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3 results found

3 results found containing ndl in Lot 2: Cloud software in the category Business process modelling (BPM)

  • NDL Automate and NDL Flow, RPA and workflow creation package

    NDL Software Limited

    Automate and Flow combined enables you to access information that is ‘trapped’ in legacy back-office systems to trigger complex workflows. Easily create highly effective end-to-end integrations, joining disparate systems into a seamless process that gets your data where you need it to be, when you need it to be there.

  • NDL Flow, our codeless Workflow creation product

    NDL Software Limited

    NDL’s Flow tool makes creating, running, and managing complex workflows a breeze without writing any code. It allows you to easily create highly effective end-to-end integrations, joining disparate systems into a seamless process that gets your data where you need it to be, when you need it to be there.

  • NDL Evolve Transformation Platform, eForms, apps, RPA, Workflow, web services connector package

    NDL Software Limited

    Evolve enables the powerful digitisation, automation and integration of data-driven processes, unlocking advanced technical capabilities without needing advanced coding experience. It enables mobile working and remote data capture through bespoke apps/eForms. RPA, workflows and web services can be quickly deployed to pass data to the front or back-office.