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25 results found containing lenus health in All lots

  • Lenus Health Clinical Dashboard


    The Lenus Health Clinical Dashboard displays and aggregates healthcare data across patients and services. With patient consent, trained healthcare professionals working across specialities can use this data, driven by rules, to identify patterns and insights that will trigger personalised interventions or escalation, in line with defined clinical protocols.

  • Lenus Health Platform


    The Lenus Health Platform supports an interoperable eco-system of digital healthcare services through standard HL7 FHIRv4 Data APIs, identity, access and consent management services. It offers clinical systems a single point of integration for data gathered from patient facing digital health services. It offers a full developer toolkit.

  • Lenus Technology Enabled Virtual Ward


    Ideal for Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) the Lenus Technology Enabled Virtual Ward service is underpinned by the Lenus Platform, an interoperable healthcare data exchange in use in the NHS providing clinical support to people at home. The Lenus Platform allows patients to securely share healthcare data remotely with healthcare professionals.

  • Apple HealthKit and Google Fit Integrator Service


    The Apple HealthKit and Google Fit Integrator Service enables popular consumer health apps like FitBit, MyFitnessPal etc. to be used in new care pathways. Patient generated data can securely flow to Lenus, connecting with EHRs, making it accessible to healthcare professionals for use as part of care provision.

  • Lenus Health Platform

    Storm ID

    The Lenus Health Platform supports an eco-system of digital healthcare services through standard HL7 FHIRv4 Data APIs, identity, access and consent management services. It offers clinical systems a single point of integration for data gathered from patient facing digital health services. It offers a full developer toolkit.

  • Mental Health and Wellbeing CBT Service


    The Mental Health and Wellbeing CBT Service allows patients to securely share mental health data, both qualitative and quantitative, with health and social care professionals. The data can be used to understand trends, and provide support, CBT techniques and guidance to patients regarding their condition.

  • Digital Health Consultancy


    Lenus Health is a partner to the healthcare sector. It can help your healthcare organisation identify opportunities to transform care pathways through effective, cloud-native digital services which can improve the patient experience, patient engagement, treatment adherence, health outcomes and deliver enhanced digital first operational capability while reducing costs.

  • COVID Contact Tracing and Test Results Delivery Service


    The COVID Contact Tracing and Test Results Delivery Service integrates with health systems to provide health protection teams and healthcare personnel with the rapidly deployable tools to facilitate contact tracing at scale. The test results delivery service supports public health measures designed to interrupt community spread of coronavirus.

  • Care and Support Plan Service


    The Care and Support Plan Service allows individuals to consent to their care and support plan being shared between healthcare professionals and local authority carers. Access provides a holistic view of the individual; highlighting correlations between health data and the care needs outlined in the care and support plan.

  • Activity, Sleep and Nutrition Tracking Service


    The Activity, Sleep and Nutrition Tracking Service allows patients to securely share activity, sleep and nutrition data, gathered from apps and wearables. The data can be used by healthcare professionals to design and provide support for a range of conditions, including chronic long term conditions, to improve health outcomes.

  • Apple HealthKit and Google Fit Integrator Service

    Storm ID

    The Apple HealthKit and Google Fit Integrator Service enables popular consumer health apps like FitBit, MyFitnessPal etc. to be used in new care pathways. Patient generated data can securely flow to Lenus, connecting with EHRs, making it accessible to healthcare professionals for use as part of care provision.

  • Lenus Health Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Cognitive Services


    We work with organisations to identify new value that can be derived from their data stores leading to business transformation. Using Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services, we apply responsible AI to support decision making, making use of language processing (understanding, sentiment and translation), speech and vision (object detection).

  • Sleep Apnoea Service


    The Sleep Apnoea Service allows patients to securely share respiratory and other data relating to their sleep disorder, from apps and wearables including CPAP. Data can be used by healthcare professionals to provide remote monitoring of and support for patients at risk of high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.

  • Falls Prevention Service


    The Falls Prevention Service allows patients to securely share actively and passively gathered movement and mobility data, from connected hardware, sensors, apps and wearables. The data can be used by health and social care professionals to pro-actively initiate community interventions to reduce admissions to acute care.

  • Digital Outpatient Appointments Service


    The Digital Outpatient Appointments Service allows patients to securely share healthcare data as part of an asynchronous consultation with a remote healthcare professional. Applicable for gastroenterology, rheumatology, respiratory medicine, diabetes and endocrinology, dermatology, sexual health, clinical genetics, oncology, haematology, immunology, pain management, AHP services, stroke and immunocompromised patients.

  • Digital Health Service Design


    Our team work with our clients to reimagine and shape their patient and clinician-facing digital services. Placing the patient and the clinician at the centre of the process we employ lean methods to engage services owners to co-design services. User insights and ideation fuel the iterative prototyping of transformed services.

  • Heart Failure Service


    The Heart Failure Service allows patients to log regular blood pressure and pulse readings taken by a connected hardware and securely share this data with healthcare professionals, thereby reducing the number of routine readings needing to be taken in acute settings.

  • Diabetes Prevention Service


    The Diabetes Prevention Service allows patients who are prediabetic to securely share activity, sleep and nutrition data, gathered from apps and wearables. Insight gleaned from the data can be used by healthcare professionals to support patients in preventing prediabetes developing in to Type 2 diabetes.

  • Diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2) Management Service


    The Diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2) Management Service allows patients to securely share their healthcare data, gathered from apps and connected hardware, relating to their diabetic state. Anxiety measurements and qualitative data can be used by healthcare professionals to provide remote, targeted support to each patient in their care.

  • Remote Patient Monitoring Service


    The Remote Patient Monitoring Service allows healthcare organisations to monitor and support both high-risk and low-risk patients at home in the community. Physiology data from apps and wearables coupled with regular PROs data can be harnessed to generate insights resulting in earlier interventions that keep patients at home.

  • COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Management Service


    The COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Management Service allows high risk patients to securely share healthcare data from connected hardware with healthcare professionals and clinicians. The healthcare data can be used to understand the likelihood of an exacerbation, allowing community intervention, avoiding unnecessary hospital admissions, and improving quality of care.

  • Dermatology Virtual Asynchronous Consultation Service


    The Dermatology Service allows patients to securely share photos of their skin condition as part of an asynchronous consultation / appointment with a remote dermatologist. The photos are triaged to determine possible skin conditions, providing a prioritised view of patients who can be signposted to relevant follow-on care.

  • Virtual Clinical Trials Service


    The Virtual Clinical Trials Service enables healthcare professionals to conduct remote clinical research using connected devices and secure healthcare data exchange. The service is well-suited for pharmacology research or studies that do not require in-patient care or observation. Patients can participate from home while receiving support from their care team.

  • Stroke Service


    The Stroke Service allows stroke patients who have been discharged to securely share healthcare data from connected hardware with healthcare professionals and clinicians. The healthcare data can be used to understand the likelihood of secondary stroke, allowing community intervention, avoiding unnecessary hospital admissions, and improving quality of care.

  • Infrastructure as a Service


    Azure delivers a 99.95% compute SLA and enables you to run virtualised server infrastructure solutions in the cloud. Azure provides built-in software patching, network load balancing and high-availability features. Azure offers 24x7 technical support and service health monitoring.