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Business Requirements Gathering

Business requirement gathering identifies your business, customers, processes, digital assets and goals. We’ll conduct interviews and workshops with key stakeholders to get to grips with your organisation, the needs and requirements of your team and your users. We bring together this knowledge to deliver a precise plan and vision.


  • Depth interviews and focus groups
  • Co-design workshops
  • Brainstorming
  • Storyboarding
  • Facilitation of workshop/one-on-one interviews
  • Identification and prioritisation of requirements and goals
  • Analysing and interpreting existing systems, processes and data
  • Stakeholder and user needs analysis
  • CIVIC will design, facilitate, analyse and report the results


  • Establish project goals and objectives early
  • Precisely define requirements to meet a specific business objective
  • Prioritise product and project features
  • Everyone involved to agree on deliverables
  • Gain early stakeholder support and buy-in
  • Bring clarity and ownership, a shared goal
  • Opportunity to generate real improvements to a business
  • Delivery of an agreed, precise plan and vision


£560 a person a day

Service documents

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If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need versions of these documents in a more accessible format, email the supplier at Tell them what format you need. It will help if you say what assistive technology you use.


G-Cloud 13

Service ID

4 3 4 1 1 0 6 3 0 1 9 5 8 6 1


CIVIC Greg Rouchotas
Telephone: 0131 624 9830


Planning service
How the planning service works
CIVIC are unique in that we offer Research, Design, Build, Development, Hosting and Support services; meaning we can take you from initial concept discovery through to development, launch and beyond. We believe in a user-centric approach that puts the needs of your users at the heart of our process, striving for a perfect balance between functionality, visual design and usability.

We strongly believe the key to a successful project is working collaboratively with our clients. We will help you plan how to implement the most suitable services based on your, and your users, needs, ensuring we deliver a cost effective, future-proof approach to meet your needs.

Part of this partnership is understanding the best approach to communicating our findings and outputs. We work with our clients to find out the best format for deliverables, to ensure results are digestible and actionable.

Each project is supported by a dedicated project manager who will ensure your project runs successfully. Using our ISO9001 accredited Account Management methodology and support mechanism, we have a track record of continuous improvement and delivery. As standard, we follow and adopt the Government Design Standards, Service Manual and Technology Code of Practice.
Planning service works with specific services


Training service provided
How the training service works
CIVIC believe in collaboration which encourages the sharing of knowledge between our team and our clients. We can help up-skill your team/department through the creation of bespoke training packages. We will work with you to define what is needed and for which audience, ensuring that our training suits the needs and level of knowledge. From Accessibility for developers through to building a user-centric philosophy throughout the company, we can help build a package that best meets your needs.
Training is tied to specific services

Setup and migration

Setup or migration service available
How the setup or migration service works
We have been supporting public sector clients in migrating services for nearly two decades, be that between cloud-based solutions or existing legacy systems. We’ll work with you to understand your needs and requirements, combined with the outputs of user and technical research, to provide a solution that works best for you.

As part of our migration process we delve into your infrastructure and understand the complete setup as well as your business processes and requirements. This puts us in a position to make recommendations on how the migration process should be mapped out taking into account availability and business critical requirements. We will then support you through the entire process, working together to deliver your requirements at each stage, communicating regularly/openly via stand-ups, project meetings and open-collaboration.
Setup or migration service is for specific cloud services

Quality assurance and performance testing

Quality assurance and performance testing service
How the quality assurance and performance testing works
CIVIC are ISO 27001/ISO 9001 accredited, our user research follows the Market Research Society and Ethics standards, and all our data is GDPR compliant.

We employ a range of industry standard performance and security tools to ensure the quality and performance of all our services.
These tools are employed to test all aspects of the service prior to delivery. Additionally, we test compatibility with a range of devices and browsers as well as with WCAG 2.1 AA standards. Our hosting platform is ISO27001 accredited.

We use real-time Project Management systems to track project progress/collaborate with our clients. Issue Tracking Systems (Jira, Bugzilla) track the progress of individual tasks, or “sprints”, given we favour an Agile development methodology. Our issue tracking systems are also integrated with our CRM, allowing Account Managers to have a complete overview of project progress, constantly monitoring staff resources to ensure that their utilisation never goes beyond 80%. These systems are made available to clients, allowing them to retrieve up-to-date information about their projects, at any given time. We encourage regular and open communication with our clients via stand-ups, project meetings and open-collaboration.

Security testing

Security services
Security services type
  • Security strategy
  • Security risk management
  • Security design
  • Cyber security consultancy
  • Security testing
  • Security incident management
  • Security audit services
Certified security testers

Ongoing support

Ongoing support service
Types of service supported
  • Buyer hosting or software
  • Hosting or software provided by your organisation
  • Hosting or software provided by a third-party organisation
How the support service works
We offer a full service helpdesk which follows our ISO 27001 for security processes and ISO 9001 for quality assurance.

Service scope

Service constraints
There are no constrains to the service.

User support

Email or online ticketing support
Email or online ticketing
Support response times
For critical issues we respond within 0.5 hours. Exact response timescales are outlined in out service definition document.
User can manage status and priority of support tickets
Online ticketing support accessibility
WCAG 2.1 AA or EN 301 549
Phone support
Phone support availability
9 to 5 (UK time), Monday to Friday
Web chat support
Web chat
Web chat support availability
9 to 5 (UK time), Monday to Friday
Web chat support accessibility standard
WCAG 2.1 AA or EN 301 549
Web chat accessibility testing
We have done some testing to assistive technologies.
Support levels
We provide a technical account manager and a cloud support engineer.
Our costs are outlined in the pricing document


Supplier type
Not a reseller

Staff security

Staff security clearance
Other security clearance
Government security clearance
Up to Developed Vetting (DV)

Standards and certifications

ISO/IEC 27001 certification
Who accredited the ISO/IEC 27001
QMS International
ISO/IEC 27001 accreditation date
What the ISO/IEC 27001 doesn’t cover
ISO 28000:2007 certification
CSA STAR certification
PCI certification
Cyber essentials
Cyber essentials plus
Other security certifications

Social Value

Fighting climate change

Fighting climate change

With the understanding that Climate change is one of the largest risks to the world future, CIVIC has taken positive actions that will help to reduce its impact it has on the climate. These steps include:
- Using suppliers with sound environmental polices.
- Purchasing equipment that has the best possible energy rating
- Increased use of virtualisation and cloud software to reduce the energy demands
- Increased use of remote conferences, reducing the impact of travel
- When travel is required, the focus is on transporting staff on public transport.
- The use of natural light within the office and fitting of energy-efficient lights
- Look to implement 100% recycling
- Recycle or donate all electronics
- The majority of staff now work virtually, further reducing travel
- One of our Board members has been involved in mentoring a team in the Fuel Change Challenge and continues to offer support.
Covid-19 recovery

Covid-19 recovery

The effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic has impacted us all and CIVIC has looked at ways to support our staff, customer, suppliers and our local communities that include.
- Recruiting people with a focus on further training, allowing people who have lost jobs in other industries an opportunity to retrain
- Supporting our staff with their recovery and allowing changes in their working environments/relationships that allow them to support their family and communities
- Allowing customers flexibility in contract terms, so that they can continue in business and finding other ways to support them
- Implemented a flexible working plan, where people can be onsite or offsite, depending on their comfort level
- Improved space and working environment for each staff member
- Giving staff the time, space and support to discuss how they are feeling and to provide support, where necessary
Tackling economic inequality

Tackling economic inequality

CIVIC undertakes the following actions to tackle Economic equality
- Support startups and small business with mentoring
- Encourage and support in undergoing further education
- Recruiting people with a focus on further training, allowing people who have lost jobs in other industries an opportunity to retrain
- Staff have developed and supported CPD objectives that allow them to develop and increase their opportunities
- Embrace and support emergent technology in our supply chain to provide growth and leverage the opportunities
- Actively engage our supply chain in the bidding process and support them in achieving the levels needed to deliver the service
- Work with suppliers and staff to improve their resilience, both financially and logistically (examples of this have been helping with improving remote working)
Equal opportunity

Equal opportunity

CIVIC actively works towards equality in the following ways:
- We have worked with our Neurodiversity staff to make the environment pleasant and made sure they that have any tools and support that is required
- Training is available to any staff member who is interested and is discussed during the hiring process to make sure that people have the support to improve
- Our staff support several charities that focus on inclusion for disabled people, and this behaviour is encouraged.
- We support our staff who decide to undertake further education, making sure that they have the time and flexibility to both work and study. This support is also in most cases financial
- We deliver training on modern slavery to our staff at the regular all-staff meetings and have appointed Directors for them to flag any concern that they have about CIVIC, our suppliers, or customers
- Likewise, we do not discriminate on any perceived groupings such as race, sex, background when hiring or promoting staff and this can be seen by the naturally occurring diversity within our staff, the management team and Board
- We have regular staff assessments, which include pay and mobility that we oversee to make sure of equality.


The wellbeing of our staff and wider working environment is critical to our activities:
- Our staff have designated individuals to raise any concerns to that are not part of their normal management structure
- With our staff who may require support, an assessment of the possible support and a discussion on what is practical is undertaken, at which point a Board member is made responsible for the followup
- Our office and working environments are audited to make sure Ca they are safe
- Staff are made aware of mental heath through discussion and training and we endeavour to offer support to any member of staff that needs support
- We encourage staff to engage with the community, an example is the support of the openuk inclusivity agenda for open-source in the UK


£560 a person a day
Discount for educational organisations

Service documents

Request an accessible format
If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need versions of these documents in a more accessible format, email the supplier at Tell them what format you need. It will help if you say what assistive technology you use.