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Zoonou Limited

API Testing

Zoonou carries out Functional, Reliability, Performance and Security testing for SOAP, REST, XML and JSON APIs. We can automate API testing for pipeline integration with a CI/CD framework. We use popular and open source tools to test, such as Postman, with results sent directly to the product team for action.


  • Testing of API endpoints at the business logic service layer.
  • Run automated API tests much faster than UI tests.
  • Open source and common tools such as SoapUI and Postman.
  • Integration with CI/CD working practices or standalone delivery.
  • Works as part of a test driven approach to development.
  • Load test APIs to simulate production traffic using Apache JMeter.
  • Check security vulnerability of APIs, using PortSwigger Burp Suite.
  • SOAP, RESTful, XML and JSON APIs can be tested.
  • A beneficial approach to integration, regression and agile testing.
  • Fully detailed reports provided with remediation action detailed.


  • Service layer API tests allow quicker response to issues.
  • Test a range of aspects in addition to functionality.
  • Low cost to maintain.
  • Integrate with unit tests as part of a test pipeline.
  • Quicker responses to issues and errors.
  • Test earlier without interface.
  • Achieve higher test coverage of your cloud-based application.
  • Less stress on product team.
  • Delivered alongside a wider QA and software testing strategy.
  • Compatible with an automated test framework.


£420 a unit a day

Service documents

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G-Cloud 13

Service ID

4 5 0 8 6 0 4 0 6 6 6 9 3 9 4


Zoonou Limited Rhodri Alexander
Telephone: +44 (0)1323 433700


Planning service
How the planning service works
Zoonou provides a test advisory service to determine the QA requirements of any cloud project or programme of work and will advise on strategy, recommended QA processes, test approaches, tools and environments. Zoonou conducts test planning activities for cloud hosting and software services, including test case design, high level test plans, the generation of test scripts in line with business requirements, the creation of test data and user requirements. Together with any approved documentation such as technical / functional specifications, user/business requirements, UX, designs and wireframes, Zoonou will develop test planning to support any cloud activities.
Planning service works with specific services


Training service provided
How the training service works
Accessibility Training. Interactive Accessibility workshops providing an overview on essential topics, enabling participants to understand more about web accessibility and how it can improve the digital experience of their cloud and software products. Topics include challenges and barriers met by disabled people, developing accessibility as part of your business, legal requirements, familiarity with assistive tools, as well as practical tips, guidance and best practice.
Training is tied to specific services

Setup and migration

Setup or migration service available
How the setup or migration service works
Zoonou can provide test strategy, planning, test execution and reporting for the migration of applications and services to the cloud or between cloud services. Testing ensures that systems have been migrated correctly and that they function and perform consistently with the legacy system. Testing often focuses on data migration, where checks are carried out to verify that data has been transferred to the new system without error. Migration testing combines different testing techniques as well as the creation of test data.
Setup or migration service is for specific cloud services

Quality assurance and performance testing

Quality assurance and performance testing service
How the quality assurance and performance testing works
Zoonou specialises in testing and quality assurance services and is able to provide a full range of end-to-end test solutions across the lifecycle of a development project or programme. Our test consultancy service determines the strategy and requirements of any application under test, as well as providing QA processes, test execution, tools and reporting. Test design, scripting and documentation focuses the test effort to achieve coverage that is traceable, measurable and repeatable. We offer consultancy, manual and automated testing as well as compatibility testing. Additionally, we offer CREST accredited Security testing, Accessibility WCAG compliance audits and User testing.

For Performance Testing, our in-house Load testing team uses industry standard tools and techniques, to ensure that the limits and stresses of a product are understood and perform well at launch. We also offer Application Performance Monitoring to provide a long term assessment and reporting of application KPIs in a live environment.

Security testing

Security services
Security services type
  • Security strategy
  • Security risk management
  • Security design
  • Cyber security consultancy
  • Security testing
  • Security incident management
  • Security audit services
  • Other
Other security services
  • Web Application and Website Penetration Testing
  • Mobile Application Penetration Testing
  • Vulnerability Assessments and Scanning
Certified security testers
Security testing certifications
  • Other
Other security testing certifications
  • CAST (Certified Application Security Tester)
  • CSTP (Certified Security Testing Professional)

Ongoing support

Ongoing support service
Types of service supported
  • Buyer hosting or software
  • Hosting or software provided by a third-party organisation
How the support service works
Zoonou provides ongoing test support for software and cloud services that are subject to regular updates, new features and improvements. Testing can be performed in agile/iterative cycles, or in ad hoc stages in line with major releases.

Service scope

Service constraints

User support

Email or online ticketing support
Phone support
Web chat support
Support levels
The Zoonou team allocated to a test and QA project is available for contact via multiple means, including telephone and email for support throughout the duration of our service Monday-Friday 9am-5.30pm (UK time).


Supplier type
Not a reseller

Staff security

Staff security clearance
Conforms to BS7858:2019
Government security clearance
Up to Security Clearance (SC)

Standards and certifications

ISO/IEC 27001 certification
Who accredited the ISO/IEC 27001
Alcumus ISOQAR
ISO/IEC 27001 accreditation date
What the ISO/IEC 27001 doesn’t cover
ISO 28000:2007 certification
CSA STAR certification
PCI certification
Cyber essentials
Cyber essentials plus
Other security certifications

Social Value

Fighting climate change

Fighting climate change

Zoonou operates an Energy, Environmental & Sustainability Policy within our team. Over the last 2 years, Zoonou has rolled out a Remote Working first approach, with all team members working predominantly from home. This has now been adopted as our long term strategy. This means there are no commuting demands put on our employees reducing the use of cars and other forms of energy consuming transport. Client meetings are also carried out remotely via video calls, unless an onsite meeting is absoltuely necessary. As a software testing company, we are a low waste business, with no manufacturing or other forms of physical waste created from our activities. We operate a paperless office, and restrict printing and other paper based artifacts. All work is carried out using cloud-based applications accessible from anywhere in the world. Training materials are predmomiantly online through the use of eLearning and LMS courses. We promote environmental awareness and best practice within our team, including recycling points throughout our office, and a policy to turn off all machinery including servers and PC equipment when not in use. If travel is required, we support our team using green transport through our Cycle to Work Scheme. Cycle to Work allows team members to purchase a bicycle at reduced cost through the salary sacrifice scheme. We have a very small supply chain, but we always aim to use suppliers that also meet our standards on energy use and environmental issues.
Covid-19 recovery

Covid-19 recovery

With the outbreak of COVID-19, Zoonou immediately and efficiently adopted remote working to enable continued full time employment for all our team members. As a cloud-based business, team members can work from home with no interruption or disruption and no impact on their day-to-day work. This remote working policy is now our long term strategy for business growth. This continued home working provides opportunities to people still at higher risk of COVID-19 symptoms, particularly for those who may be shielding. There were no people furloughed or made redundant at Zoonou throughout the pandemic. As part of the work we do in the public sector, we supported public health applications providing data and guidance to the public on COVID-19 spread and impact. Zoonou's services directly support and enable Digital Transformation within the clients we work for, helping them to adopt cloud-first technology for more flexible working. Zoonou has continued a strong presence throughout the pandemic, growing our team and offering employment and retraining opportunities for people who may have been left unemployed. We employ entry level junior positions providing training and industry experience opportunities as well as more senior experienced hires. Remote client meetings are encouraged to continue to prevent COVID-19 spread as much as possible. Where staff are required in our office, we have applied all government recommended social distancing and safety recommendations and will continue to follow all guidance and laws. Knowing that the pandemic had a significant impact on many people, our Employee Assistance Programme is available, free to access for all team members. The Programme provides support for any issues people may be facing in or outside of work including health, stress, depression, legal concerns, coping with change, financial problems etc. Support can be accessed via phone, online chat or video call.
Tackling economic inequality

Tackling economic inequality

Zoonou understands how important equality is to the public sector. Zoonou aligns with these values and will demonstrate our commitment to these goals as part of any G-Cloud contract. Roughly 50% of all Zoonou employees are non-graduates that receive a programme of training, practical experience and then sit the industry recognised ISTQB exam before taking up permanent employment. We employ locally in East Sussex, including disadvantaged people from economically underprivileged areas, such as deprived coastal towns including Hastings, who may face barriers to digital sector jobs such as not having a university degree. We provide training and industry certification for those new to the high growth IT sector. Training for ISTQB and other industry recognised accreditation is provided for all employees, with a continued programme of training and development throughout. Our team members experience high profile projects and training with popular industry recognised tools that would otherwise be difficult for them to access. Our management team provide Professional Development Plans for all team members, with defined training opportunities. The plans are comprised of 10% learning and study, 20% mentoring and support, 70% opportunity to practice and develop skills in the workplace. At least 1 training day per month is made available to team members. Our remote working policy helps those who may face challenges to get to an office location due to economic constraints. Zoonou is also a key member of TechResort, a local Community Interest Company that helps to develop digital skills across schools, colleges and the wider community. We've also taken part in several Creative Café events in which we engage directly with school children from the local area to provide them with interesting and interactive first hand experience of what it's like working in our industry.
Equal opportunity

Equal opportunity

Through our range of accessibility services, we work closely with charities such as RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People) to help the organisations we work with to consider the needs of people with disabilities and impairments. As part of this, we regularly carry out financially incentivised user testing with people with visual, hearing and cognitive impairments. Zoonou operates an Equal Opportunities Policy. We are committed to this policy of treating all employees, workers and job applicants equally. No employee or potential employee will receive less favourable treatment because of any 'protected characteristic', namely: Age (or perceived age); Disability (past or present); Gender reassignment; Marriage or civil partnership status; Race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins; Religion or belief; Sex; Sexual orientation; Maternity, pregnancy or family leave; Trade union membership (or non-membership); and Part-time or fixed term status. These principles of equality of opportunity and non-discrimination also apply to the manner in which our staff treat clients, customers, our business partners and visitors. We employ locally in East Sussex in economically deprived areas and coastal towns such as Hastings, provide training and industry certification for those new to the high growth IT sector, and who may not otherwise have access to such opportunities. Training for ISTQB and other industry recognised accreditation is provided for all employees, no matter of background or prior experience. All employees have defined career paths and training as part of their Professional Development Plan coordinated by their line manager. Remote working helps those who may face challenges to get to an office location, such as cost of travel or lack of accessible travel routes. Zoonou has a defined modern slavery policy, to ensure that there is no modern-day slavery, forced/child labour or human trafficking within our business or that of our suppliers.


Zoonou has an Employee Support Programme available for free to all members of our team. The Programme provides support for any issues people may be facing in or outside of work including stress, depression, marriage and relationship issues, legal concerns, coping with change, parenting issues, financial problems etc.
Support can be accessed via phone, online chat or video call. We encourage a positive life/work balance. Our remote first working approach allows flexibility. Individuals can work in an environment they find most comfortable and productive be that in our office or from home. We stay connected through a combination of online platforms and various organised in person social events throughout the year.
Access to our offices is there if it’s needed; providing a space to meet in person and develop team bonds. Every team in the company has a budget per head to invest in team building activities and social events outside of work. This can be used to celebrate team success or to bring teams closer together. We provide enhanced maternity and paternity pay to employees to help our team members who are taking time off work to grow their family. We support our team to keep active through our Cycle to Work Scheme. Cycle to Work allows team members to purchase a bicycle at reduced cost through the salary sacrifice scheme.


£420 a unit a day
Discount for educational organisations

Service documents

Request an accessible format
If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need versions of these documents in a more accessible format, email the supplier at Tell them what format you need. It will help if you say what assistive technology you use.