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Electronic signatures, Electronic documents

Using distributed ledger technology allowing you to deliver confidential regulated documents to your customers digitally. We simplify your outbound mail via Cloud service or on-premise software that enables lower cost print and mail, and one platform to transform your printed output to digital, enabling electronic communications for your service users


  • Digital transformation
  • Digital transformation
  • Data Management
  • Data compliance
  • Software development and maintenance
  • Immediate cost savings
  • Track and trace of outbound mail
  • Reduction of back office staff handling mail
  • Ability to send outbound mail electronically


  • Remove Paper work
  • Cost saving -
  • Supports large mailpacks with multiple inserts
  • Detailed management information
  • Customised software solutions development
  • Software as a service SaaS project development
  • Secure Cloud service or on-premise software hosting


£500 to £30,000 a licence a month

  • Education pricing available
  • Free trial available

Service documents

Request an accessible format
If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need versions of these documents in a more accessible format, email the supplier at Tell them what format you need. It will help if you say what assistive technology you use.


G-Cloud 13

Service ID

4 9 2 2 5 7 3 7 6 0 2 0 6 0 8


Telephone: 07983365025

Service scope

Software add-on or extension
Cloud deployment model
  • Public cloud
  • Private cloud
  • Hybrid cloud
Service constraints
System requirements
Latest Internet Browser Installed

User support

Email or online ticketing support
Email or online ticketing
Support response times
Email and ticket response support is provided by our back-office tech team, supervised by a dedicated CEO who also oversees the quality measures and performance levels associated with our target response times. Our aim is to respond to all questions sent by email within 2 hours - 9am-5pm,On weekends we will respond to queries within 4 hours. Emergency and Out of Office support is also provided via email/ticket and mobile phone to enable 24/7 instant priority emergency support.
User can manage status and priority of support tickets
Phone support
Phone support availability
9 to 5 (UK time), Monday to Friday
Web chat support
Onsite support
Onsite support
Support levels
Level 1 Support – delivers basic help desk resolutions, dealt with through support which is provided at no cost when applied within an agreed work support package. Level 2 Support - delivering more in-depth product and service support through a dedicated team. Rates outside of agreed support packages are £ .................per hour. Level 3 Support – delivering on-site support provided by a technical engineer - subject to advance arrangements or a standard hourly rate of £ per hour. Support responses are electronically monitored to enable precise reporting and auditing of response time performance and are supported by a technical account manager who is equipped with full knowledge of any contract requirements, specifications and service level agreement.
Support available to third parties

Onboarding and offboarding

Getting started
Both on-boarding and off-boarding are fully supported by our Head of Sales, who provides a point of contact for the customer throughout the entire service delivery.

Our streamlined process for standard setup of a server means that you can be up and running quickly and easily.
The standard service can be provisioned within one week from point of order. However, if you have more complex requirements such as migrating an existing system or Server to our platform, our experienced and helpful engineers can be made available for you.
A range of bolt-ons and enhanced services are available; the Head of Sales assists the customer in identifying what is appropriate for their needs and works with the in-house team to ensure that any custom requirements and enhancements to the standard service are put in place.
The Head of Sales is supported by an in-house team comprising: Board level sponsor (i.e. company director)
Service documentation
Documentation formats
End-of-contract data extraction
Included in the monthly service fee is one single extraction of the users data if requested when the contract ends. If not we will delete the data in accordance with our data privacy policy.
End-of-contract process
This service provides the reassurance of no supplier tie-in and an off-boarding process that is quick and hassle-free.
In order to simply and quickly exit your service please notify your designated account manager. We will respond to your request within 2 hours.
All consumer generated data will be returned during the off-boarding process.Flexible options are available for handing over the export to the client, dependent upon client preferences (Client transfers transfers via appropriate medium/channel).

Using the service

Web browser interface
Supported browsers
  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Opera
Application to install
Designed for use on mobile devices
Service interface
User support accessibility
Description of service interface
Accessed via a web browser to our secure ISO27001 accredited and GDPR compliant cloud service.
Accessibility standards
Accessibility testing
No known
What users can and can't do using the API
All services are accessible via a secure API, where applicable, which can be tailored to suit your specific requirements.
API documentation
API documentation formats
  • Open API (also known as Swagger)
  • HTML
  • ODF
  • PDF
  • Other
API sandbox or test environment
Customisation available


Independence of resources
Alt/Ave has in place capacity management facilities. The service is hosted in the cloud where there is flexibility, We have dedicated server on hedera Hashgraph
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Users will not see any slow down on the platform or system if the usage demand increases or a continuous high bandwith to the site.


Service usage metrics
Metrics types
Full reporting engine on end user devices, by user, device, group, location. Full reports on security activity by threat, location, type.
Reporting types
Real-time dashboards


Supplier type
Not a reseller

Staff security

Staff security clearance
Conforms to BS7858:2019
Government security clearance
Up to Security Clearance (SC)

Asset protection

Knowledge of data storage and processing locations
Data storage and processing locations
United Kingdom
User control over data storage and processing locations
Datacentre security standards
Complies with a recognised standard (for example CSA CCM version 3.0)
Penetration testing frequency
At least once a year
Penetration testing approach
‘IT Health Check’ performed by a CHECK service provider
Protecting data at rest
Encryption of all physical media
Data sanitisation process
Data sanitisation type
Deleted data can’t be directly accessed
Equipment disposal approach
Complying with a recognised standard, for example CSA CCM v.30, CAS (Sanitisation) or ISO/IEC 27001

Data importing and exporting

Data export approach
Users can log onto the platform and extract their live data in a pre set excel from various parts of the platform.

If the user is looking for a more extensive download, they are able to customise their own download section and run the report when they require.
Data export formats
Data import formats

Data-in-transit protection

Data protection between buyer and supplier networks
TLS (version 1.2 or above)
Data protection within supplier network
  • TLS (version 1.2 or above)
  • IPsec or TLS VPN gateway

Availability and resilience

Guaranteed availability
Alt/Ave uses data centre( Hedera Hashgraph) setup, with backup and redundancy availability. At present we have 100% uptime on the current server
Approach to resilience
Available on request
Outage reporting
Email alerts to registered users for planned ouotage

Identity and authentication

User authentication needed
User authentication
  • 2-factor authentication
  • Username or password
Access restrictions in management interfaces and support channels
User defined access restricts the ability to see certain parts of the platform and software. We have 5 levels of access for Security Vetting software and 2 types for DBS software.

The system defines what access you have and what parts of the platform you are able to see/view.
Access restriction testing frequency
At least once a year
Management access authentication
  • 2-factor authentication
  • Public key authentication (including by TLS client certificate)
  • Username or password

Audit information for users

Access to user activity audit information
Users have access to real-time audit information
How long user audit data is stored for
Access to supplier activity audit information
Users have access to real-time audit information
How long supplier audit data is stored for
How long system logs are stored for

Standards and certifications

ISO/IEC 27001 certification
Who accredited the ISO/IEC 27001
Approachable Certification
ISO/IEC 27001 accreditation date
18 /10/2021
What the ISO/IEC 27001 doesn’t cover
The scope of our ISO27001 certification covers cyber security
ISO 28000:2007 certification
CSA STAR certification
PCI certification
Cyber essentials
Cyber essentials plus
Other security certifications

Security governance

Named board-level person responsible for service security
Security governance certified
Security governance standards
  • CSA CCM version 3.0
  • ISO/IEC 27001
Information security policies and processes
Independently verified processes for security. ISO27001 for public hosted cloud service.

Operational security

Configuration and change management standard
Supplier-defined controls
Configuration and change management approach
Not yet
Vulnerability management type
Vulnerability management approach
Not yet
Protective monitoring type
Protective monitoring approach
Not yet
Incident management type
Incident management approach
Not yet

Secure development

Approach to secure software development best practice
Independent review of processes (for example CESG CPA Build Standard, ISO/IEC 27034, ISO/IEC 27001 or CSA CCM v3.0)

Public sector networks

Connection to public sector networks

Social Value

Fighting climate change

Fighting climate change

ALT/AVE is a London-based tech company helping to combat the underreported paper waste problem faced by Private and public institutions by offering a secure and sustainable digital solution for distributing highly confidential and regulated documents to their customers. When implemented, our solution will result in a 95% reduction in paper usage and a 25g decrease in CO2e per document compared to postal delivery. ALT/AVE also donates 10% of its solution’s bandwidth revenue to tree planting charities. According to a 2018 EY report, in 2017, financial services companies sent 5.2 billion paper documents to their customers in the post, representing an extremely significant and underreported environmental issue.This number does not include highly confidential documents sent to stakeholders by Public institutions. To combat this, ALT/AVE created docStribute – a distributed ledger application that utilises a decentralized public network known as hashgraph, a secure, shared database that everyone can read from and write to, and a faster, more secure alternative to blockchain. Hashgraph enables all participants within a given network to access their own identical copy of an asset, while ensuring that the content cannot be altered in any way. Through the use of docStribute, ALT/AVE is helping to reduce the reliance on paper for private and public institutions. docStribute also reduces costs by up to 70% and result in a comparative reduction of 25g of CO2e per delivery, where postal deliveries are estimated to result in 29g of CO2e per item compared with 4g of CO2e for docStribute emails.
Covid-19 recovery

Covid-19 recovery

The sheer number of people left unemployed or redundant is vast. In part due to the pandemic, unemployment rates have risen from 4% to 4.7% September to November 2020 saw the highest rate of redundancy since records began in 1995, with 402,000. The COVID-19 pandemic also impacted certain subsections of the population disproportionately. Minority groups, the vulnerable, and those with disabilities have been most at risk. All of these are pressing societal issues that need to be addressed, at Alt/Ave we play our part by : Creating work opportunities, training, and skill development for those already underrepresented in the workforce and disproportionately impacted by COVID. Incorporate training schemes and apprenticeship opportunities to address key skill gaps. Make sure these opportunities result in recognisable qualifications that will help bolster struggling sectors. On another note : The customer journey is becoming increasingly inconvenient for consumers and have accelerated digitalisation. Increasing pressure and scrutiny on compliance and governance by Regulators.
Tackling economic inequality

Tackling economic inequality

But by strengthening the business landscape, we can begin to level the playing field and create more equality across the board. Especially in deprived areas and high-growth industries struggling with skill gaps. Alt/Ave actively address skills shortages that are relevant to the contract at hand, providing training schemes and learning opportunities for relevant qualifications. Encouraging innovation and disruptive technologies throughout our work to reduce costs and maximise quality of results. Provide mentoring with the aim of progressing workers into high-growth industries or those struggling with skills gaps.
Equal opportunity

Equal opportunity

We are exceptionally proud of our culture, underpinned by a strong set of company values and a commitment to doing the right thing. Diversity, inclusion and equality are important elements of our people strategy. We want everyone to feel welcome at Alt/Ave and share their talents, helping us to broaden our perspective to better understand our customers and build a stronger business. We believe the diversity of our directors, managers and employees should reflect the diversity in the world around us and we want to build a more diverse organisation. Alt/Ave is committed to the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment for all employees, regardless of gender or any other characteristic. Our employment strategy is gender neutral, as such we hire and promote based on merit. The leadership evaluates job roles and pay grades as necessary to ensure a fair structure. We believe all employees should be able to work in an environment free from discrimination, harassment and bullying, and that employees along with job applicants, customers, business introducers and suppliers should be treated fairly.


Alt/ave makes the mental and physical health of a project’s workforce a non-negotiable priority for its duration. Especially in light of the pandemic’s detrimental impact on people’s mental wellbeing.


£500 to £30,000 a licence a month
Discount for educational organisations
Free trial available
Description of free trial
Everything included

Service documents

Request an accessible format
If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need versions of these documents in a more accessible format, email the supplier at Tell them what format you need. It will help if you say what assistive technology you use.