Hosting Services; Fully Supported & Managed
ITS can offer managed hosting services on a number of Public cloud options, including Amazon Web Services (AWS) & Microsoft Azure, amongst others. We also offer managed hosting service options to deliver cloud-based systems and services that meet the UK Government Technology Code of Practice and Digital Service Standard.
- Unified hub significantly simplifies building, deploying, and managing cloud resources
- Grant explicit management and access rights to the subscription
- Combine services to create amazingly powerful applications
- Converting Digital Strategy to action
- Supporting adoption of business and human change
- UK Data centres
- Digital platform development, implementation and support
- Business Case development & Service / Business Benefits realisation
- Fully Service Managed Service & Extensive support options
- Alert notification, view events and audit logs
- Cost effective supported & managed hosting solution
- Free up resources to focus on strategy
- Use only what you need
- Pay for only what you need
- Improve service accessibility
- Modernise or reduce legacy application estates
- Reduce compliance risk
- security certified supported hosting, client configurable, vendor agnostic
£1,050 a unit a day
Service documents
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G-Cloud 14
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Julie McMenemy
Telephone: 02895 929227
- Planning service
- Yes
- How the planning service works
- ITS have specialised resource covering Business Analysis, Technical Architecture, Infrastructure Architecture, Enterprise Architecture and Solutions Architecture. Through use of this resource, ITS can provide appropriate workshops, discovery exercises or non-functional requirements extraction and definition to help buyers determine the cloud hosting or software services that are appropriate to them. These services can be independent of solution purchase or design. Our outputs for buyers included; Requirements definition, Non-Functional Requirements definition and design, Roadmapping, GAP Analysis, Information Architectures, Technical Architectures, Discovery recommendations and justifications. We would look to provide recommendation on the cloud hosting solution and software services required, through these mechanisms.
- Planning service works with specific services
- No
- Training service provided
- Yes
- How the training service works
- ITS provide numerous up skilling and training options including ‘Train the Trainer’ based classroom training and ‘End User’ based classroom training. These include comprehensive user manuals and separate sessions cover administrative and end user usage separately. We also provide Just in Time training via a series of short (1 min) videos which actively show specific features and capability of the solution as and when required by end users. Storage of these videos is within the solution platform itself.
- Training is tied to specific services
- No
Setup and migration
- Setup or migration service available
- Yes
- How the setup or migration service works
- ITS have a defined and demonstrable migration methodology which it applies to any migration requirements. This methodology can be utilised to migrate from onPrem line of business applications or repositories, to cloud based Microsoft SharePoint and Dynamics platforms Or from current cloud repositories and platforms to SharePoint and Dynamics. This methodology is driven by Project management, Business Analyst, Infrastructure and Solutions Architect within ITS. We use a combination of SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services), client side service API or content import via open standards to drive migration.
- Setup or migration service is for specific cloud services
- No
Quality assurance and performance testing
- Quality assurance and performance testing service
- Yes
- How the quality assurance and performance testing works
- All services and solutions delivered by ITS are subject to a QA (Quality Assurance), Performance and security testing. Any customisation or configuration carried out by ITS or its partners is initially subject to ‘Unit testing’ by the appropriate development or configuration team. This tests the specific technical capability of changes made. A formal FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) is then carried out on a dedicated environment and/or tenant. This is subject to and agreed test strategy and test plan detailing all Quality, performance and security testing requirements. It is carried out by automated scripting based on volume where possible, by a dedicated quality assurance team with ITS. It is subject to defined time lines and process in terms of testing and resultant changes and/or fixes. Upon completion a formal UAT (User Acceptance Test) phase is actioned, where the buyer is supplied with our test strategy and plan, from which they can test the service or solution against their functional and non-functional requirements. At this juncture we can also offer penetration testing and load testing on agreed volumes.
Security testing
- Security services
- No
Ongoing support
- Ongoing support service
- Yes
- Types of service supported
- Buyer hosting or software
- Hosting or software provided by your organisation
- Hosting or software provided by a third-party organisation
- How the support service works
We provide a single contact point for all problems, including advice on all aspects of the solution.
Support is requested via a ticketing service, with response and target resolution times, agreed per SLA.
Support is also provided by dedicated Service Managers, where applicable.
Service scope
- Service constraints
- None identified
User support
- Email or online ticketing support
- Email or online ticketing
- Support response times
- ITS’s service levels for incident response and restoration, are defined by Priority Level (P1 – P4) for time taken to provide an automated response (Acknowledge), in-person response (Respond) and Fix / Restore. Standard response times are : P1 – Critical Acknowledge - 30 minutes Response - 1 Hour Target Resolve - 4 Hours P2 – High Acknowledge - 1 Hour Response - 4 Hours Target Resolve - 8 Hours P3 – Medium and P4 – Low response times, are agreed per contract. The response times are applicable during 09:00 – 17:00, Monday to Friday and excludes public holidays and weekends.
- User can manage status and priority of support tickets
- Yes
- Online ticketing support accessibility
- WCAG 2.1 AA or EN 301 549
- Phone support
- Yes
- Phone support availability
- 9 to 5 (UK time), Monday to Friday
- Web chat support
- No
- Support levels
- ITS's service levels for incident response and restoration, are defined by Priority Level (P1 – P4) for time taken to provide an automated response (Acknowledge), in-person response (Respond) and Fix / Restore. ITS's standard response times are as follows: P1 – Critical Acknowledge - 30 minutes Response - 1 Hour Target Resolve - 4 Hours P2 – High Acknowledge - 1 Hour Response - 4 Hours Target Resolve - 8 Hours P3 – Medium and P4 – Low response times, are agreed per contract. The above response times are applicable during 09:00 – 17:00, Monday to Friday and excludes public holidays and weekends. Software Support provided by Online portal available 24 x7. Additional Support & Service Management packages are available, based upon requirements.
- Supplier type
- Not a reseller
Staff security
- Staff security clearance
- Conforms to BS7858:2019
- Government security clearance
- Up to Security Clearance (SC)
Standards and certifications
- ISO/IEC 27001 certification
- Yes
- Who accredited the ISO/IEC 27001
- SGS United Kingdom Ltd
- ISO/IEC 27001 accreditation date
- 16/01/2024
- What the ISO/IEC 27001 doesn’t cover
- Details provided upon request.
- ISO 28000:2007 certification
- No
- CSA STAR certification
- No
- PCI certification
- No
- Cyber essentials
- No
- Cyber essentials plus
- No
- Other security certifications
- Yes
- Any other security certifications
- ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management Systems (QMS)
Social Value
- Social Value
Social Value
- Fighting climate change
- Equal opportunity
- Wellbeing
Fighting climate change
ITS currently has ISO 14001:2015 accreditation and have had so since 2004. As part of achieving this accreditation on a recurring basis, ITS have a living Environment Policy which outlines the environmental and sustainable efficiencies in place and audited within the organisation. These are extensive in nature, but include; 1. Carbon Reduction Plan, 2. Property Rationalisation - The impact of Covid-19 has accelerated the change in working practices with increased remote working. Accordingly, we have reviewed our property footprint and plan to reduce our property square footage in 2024 to recognise our remote working policy and reduce our overarching carbon footprint and energy consumption. 3. Waste Management - At ITS, we are committed to reducing waste to landfill, by refusing, reusing and recycling wherever possible. As an office-based business, our waste is minimal and where it cannot be recycled, it is sent to a waste-to-energy facility. We have reduced single-use plastic from our offices, by providing reusable alternatives to single-use coffee and water cups. 4. Colleague Engagement - A network of Eco Champions drawn from across the business is in place with the objective of raising awareness of environmental issues, encouraging environmentally responsible behaviour and running employee led environmental projects. 5. Environmental Monitoring - The Environmental Oversight Committee is responsible for overseeing the recording of electricity and gas usage. 6. Environmental Legislation - The Environmental Oversight Committee is responsible for the successful establishment and maintenance of the Register of Environmental Legislation. Relevant Environmental Legislation, governing the environmental aspects of the activities, products and services of the company is documented in the register. 7. Identification of new environment aspects - The Environmental Oversight Committee has overall responsibility for the maintenance of the Register of environmental aspects.Equal opportunity
As a business, we are committed to being diverse and inclusive. We focus on understanding, appreciating, and valuing 'difference', both visible and invisible, and recognise the positive impact a diverse workforce can have on our business and our clients and customers. At ITS, we strive to offer a working environment that provides equality and acceptance for all, regardless of age, gender, gender identity, race, national or ethnic origin, religion or belief, language, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and physical ability. The differences our employees bring enrich and enhance our culture, creating one that is open, inclusive, and reflective of the diverse society in which we all live and work. This then enables our people to leverage: • Diverse thinking • Skills • Leadership experience • Working styles. Through our commitment to diversity and inclusion, you will benefit from engaging with a wide range of people at ITS, all with differing backgrounds, skills, and experience. You can be confident that our employees have been selected based on their relevant experience and what they can bring to the relationship. Our diverse workforce and inclusive business environment are underpinned by our global guiding principles, robust policies, clear goals, and appropriate training. We ensure diversity and inclusion is embedded throughout the organisation from the establishment of our Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) team. The Board and Executive Team have endorsed a Diversity and Inclusion Policy and a Strategic Plan which holds clear statements of our values, standards, and the actions we are taking.Wellbeing
Through the ITS People and Culture forum, great focus is placed on employee health and wellbeing. The forum covers the following area, each run by a dedicated sub group:- DISABILITY AND MENTAL HEALTH; The Disability and Mental Health team are very passionate about supporting all our colleagues and ensuring great mental health. Each member of the team is a qualified mental health first aider and available for one-to-one support. PHYSICAL HEALTH; At ITS we know that physical and mental health are equally as important. Our Physical Health champions are always looking for opportunities to bring awareness and arrange activities for colleagues. The aim of the activities are to achieve physical health in a no pressure, supportive environment and on some occasions a little competitiveness! DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION (D&I); The Diversity & Inclusion team champions gender, culture, equality, diversity & inclusion across ITS. The champions embed this within our culture; This is reflected in how we operate and the decisions we make. As advocates of our diversity and inclusion strategy we provide leadership support and raise awareness of the value Diversity & Inclusion brings. CHARITY; At ITS we have annually nominated Charity of the year, as suggested & voted for by our colleagues. Our Charity champions facilitate and arrange activities, which are not only fun, but help raise money for our colleagues chosen good cause. ENVIRONMENT; Our Environment champions are passionate and key to helping us as a society, reduce our negative impact on the environment, but also as a business to meet our company target of reducing carbon and achieving net zero target. SOCIAL; Our Social Champions are key to ensuring a successful work life balance and, as well as promoting colleague relations inside and outside of the workplace, through a fun packed calendar of social events.
- Price
- £1,050 a unit a day
- Discount for educational organisations
- No