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7 results found containing Chambury Learning in Lot 2: Cloud software in the category Electronic document and records management (EDRM)

  • Totara Learn LMS (Learning & Talent Platform)

    Think Learning

    Incorporating Chambury Learning. Totara Learn: mobile-responsive platform for e-learning, compliance, CPD, Skills, blended learning, seminar (including virtual), multitenancy, ePR. Integrated performance appraisal, talent, mentoring, e-Commerce, e-Forms, content. Totara Engage LXP social learning, Totara Perform Competencies. Medical Devices. Experience: Healthcare, Social Care, NHS, ESR integration, ICS, Government, Council, Education, University, Housing

  • Totara e-Learning Content Platform (Health & Social Care)

    Think Learning

    Incorporating Chambury Learning. e-Learning Content Catalogue via tenanted Totara LMS platform, for Social Care. Feature-rich, mobile-responsive platform for e-learning, compliance, multitenancy. Modules can be themed to reflect branding. Available fully integrated with our Totara range. Experience: Healthcare, Social Care, NHS, ESR integration, ICS, Government (central & local), Council, Education, Housing.

  • Totara LMS Learning & e-Commerce Platform

    Think Learning

    Incorporating Chambury Learning. LMS ‘shop window’ of learning products, e-learning SCORM, content, bookable events, seminar spaces. Customers purchase (Pay gateways include GOV.UK Pay, Stripe, PayPal) before accessing. Powerful search, promotions, discounts, vouchers, refunds, buy for others, subscriptions. Experience: Healthcare, Social Care, NHS, ESR integration, ICS, Government, Council, Education, University, Housing.

  • Totara Oliver McGowan Training Platform (OMMT LMS)

    Think Learning

    Incorporating Chambury Learning. Oliver McGowan mandatory training delivery platform, using Totara Learn LMS: mobile-responsive, blended learning solution, combining e-learning and seminar (including virtual) activity management. User registration process to accommodate multi-organisational Trust, ICS, regional audiences and reporting. Experience: Healthcare, Social Care, NHS, ESR integration, ICS, Government, Council, Education, University, Housing.

  • Totara Perform (Performance & Talent Platform)

    Think Learning

    Incorporating Chambury Learning. Totara Perform: mobile-responsive platform for performance appraisal, 9-box grids, e-Forms, 360 feedback, talent conversations, succession plans, NMC Revalidation, CPD, Competency profiles, Skills, mentoring, reporting. Integrated learning, e-learning, LXP with Totara Learn and Totara Engage. Experience: Healthcare, Social Care, NHS, ESR integration, ICS, Government, Council, Education, University, Housing

  • SCORM e-Learning Commercial Distribution Platform (DRM)

    Think Learning

    Incorporating Chambury Learning. Commercialise and track SCORM e-learning content across multiple client organisations. Digital rights management (DRM) solution. Manage, tag, distribute content catalogues, provide unique signpost files to customer LMS. Available with our Totara LMS product. Experience: Healthcare, Social Care, NHS, ESR integration, ICS, Government, Council, Education, University, Housing.

  • Totara Medical Devices Training Platform

    Think Learning

    Incorporating Chambury Learning. Centralised system for monitoring Medical Device compliance, including targeting, training, competency paths, sign-off, reporting. Interconnected tracking of medical devices and users’ competence to use them. Available standalone, or integrated with our Totara LMS platform. Experience: Healthcare, Social Care, NHS, ESR integration, ICS, Government, Council, Education, University, Housing.