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6 results found

6 results found containing nine23 in Lot 1: Cloud hosting in the category Archiving, backup and disaster recovery

  • HSCN - Secure Government Gateway - Secure Hosting - HSCN - Platform FLEX


    FLEX- A fully managed Nine23 UK owned enterprise infrastructure, HSCN gateway service accredited (NCSC/GPG) to OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE providing secure connection to HSCN government networks from any device or service. HSCN Mobile-tablet-laptop devices, hosted applications and services, can connect securely with government services-networks, such as PSN/FN4G/HSCN/ESN over standard internet/corporate.

  • PSN – Secure Private Cloud Government Gateway - Secure Hosting PSN - Platform FLEX


    FLEX- A fully managed Nine23 owned enterprise infrastructure, PSN gateway service accredited (NCSC/GPG) to OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE providing secure connection to PSN government networks from any device or service. PSN Mobile-tablet-laptop devices, council PSN, hosted applications and services, can connect securely with government services-networks, such as PSN/FN4G/RLI/PNN/PND/HSCN/ESN over standard internet/corporate/PSN-Police connections.

  • RLI/ALI - Secure Government Gateway - Secure Hosting - RLI/ALI - Platform FLEX


    FLEX- A fully managed Nine23 UK-owned enterprise infrastructure, ALI gateway service accredited (NCSC/GPG) to OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE providing secure connection to the Assured LAN interconnect (ALI) network from any device or service. ALI Mobile-tablet-laptop devices, hosted applications and services, can connect securely with government services-networks, such as PSN/FN4G/RLI/PNN/PND/HSCN/ESN over standard internet/corporate/PSN-Police connections.

  • PND Restricted (PND-R) - Secure Government Gateway - PND Service - Platform FLEX


    FLEX- A fully managed Nine23 UK-owned enterprise infrastructure(PASF), PNN-PND Confidential-Restricted gateway service accredited (NCSC/GPG) to OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE providing secure connection to PSN government networks from any device or service. PSN Mobile-tablet-laptop devices, hosted applications and services, can connect securely with government services-networks, such as PSN/FN4G/RLI/PNN/PND/HSCN/ESN/LEDS/LECN over standard internet/SD WAN/corporate/PSN-Police connections.

  • PNN - PND Secure Government Gateway - PNN - PND Service - Platform FLEX


    FLEX- A fully managed Nine23 UK-owned enterprise infrastructure(PASF), PNN-PND Confidential-Restricted gateway service accredited (NCSC/GPG) to OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE providing secure connection to PSN government networks from any device or service. PSN Mobile-tablet-laptop devices, hosted applications and services, can connect securely with government services-networks, such as PSN/FN4G/RLI/PNN/PND/HSCN/ESN/LEDS/LECN over standard internet/SD WAN/corporate/PSN-Police connections.

  • Managed Application Hosting - Secure App Store


    App Store with secure private hosting area OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE to SECRET, for application servers that need to be accessible to government networks and internet-side users alike. Includes performance management and usage statistics, alongside backup and resiliency options, that scale to security and end user volume requirements.