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73 results found

73 results found containing civica in Lot 2: Cloud software in the category Analytics and business intelligence

  • Civica Mortuaries

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica Mortuaries supports the automation and streamlining of processes to deliver more productive case management for mortuary staff. Civica Mortuaries is designed to reduce the administration workload of the morticians, delivering time saving benefits to the mortuary team.

  • Civica Aurum

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica Aurum enables NHS trusts to overcome unprecedented challenges by identifying systemic variation in clinical activity, driving efficiency and productivity improvements. Aurum empowers users to leverage their costing data to provide actionable insights. It’s easy to customise your own outputs to transform your data into meaningful reports and dashboards.

  • Civica Benchmarking

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica’s Benchmarking tool identifies variation in National Cost Collection data. It enables NHS trusts to overcome unprecedented challenges by quickly finding systemic variation in cost of services, driving improvements in efficiency and productivity from data. Compare data across an ICS to share learning and best practice to drive value.

  • Civica Resource Planning

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica Resource Planning is offered on premise or on a fully managed Microsoft Azure cloud platform. The AI based module calculates the resources required to deliver your plan and allows organisations to better understand the staffing, clinical and financial impact of differing activity plan scenarios.

  • Civica SLAM

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica SLAM, our activity planning, forecasting and contract management tool, provides precise insight to price, monitor and manage activities and income in line with your contract requirements. SLAM is a comprehensive transactional commissioning toolkit. It gives you the ability to support multiple commissioners and providers including planned and actual reports.

  • Civica Forecasting

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica Activity Forecasting is an AI solution that enables organisations to accurately predict demand based on historic patterns, and to adjust for known changes in services and demographics. It uses the latest AI technology to provide forecasts which allow organisations to continually model changes in population and service provision.

  • Civica Housing Enforcement

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica Housing Enforcement is an agile case management solution providing complaints, inspection and risk rating capability. It allows you to define and configure standard activity task paths, record asset critical information and conduct HHSRS inspections. It includes Civica Regulatory Services platform core functionality e.g. automated decision making and bulk communications.

  • Civica Registrations

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica Registrations is a flexible solution for registrars that integrates self-service appointment bookings and online payments with efficient rostering and full case management capabilities. The flexible solution allows slot details to be configured on an individual basis.

  • Civica Declare

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica Declare is the leading software solution to meet NHS England requirements for NHS organisations to manage Conflicts of Interest. It is a 3-way system for the public to inspect and interrogate declarations, for staff to register their declarations and for the Corporate Secretariat teams to manage the workflow.

  • Civica Licensing

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica Licensing is a case management system supporting all aspects of local authority licensing incl LA 2003, taxi, housing (HMO) and gambling, from receiving and validation of application to issue and management of licences. It's scalable and offers efficiences via workflow and automation of documentation e.g communication and decision making.

  • Civica Tranman

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica delivers fleet management (Tranman) software and services that enable improved fleet management and operational efficiency; through whole life cost management, workshops/stores management and third-party maintenance providers. We possess a highly experienced and capable team of solution architects and implementation consultants that undertake our projects and deliver within tight timescales.

  • Civica Experience

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica Experience is the leading real-time platform for capturing, analysing and reporting on patient and staff experiences including the NHS Friends and Family Test. It provides multi-channel data collection, bespoke reporting, a unique solution for automated free-text analysis of patient comments, and is built in partnership with our NHS clients.

  • Civica Engage

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica Engage, our stakeholder engagement system, is used by hundreds of customers to manage and communicate with their members, local communities and other stakeholders. The CRM Member/Stakeholder Engagement Platform is designed specifically for the health sector. Trusted by over 200 organisations as the communications hub for their engagement with staff/patients/public.

  • Civica Revenues & Benefits

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica OPENRevenues is Revenues and Benefits IT solution rivalling Capita and Northgate. The administration of council tax, business rates, housing benefit, council tax reduction, sundry debts and local welfare assistance. Supporting digital transformation for citizen self-service with automated end to end processing.

  • Civica Licensing Register

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica Licensing Register provides intuitive online search capability for all licences, including licensing act 2003, taxis, housing (including HMO) and gambling meeting the legislative requirement to hold a register. It reduces FOI requests and lowers administrative overheads by enabling representation against active applications, which populates the back-office module.

  • Civica Trading Standards

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica Trading Standards delivers local authorities an intelligent regulatory services solution, enabling management of inspections, complaints, samples, notices and other investigations. Designed with local authorities, it enables intelligent case association ensuring awareness of related incidents. It offers efficiencies via workflow and document automation such as, communication and decision making.

  • Civica Regulatory Services

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica Regulatory Services has been developed with local authorities to deliver high levels of service to citizens. Supporting shared service, collaborative and primary authority working. It offers efficiencies via workflow and document automation. It includes two modules; Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB), Licensing, Trading Standards, Environmental Health, Housing Assistance or Housing Enforcement.

  • Civica Housing Assistance

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica Housing Assistance is an agile solution providing comprehensive back-office management for any enquiry, grant or loan. From entering a simple grant enquiry through to carrying out an assistance inspection visit with corresponding communication. Core Regulatory Services platform capability; bulk communications, workflow designer, alerts and form creation are included.

  • Civica Mobile Framework

    Civica NI Ltd

    The Civica Mobile Platform is an application development environment for the creation of multi-platform mobile app solutions. The platform includes common on-device functionality such as login, authentication, screen routing and features such as mapping, workflow, e-Forms, GPS integration and biometric support. Full application lifecycle management is also supported.

  • Civica Civil Enforcement

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica CE simplifies civil enforcement management to deliver a better service to your community. You can automate a range of processes from Moving Traffic Offences (MTO), Tolling, parking and permits administration to digital CCTV-based enforcement, increasing efficiency and productivity. Instant access to real-time data allows proactive task and resource prioritisation.

  • Civica Anti Social Behaviour

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica Anti-Social Behaviour supports all aspects of ASB incidents management, community protection orders and community protection notices. Intelligent case association provides insight to teams. Underpinned by the core Regulatory Services platform, capabilities include workflow and document automation such as communication and decision making.

  • Civica Niche Centric Services

    Civica NI Ltd

    Civica’s Niche Centric Services (NCS) acceleration framework enables clients to integrate third-party systems and services with NicheRMS to streamline and simplify policing operations. NCS provides a business-level façade in front of the Niche database, that enables policing applications to efficiently, and securely, create, update, delete, retrieve, and validate Niche records.

  • Civica Population Health Management Platform

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica’s Population Health Management platform delivers value-based healthcare data in Microsoft Azure. It empowers ICS partner organisations to understand their population, providing a view of the whole pathway and all interactions of an individual. Reporting dashboards provide insights into where services are being accessed and by whom to identify inequalities.

  • Civica Microsoft Dynamics 365 Grant Management Service

    Civica UK Limited

    Utilises the power of Dynamics 365 Customer Service and overlays an accelerator designed specifically for not-for-profit organisations. Our accelerator expertise, industry knowledge of grant management and design patterns allows us to quickly build your customised grant management solution. Offers simple ‘T-shirt’ sized implementation packages from PoC to large implementations.

  • Civica Collect

    Civica UK Limited

    CivicaCollect supports the complete debt collection process from compliance stage to full enforcement. Providing you with the flexibility to have a Single View of Debt system, Enforcement System or hybrid platform through a robust cloud-based solution. It delivers in-depth insight to improve services and optimises collection rates.

  • Civica CostMaster

    Civica UK Limited

    PLICS - Patient Level Information Costing System. Our fully CTP Compliant, PLICS and SLR System is offered on premise or on a fully managed Microsoft Azure cloud platform. The system benefits from ProAuto, our automation tool, as well as comprehensive Microsoft Power BI reporting and analytics capability.

  • Civica Involve

    Civica UK Limited

    Involve, the leading community and stakeholder engagement platform includes powerful outreach, feedback and analytic tools. Involve makes it easier for you to reach your community, staff and stakeholders to make better informed, more collaborative decisions. Involve enables the easy creation of striking engagement multi-platformed websites, microsites and survey platforms.

  • Civica Parago

    Civica UK Limited

    Parago is a centralised operations management system which enables schools and MATs to save time and resources, and improve the effectiveness of daily processes. Digitise and streamline processes for; Asset Management, Premises Compliance, Risk Management, Capital & Projects, Incident Management, Contract and Contractor Management, Room and Asset Booking, e-Sign Documents

  • Civica MultiVue Enrich

    Civica UK Limited

    MultiVue Enrich offers incremental capability building on MultiVue master data management (MDM) to ensure internal data can be verified against external reference data sources. With MultiVue MDM this ensures you can trust the accuracy of your data and distribute your single view of the customer across your organisation with confidence.

  • Civica TranSend ePOD

    Civica UK Limited

    TranSend electronic proof of delivery (ePOD) reduces cost, time and paper involved in managing deliveries and collections, providing accurate, timely delivery information, creating operational efficiency for transport & logistics operators, and organisations with their own delivery fleet, including subcontractors. Configurable for any delivery or collection process scenario, including specified time-windows.