Riskex Ltd
AssessNET's Accident/Incident module will empower you to globally manage Accident and Incidents through our simple to use AssessNET platform. Our Accident/Incident module gives you the ability to document and manage a variety of Accident / Incident categories. The module guides users, records information for incident types with different reporting categories.
Riskex Ltd
AssessNET's Risk Assessment module will empower you to divide your workplace into zones that are assessed quickly and efficiently. Answer generic questions in a Y/N format, identify required remedial actions, assign tasks via Task Manager. Customise assessment templates to fit organisational requirements.
Riskex Ltd
AssessNET's Manual Handling Assessments Module will empower you to identify and manage manual handling risks globally. Complete Manual Handling Risk Assessments and identify and minimise manual handling hazards. Assign corrective actions to ensure legal compliance.
Riskex Ltd
The AssessNET BI data analytics capabilities provide a time-saving way to create real-time visualisations of the metrics and compliance aspects that matter most to your organisation. Available in a choice of subscription packages, we can tailor a solution to align with how you use AssessNET to capture and manage data.
Riskex Ltd
AssessNET's Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Module will empower you to facilitate training and completion of DSE risk assessment for employees and provides managers with completed assessment reviews. Automatically notify DSE users to complete their DSE assessment - email contains a direct link to their own specific DSE completion area.
Riskex Ltd
AssessNET’s entirely unique Asset Management Module helps manage the day-to-day management of both tangible and intangible assets. Register your business assets, log information about supplier, make, model, usage, purchase, worth, condition and location. Protect your investment and aid compliance, by adding maintenance provider details, certifications and planned preventative maintenance schedules.
Riskex Ltd
AssessNET's Method Statements Module will empower you to create templates to define work processes. Method Statement templates can be pre-populated with known information, such as potential hazards associated with a specific working activity that occurs often within your organisation. Set automatic reviews with automated follow-up notifications.
Riskex Ltd
An effective RAMS goes beyond creating the risk assessments and associated method statements related to a job. By drawing compliance information from across AssessNET to create a complete health and safety pack, AssessNET RAMS provides a holistic view of the risks and control measures pertinent to any project or process.
Riskex Ltd
AssessNET's Safety Inspection Module will empower you to record observations made during a Safety Inspection, assign corrective actions to users via Task Manager and schedule follow-ups. Users can complete inspections whilst actively out in the field, ensuring information is captured in real-time.
Riskex Ltd
AssessNET’s Contractor Management Module empowers you to manage organisations and individual compliance. Setup custom compliance templates which can be used against the organisation as a whole or individual contractors to provide an overview of compliance. Review findings and setup re-assessment periods to ensure compliance levels are maintained.
Riskex Ltd
AssessNET’s Lone-working module has been specifically designed to help employers discharge their legal health and safety responsibilities to workers who are working remotely or alone. The check in/check out feature provides a real time view of who is working alone at any given time and place with configurable notifications.
Riskex Ltd
AssessNET's COSHH Assessment & SDS Management Module empowers you to globally manage assessments. Our module gives you the ability to meet obligations for potentially harmful substances including DSEAR. Using the framework of AssessNET’s Risk Assessment module conduct in-depth COSHH-specific assessments, whilst retaining familiarity and ease of use across both modules.
Riskex Ltd
Our Audit module allows you to conduct versatile audits and gain real-time insights into your organisation’s performance. The module identifies issues or non-conformance to ensure corrective actions are put into place before they can have a negative impact. Be proactive with your safety, quality and environmental audits.
Riskex Ltd
AssessNET’s Permit To Work Module will empower you to create bespoke Permit templates and authorisation process. Live permit status dashboards with task management alerts with document record management.
Riskex Ltd
AssessNET's Logbook empowers you to have visibility and control of all Logbook task. Templates are fully customisable, providing questions and enabling users to log associated concerns, as well as triggering notifications when a concern is raised. Data can be extracted to create reports to analyse key concern across your organisation.
Riskex Ltd
AssessNET's Risk Assessment Module will empower you to manage risk effectively, in real-time, giving you visibility across your organisation. Create standardised templates that can be shared and tailored as required by your users, identify hazards, control risks and prompt action.
Riskex Ltd
Create fully-customisable Mental Health Self-Assessments & Workplace Stress Risk Assessments at both Business and Individual Employee levels. Automated Workflows and Wellbeing Risk Ratings allows managers to spot trends, act upon concerns as they arise, enables them to fulfil their Duty of Care obligations to support colleagues mental health & wellbeing.
Riskex Ltd
AssessNET's Hazard Reporting Module empowers you to record and manage Hazards, ideally in conjunction with AssessNET’s Portal module. Users can rapidly enter details of hazards in the workplace, along with photos and videos, alerting the responsible person. Assign remedial actions and track progress directly from the Hazard itself.
Riskex Ltd
AssessNET’s Self-Assessment Module empowers you to manage Self-Assessments globally through our simple to use platform. Our Self-Assessment module gives you the ability to create custom assessments which are specific to your organisation.
Riskex Ltd
AssessNET's Training Management Module will empower you to have instant, real-time access to your company's training information and the ability to search for individuals across your organization who have the relative skills you need. Easily view the status of training across your organization through your training dashboard.