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User Vision

Customer Journey Mapping

This illustrates your customers’ journeys across digital and non-digital touchpoints to reveal the opportunities to provide a better user experience (UX). We apply tried and tested methods as well as our own research innovations to reveal the nuances of the customer journey and help prioritise service improvement opportunities.


  • Research-based method, providing evidence-based picture of user journey
  • Chronological journey from trigger to goal
  • Identifies touch points: Individuals, business functions or systems
  • Captures the user's emotional journey
  • Highlights pain-points and opportunities to delight
  • Defines goals, considering the situation, purpose and audience
  • Documents assumptions, based on internal investigation
  • Captures digital and non-digital touchpoints
  • Identifies opportunities for service improvements, efficiencies and optimisations
  • Facilitated workshop involves all project stakeholders


  • See the process from the customer perspective
  • Achieve a better understanding of customers
  • Identify and eliminate pain points and inefficiencies
  • Identify where you can add value
  • Identify where you can introduce self-service
  • Delivers a complete understanding of customer behaviour
  • Understanding of your customers’ motivations and complexity of end-to-end journeys
  • Generate organisational empathy with the users and their journeys


£780 to £1,350 a unit a day

  • Education pricing available

Service documents

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If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need versions of these documents in a more accessible format, email the supplier at Tell them what format you need. It will help if you say what assistive technology you use.


G-Cloud 13

Service ID

5 1 4 9 5 7 4 5 3 5 6 0 4 6 3


User Vision Chris Rourke
Telephone: 0131 225 0851


Planning service
How the planning service works
At User Vision we understand that careful planning of user experience services is critical for project success especially for software services and support. Our focus always is on creating user-centred experiences for both locally held and cloud services. We apply rigorous planning and project management methods. Our projects always start with a detailed project initiation meeting where we confirm or revise our understanding of the project, goals, timescales and constraints. We manage the projects through regular brief communications with clients and using shared, cloud based project management systems. We conduct a variety of analysis and discovery techniques to understand your user needs and business requirements (both functional and non-functional). We understand the best opportunities to implement user experience techniques during the design process based on hundreds of successful projects. We work closely with our clients to help them plan, research and develop positive user experiences. This typically involves close coordination with other internal stakeholders such as business analysis, product managers, development and operational teams.
Planning service works with specific services


Training service provided
How the training service works
At User Vision, we believe that the best experiences result when the client has a strong understanding of user experience and accessibility. Therefore we provide a wide range of UX training and accessibility training both inhouse and as public courses. We also encourage knowledge transfer and mentoring or coaching with our clients during projects which helps to upskill internal teams. These courses include UX strategy, user research, UX/UI design, and accessibility. A popular set of courses is our CPUX UX Certification courses which lead to qualifications provided by the UX Qualification Board.
Training is tied to specific services

Setup and migration

Setup or migration service available
How the setup or migration service works
The User Vision team is very experienced in supporting public sector clients as they migrate services to the cloud. We support our clients in selecting and migrating to cloud solutions that best supports a positive user experience considering how your service will be managed and improved. We provide objective recommendations to best suit your requirements and organisational needs. Although cloud based services often enable a better end to end user experience, they often result in different interface and interaction designs than local services. This can present user experience risks, together with other factors with cloud-based services such as potential data transmission or connectivity problems. We understand this from our user needs and context of use analysis and we consider this through our solution design and development and during usability testing.
Setup or migration service is for specific cloud services

Quality assurance and performance testing

Quality assurance and performance testing service
How the quality assurance and performance testing works
As an ISO 9001 accredited agency, we have proven processes and procedures for quality assurance. All of our research complies with Market Research Society guidelines and are General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant. The quality of our service delivery is closely aligned with our project management practices such as clear project initiation meetings, creating and managing a risk register as required, frequent communication with clients during projects, and post-project retrospectives. We internally maintain and improve upon our high standards through peer practice reviews and sharing of best practice methods and technologies.

Security testing

Security services

Ongoing support

Ongoing support service

Service scope

Service constraints

User support

Email or online ticketing support
Email or online ticketing
Support response times
Respond within a day of request.
User can manage status and priority of support tickets
Phone support
Phone support availability
9 to 5 (UK time), Monday to Friday
Web chat support
Support levels
We provide project level support throughout the lifecycle of a project.


Supplier type
Not a reseller

Staff security

Staff security clearance
Conforms to BS7858:2019
Government security clearance
Up to Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS)

Standards and certifications

ISO/IEC 27001 certification
ISO 28000:2007 certification
CSA STAR certification
PCI certification
Cyber essentials
Cyber essentials plus
Other security certifications

Social Value

Fighting climate change

Fighting climate change

User Vision is aware of the environmental impact of business operations and aim to minimise our carbon footprint through practical steps. These include:

Low carbon travel – we normally travel by train rather than flying.

Setting goals for our own carbon emissions through our ‘Earth Vision’ strategy. We perform an annual Carbon Footprint assessment for our HQ. Our plan includes:

our team mainly working remotely and encouraging travel to work on foot, on bike or via public transport

low wattage lighting which is only used when needed and minimising electricity consumption (e.g., powering down computer equipment overnight and weekends)

team members use laptops rather than PC’s since they are 80% more efficient

donating all old electricals to schools/charities where possible or, recycling as much of the equipment as possible

recycling all glass, cardboard, paper & plastics

Being aware and raising awareness of Digital Waste. We are leaders in the effort to bridge from User Experience into Earth Experience, educating the public and clients about the impact that digital operations have on carbon emissions. We deliver client and conference presentations on the theme of how UX professionals can reduce this impact by advocating for smaller size pages, more efficient image formats and better digital designs.

Creating an innovative audit service to help clients examine their own Digital Waste impact and know how to address opportunities through various means such as reducing the page weight on their website and assessing their web hosting providers. Digital operations, such as the sharing of data and storage of digital files, requires vast server capacity and therefore electricity.  We have spoken at conferences about better UX plays a beneficial role. Our talks can be seen here:
Covid-19 recovery

Covid-19 recovery

COVID-19 has exacerbated existing economic and social challenges, while also creating many new ones. From the start of the pandemic, we sought to aid the recovery of our business, communities and the economies by developing new ways of working, and supporting our staff, clients and others affected by the virus.

To minimise risk, staff were encouraged to work from home for most of the past 2 years. User Vision is returning to a hybrid pattern with most staff in the office 2 days a week and 3 days at home. These days are split over 2 teams, to reduce the number of staff in the office at once. A deep clean and thorough Covid risk assessments were done before staff returned to the office. Masks & hand sanitiser are available throughout the office and our Office Manager updates staff with all Covid rule changes. Staff voluntarily update the office manager with their vaccination status and their staff records updated.

Our room hire facilities have also changed as a result of Covid, with more open space within rooms, sanitizer available, rooms cleaned between sessions and a free streaming service to clients as some still may not want to travel or sit in an enclosed room.

Finally, to apply our expertise to the fight against Covid, for any projects that are related to Covid-19, we will offer our services at half rate. We are proud to have applied our accessibility expertise on an NHS project to improve the accessibility of the online Covid test booking process for people with disabilities in the early stages of the pandemic.
Tackling economic inequality

Tackling economic inequality

We have always believed that a business has an important social purpose, and we are proud to have worked with clients on the front line of this such as Citizens Advice Scotland and several charities. Wherever possible we seek to lower the unequal distribution of income and opportunity between different groups in society.

We have offered mentoring for students and recent graduates to give them the important work experience that will help them make a solid start on their careers. Our active engagement of the community of people with disabilities in our usability testing is also having a positive effect.
Equal opportunity

Equal opportunity

At User Vision we have built an inclusive workplace where everyone is ambitious for disabled people and people with long-term health conditions, and where people understand the important relationship between health, work, and disability.

User Vision is committed to active Equal Opportunities and Fair Treatment policies, from recruitment and selection through to training and development, appraisal, promotion and finally to retirement. It is in our policies to promote an environment free from discrimination, harassment, and victimisation. All Employees are treated equally, regardless of sex, race, disability, age, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief. All decisions relating to employment practice are free from bias and based upon work-related criteria and individual merit. 

User Vision is an Equal Opportunities Employer and as such does not discriminate against any employee because of a ‘protected characteristic’. This especially applies to recruitment and selection. We ensure that our policy is circulated to any agencies assisting in recruitment and a copy of our policy is available for all employees and made known to all applicants for employment. We extend the policy communication to all private contractors reminding them of their responsibilities towards the equality of opportunity


Health and wellbeing are essential for a thriving business. User Vision has a wellness programme geared to encouraging vitality, a healthy quality of life, and a positive working environment in which people thrive. We aim to be proactive, to give employees awareness, education, and support to successfully function at work and at home, free from factors which may negatively impact upon their health.

As part of this our staff have Perkbox, which is an employee reward, offering discounts on various products & services including many health-related services. We will shortly introduce private medical health insurance which includes support and counseling for mental health as well as physical health. Staff are also encouraged to use all their holidays up each year and take rest breaks evenly throughout the year. Our standard the working day has been extended to allow staff if and when needed to take time off for a walk, coffee, childcare- anything that they need to help their own wellbeing without worrying about the hours being worked that day. We also have team away days which involve a fun event, with food & drinks- a day out of the office. And because laughter is often the best medicine, we host our Edinburgh Festival evenings every year, and various other social nights throughout the year.


£780 to £1,350 a unit a day
Discount for educational organisations

Service documents

Request an accessible format
If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need versions of these documents in a more accessible format, email the supplier at Tell them what format you need. It will help if you say what assistive technology you use.