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Frazer-Nash Consultancy

Data Analytics and AI

We bring together a range of advanced data analytics and data science capabilities to deliver insights for new, uncertain, complex or ambiguous challenges. Techniques such as probabilistic forecasting, agent-based modelling, statistical analysis, AI, machine-learning, simulation and visualisation to help you make evidenced-based decisions from the available data and expert knowledge.


  • Obtaining data insights using classical or Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods
  • Identifying whether the data contains the required insights
  • Understanding the driving factors which define system state
  • Understanding why the system is in the current state
  • Understanding the fluctuations or variations in state
  • Understanding the uncertainty in the required insights


  • Identification of required insight
  • Determining whether the data can provide the insight
  • Insights can provide understanding system state
  • Insights can give understanding of the causal factors defining state
  • Can provide determined confidence in insights
  • A means to combine data with other sources of information


£335 to £1,835 a unit a day

Service documents

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Frazer-Nash Consultancy Andy Spears / Vicky Hannigan
Telephone: 01925404000


Planning service
How the planning service works
We work with our clients to plan services that add true value to their business, by ensuring their requirements are met. This requires a wider understanding of the problem, the ability to tailor services, which ultimately focuses effort to where it is most needed.
Planning service works with specific services


Training service provided
How the training service works
We have a fully in house training team, with a wealth of experience of producing training material and delivering training courses in a range of markets. This starts by truly understanding the situation to develop training which is comprehensive but proportionate.
Training is tied to specific services

Setup and migration

Setup or migration service available

Quality assurance and performance testing

Quality assurance and performance testing service

Security testing

Security services
Security services type
  • Security strategy
  • Security risk management
  • Security design
  • Cyber security consultancy
  • Security audit services

Ongoing support

Ongoing support service
Types of service supported
Hosting or software provided by a third-party organisation
How the support service works
We are able to provide all our customers with post delivery support, which is tailored to their needs. This may include assistance interpreting deliverables, or support in implementing changes. For instance we have integrated people within organisations to help them achieve permanent organisational change.

Service scope

Service constraints
We will always ensure our services remain safe, legal, ethical, and within our competencies - however we have no other specific service constraints.

User support

Email or online ticketing support
Email or online ticketing
Support response times
Our support times can be tailored to be appropriate for a particular customer. We are willing to support our customers whenever possible, including outside working hours by arrangement.
User can manage status and priority of support tickets
Phone support
Phone support availability
9 to 5 (UK time), Monday to Friday
Web chat support
Support levels
Our support is tailored to the customer's needs. Calls will be redirected as needed, with reach back to a wide range of specialists, thereby providing first, second and third line support. This can include on-site support as needed, within and outside business hours on arrangement.


Supplier type
Not a reseller

Staff security

Staff security clearance
Conforms to BS7858:2019
Government security clearance
Up to Developed Vetting (DV)

Standards and certifications

ISO/IEC 27001 certification
Who accredited the ISO/IEC 27001
Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance Limited
ISO/IEC 27001 accreditation date
What the ISO/IEC 27001 doesn’t cover
There are no exclusions
ISO 28000:2007 certification
CSA STAR certification
PCI certification
Cyber essentials
Cyber essentials plus
Other security certifications

Social Value

Fighting climate change

Fighting climate change

How we will reduce environmental impacts. Our business is ISO14001 accredited, in addition we have recently produced and published our Carbon Reduction Plan which underpins our commitment to achieve Net Zero by 2050. This runs in tandem to our existing commitment to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) which we signed up to in February 2021. Throughout contract delivery our objectives are:

• To raise awareness on environmental issues internally and work to reduce our carbon footprint by considering environmental impacts in all we do.
• To comply with the law, relevant standards, client requirements and best practice to minimise our environmental impacts as far as reasonably practical.
• To ensure our EMS is continually improved and meets and exceeds stakeholder expectations.
• To provide processes, training and mentoring (where needed) to enable the technical delivery of solutions to our clients with minimal environmental impacts.
Covid-19 recovery

Covid-19 recovery

Creating employment, re-training and return to work opportunities for those left unemployed by COVID-19 (MAC 1.1).
Throughout the global pandemic we have continued to offer employment opportunities to both graduates and to those whose livelihoods have been affected by COVID and who wish to work in the engineering and technology sector. Over the course of the last year, we recruited 177 (Jan - Dec 21) individuals, of whom 45 were graduates. We expect to recruit a further 200 full time staff over the course of this FY (143 perm / 168 including placements already accepted and due to start) with a target of 51 graduates, 16 summer students and 9 year in industry placements.

Supporting organisations and businesses to manage and recover from the impacts of COVID-19 (MAC 1.2).
Under the ‘Business Heroes’ scheme, we are one of three companies sponsoring membership of Devon & Plymouth Chamber of Commerce. Through this scheme we fund the membership of Social Enterprises operating to the benefit of communities right across the county of Devon.

Improving workplace conditions that support the COVID-19 recovery effort (MAC 1.5)
In response to Covid-19, our business moved swiftly to remote working, providing industry-leading tools to aid communication and collaboration during this period. We continue to engage with colleagues at all levels of the business through both informal channels like team meetings and more formal mechanisms such as employee surveys in order to gauge what support is needed to create a safe and enjoyable workplace that is sustainable and will support the COVID-19 recovery effort.
Tackling economic inequality

Tackling economic inequality

Create diverse supply chains (MAC 3.1)
We believe diverse supply chains hold the key, not only to promoting innovation and value, but also flexibility and resilience within our supply chain. A significant number of our approved suppliers are SMEs. As the Prime Contractor for the MoD’s ‘Serapis’ Lot 6 we have helped Dstl reach new suppliers, small and medium-sized enterprises and academia.

Support to innovation and disruptive technologies (MAC 3.2)
We have extensive experience of supporting innovation in our supply chain and pride ourselves on our track record of collaboration with SMEs and Academia, working at the cutting edge of technology.
As a supplier to the Government Office for Science’s ‘Futures Framework’ we regularly collaborate with academia and SMEs to help public sector clients identify and capitalise upon opportunities presented by innovative and disruptive technology.

Identify and manage cyber security risks in the delivery of the contract and the supply chain (MAC 3.5)
We are a Cyber Essentials Plus (CE+) accredited organisation; we actively work with our suppliers to ensure they either have, or are working towards, CE as a minimum. Currently 50% of our Supply Chain hold a valid CE certificate. For those suppliers who don't hold CE, we offer advice and support to help them build cyber resilience into their business.

Our team of over 60 dedicate Cyber and Security professionals can help you understand, mitigate and manage potential cyber risks associated with this contract and to drive cyber resilience in your supply chain.

On behalf of Dstl, we undertook an extensive research study on improving the resilience of organisations to cyber-attacks from a people and process perspective. We would be delighted to share the findings and the resultant ‘PREPARE’ model with you and your wider Supply Chain in raise Cyber Awareness throughout the duration of this contract.
Equal opportunity

Equal opportunity

We conduct regular Equality & Diversity surveys of our organisation to understand exactly how we are doing against our diversity targets. Alongside this, through our Health and Safety processes, we conduct an annual survey of our staff to understand any challenges they might be facing and what changes we can make to our infrastructure, processes and tools that will ensure an inclusive and accessible working environment for all our employees. To deliver on out commitment to Equal Opportunity we offer:
• Inclusive and Accessible recruitment. All our recruitment literature carries a clear pledge to adapt any part of our process as necessary to ensure that our recruitment and retention practices are inclusive, accessible and meet the needs of those with a disability.
• Working conditions that promotes retention and progression. We are a ‘Time to Change’ employer, committed to treating physical and mental illness on an equal footing. We use a professional Occupational Health provider to advise us on adaptations we can make to our business to meet the needs of colleagues with disabilities. We also support our staff through corporate membership of a private healthcare scheme in recognition of the fact that most disabilities are acquired through an individual’s working life.
• Equal Pay and Progression. Our HR team conduct regular equal pay audits and review promotion across the business unit to ensure we are meeting our commitment to equal pay and progression.
• In-work progression and the development of skills – To support the development of digital skills in our business, we have committed to an investment of £1.5m over the course of this Financial Year. For staff members with disabilities, we will engage specialist service providers to tailor the learning package to the specific needs of that individual’s disabilities.


Support health and wellbeing in the workforce (MAC 7.1)
We are committed to supporting the wellbeing of our staff. In addition to the private healthcare cover available to all our employees (and their dependents if they so choose) we are signatories to the Time to Change Pledge which demonstrates our commitment to mental health.

We are rolling out mental health awareness and training across the business. We have also put in place a number of mental health ‘champions’ to provide a network of support available to all. As a result, we are better able to monitor our staff wellbeing and have seen minimal disruption to our ability to deliver our projects.

Our wellbeing strategy focuses on 5 pillars of wellbeing:

• Physical - Making healthy lifestyle choices that help you have the energy for work and life.
• Financial - Knowing when your money is coming in and going out and being prepared for current and future financial obligations.
• Emotional - Coping with normal stresses, handling life’s ups and downs and realising your potential. Additionally, as a ‘Time to Change’ employer we treat mental and physical health issues with parity, actively supporting and engaging in discussions around mental health.
• Social - Engaging in meaningful relationships and connections with individuals and the community.
• Personal - Having a sense of accomplishment and achievement in your home and work life


£335 to £1,835 a unit a day
Discount for educational organisations

Service documents

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If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need versions of these documents in a more accessible format, email the supplier at Tell them what format you need. It will help if you say what assistive technology you use.