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6 results found

6 results found containing inphase in Lot 2: Cloud software in the category Healthcare

  • InPhase SAFE Care Home

    InPhase Limited

    Modern, friendly Care Home standards IPC (Infection Prevention & Control) audit/checklist forms on mobile, tablets and desktop browser devices. PPE checklist, Manager Checklist, Hand Hygiene, IPC environment, dashboards. Easy to set-up and maintain audits, forms, questions, help text, guidance, and workflows. Brilliant real-time reporting, collaboration and action setting and assurance.

  • InPhase Open Data Portal: Community Engagement Software

    InPhase Limited

    The best InPhase technology has come together to give you a beautiful, intuitive public facing performance portals that literally anyone can use. The open data portal is an incredibly easy to use intuitive tool that lets you surface information to the public in a way that suits you.

  • InPhase Quality Oversight: CQC, NICE, NHSE compliance, and assurance

    InPhase Limited

    Quality assurance oversight for NHS acute, community, mental health and local authority social care healthcare providers. Oversight for continuous improvement in CQC, quality assurance, NICE compliance, CAS alerts. Self-assessment, peer assessment, and regulator assessment and compliance. Consolidates and tracks quality, safety, patient experience and compliance actions.

  • InPhase PPE Dashboard reporting (and supply)

    InPhase Limited

    The PPE stock dashboard is a management App for where you manage demand and supply for what PPE, by location or person, summed up so you can place your group (multi provider or area) order, and track the stock, the rate of use, projects the short stock position date.

  • InPhase Health Oversight: LFPSE Incident, Audit, NICE, CQC compliance, performance and assurance

    InPhase Limited

    Triangulated suite for NHS and healthcare providers. Oversight for PDSA continuous improvement in CQC, quality, NHS England LFPSE risk, incident, outcomes, NICE compliance, CAS, clinical audit, integrated governance, PAM, complaints, Friends and Family, planning, performance, policy, nursing dashboards, action plan assurance, ward accreditation, IPC care home assurance, and others.

  • Incident Oversight for NHS Learn From Patient Safety Events (LFPSE) Incidents

    InPhase Limited

    Incident Oversight is a customisable Incident and Event solution. NHS England certified Learn from Patient Safety Event and StEIS option. Modular apps solution that can be combined with other Oversight modules. Continuous improvement solution built with collaboration and support from CQC, NHS England and Improvement, LFPSE, NICE and others.