and serverless time series database service for IoT and operational applications that makes it easy to store and analyze trillions of events per day up to 1,000 times faster and at as little as 1/10th the cost of relational databases.

  • Digital Space AWS Outposts

    Digital Space Cloud Services Limited

    AWS Outposts is a family of fully managed solutions delivering AWS infrastructure and services to virtually any on-premises or edge location for a truly consistent hybrid experience. Outposts solutions allow you to extend and run native AWS services on premises, and is available in a variety of form factors.

  • Digital Space AWS Lake Formation

    Digital Space Cloud Services Limited

    AWS Lake Formation is a service that makes it easy to set up a secure data lake in days. A data lake is a centralized, curated, and secured repository that stores all your data, both in its original form and prepared for analysis.

  • Digital Space Amazon Managed Blockchain

    Digital Space Cloud Services Limited

    Amazon Managed Blockchain is a fully managed service that allows you to join public networks or set up and manage scalable private networks with just a few clicks. Amazon Managed Blockchain eliminates the overhead required to create the network or join a public network, and automatically scales to meet demand.