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3 results found

3 results found containing booking system in Lot 2: Cloud software in the category Affiliate marketing

  • GoBright Room & Desk Booking Cloud Service

    Clear Visual Communications Ltd

    GoBright is an all in one Room Booking, Desk Booking and Visitor Management platform with additional Digital Signage.

  • iRegen


    iRegen delivers smart placemaking to strengthen local identity and promote town and city centres as places where people want to be. Integrated tourism, e-trading and e-booking modules enable local businesses to trade online, from independent retailers to hair salons. iRegen also provides a platform to deploy innovative 5G services/use cases.

  • Cypad Meal Selection

    ParentPay Limited

    Pre-ordering of meals by parents from mobile devices, or pupils in classrooms, safe contact-less school dinner take-up by group, and full reporting on, meals served, payments and a healthy meals ethos. Allergen and special diet safeguards cover risk and case management. nutritional supports food education and links to the curriculum.