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Help us improve the Digital Marketplace - send your feedback

Help and feedback

Buying and selling services

Email if you need support:

  • selling your services, for example lowering your prices
  • buying services, for example evaluating suppliers
  • updating your account

Help with monthly management information (MI)

Email for help with monthly management information (MI).

Guidance about buying and selling on the Digital Marketplace

Read the guidance for information about:

  • the G-Cloud and Digital Outcomes frameworks
  • how to apply to join as a supplier
  • how to buy

Report a late payment, an opportunity or a procurement

Email if a buyer isn’t following the correct processes, the rules of the framework, or hasn’t paid you.

Feedback about the Digital Marketplace

Email if you have feedback about your experience using the Digital Marketplace.

Sign up to be a potential user research participant to help us improve the Digital Marketplace. You need an account. You can unsubscribe at any time.