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BJSS Limited

Web Development Services

Expert engineers will work closely with you to design and deliver modern web applications aligned to the GDS service standard, implementing interactive web experiences using best practice and the latest technology. BJSS will apply service design to ensure that the service built is designed effectively for users.


  • Architect, develop, and deploy applications, enabling access to services digitally
  • Employ service design and user experience design, researching with users
  • Use of open-source software and open standards
  • Multidisciplinary teams that can work hand-in-hand with your own staff
  • Training and skills improvement of your staff working with experts
  • Development of back-end APIs and services
  • Deliver minimum viable product focussed on user needs
  • Instrument and measure performance, informing change based on real-world use
  • Employ continuous delivery, automated assurance, including cross-browser and non-functional
  • Technologies including serverless, ReactJS, NodeJS, JavaScript, TypeScript, AWS, Azure etc.


  • Applications delivered to ‘Digital by Default’ service standard
  • Value realised quickly and iteratively through agile approach and MVP
  • Release regularly and obtain immediate user feedback with continuous delivery
  • Ensure you deliver a service designed for user needs
  • Instrumentation for immediate feedback on performance and usage of application
  • High quality solution assured with automated testing and continuous inspection
  • Accessibility designed from the start with WCAG 2.0 level compliance
  • Agnostic technology approach ensures best use of available options
  • Secure application, threat modelled with security moved left
  • Upskilled internal workforce ensuring you can take on further delivery


£350 a unit a day

Service documents

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G-Cloud 13

Service ID

5 6 4 4 7 0 3 5 9 4 6 7 7 8 2


BJSS Limited Jem Wright
Telephone: 0113 297 9797


Planning service
How the planning service works
BJSS uses its proven Enterprise Agile delivery approach, which is aligned to the GDS service framework, in order to guide clients through the planning and implementation of cloud services.
Planning service works with specific services
Hosting or software services the planning service works with
Applies to any public cloud provider.


Training service provided
How the training service works
BJSS provides comprehensive training across all provided services, including cloud services training, knowledge transfer, accreditation development and shadowing.
Training is tied to specific services

Setup and migration

Setup or migration service available
How the setup or migration service works
BJSS has expertise in migrating complex applications to the cloud and can provide a number of public sector references within this field of work. BJSS has delivered many complex application migrations from on-premises to cloud, and has developed an end-to-end, five-step process to assist with smooth migration. The process' steps include building the business case, application assessment and migration strategy, validation and testing, migration execution, and operating and optimising.
Setup or migration service is for specific cloud services
List of supported services
  • AWS
  • Azure
  • Hybrid to Public Cloud

Quality assurance and performance testing

Quality assurance and performance testing service
How the quality assurance and performance testing works
BJSS' experienced test practitioners deliver a range of QA and performance testing services, including:
• Defining and establishing test policy.
• Agile test strategy.
• Test tooling consultancy.
• Test project health check assessments.
• Agile transition.
• Test process re-engineering.

Security testing

Security services
Security services type
  • Security strategy
  • Security risk management
  • Security design
  • Cyber security consultancy
  • Security incident management
  • Security audit services

Ongoing support

Ongoing support service
Types of service supported
  • Buyer hosting or software
  • Hosting or software provided by your organisation
  • Hosting or software provided by a third-party organisation
How the support service works
BJSS can provide services on a resource augmentation basis, as part of a project team, as an outsourced service, and as a fully managed service, customised to client service requirements.

BJSS can also provide transition and transformation services and will manage client environments, either on-premise or hosted in the public Cloud.

Key features include:
•Proactive monitoring and alerting.
•SPOC for 3rd party suppliers and the business.
•24/7/365 monitoring and management.
•Real-time, automated, alerting and dashboards.
•Network Operations Centre service.
Licence management of components within the cloud.
•Integration with Incident and Change management tools.
•Proactive capacity management.
•Regular service reviews.

Service scope

Service constraints

User support

Email or online ticketing support
Yes, at extra cost
Support response times
By agreement with the client.
User can manage status and priority of support tickets
Online ticketing support accessibility
None or don’t know
Phone support
Phone support availability
9 to 5 (UK time), Monday to Friday
Web chat support
Support levels
BJSS' support levels are customised to client requirements, however default support levels are:
• Priority 1: - Response time = 30 minutes - Target Resolution time = 4 hours
• Priority 2: - Response time = 1 hour - Target resolution time = 8 hours
• Priority 3: - Response time = 2 hours - Target resolution time = 3 days
• Priority 4: - Response time = Next working day - Target resolution time = 10 days


Supplier type
Not a reseller

Staff security

Staff security clearance
Other security clearance
Government security clearance
Up to Developed Vetting (DV)

Standards and certifications

ISO/IEC 27001 certification
Who accredited the ISO/IEC 27001
ISO/IEC 27001 accreditation date
What the ISO/IEC 27001 doesn’t cover
BJSS' ISO/IEC 27001 certification covers the secure design, operation, support and the protection of PII for the BJSS Secure Managed Services provision on local and cloud architectures across our main delivery locations. The scope also includes the management, provision and facilitation of remote and onsite support for certified client use.
ISO 28000:2007 certification
CSA STAR certification
PCI certification
Cyber essentials
Cyber essentials plus
Other security certifications
Any other security certifications
  • ISO/IEC 27018:2019
  • ISO 9001

Social Value

Fighting climate change

Fighting climate change

We are taking efforts to offset this and improve our carbon efficiency in the future across all our services.

BJSS will hinge all its environmental activities and behaviours during the provision of this service on its Environmental Policy, in line with its aims, objectives, and governance structures.

At BJSS, we have been building on our existing Carbon Neutral status since 2019. Our ultimate goal is to become a carbon negative (climate positive) business in the future, and we plan to reach net-zero carbon (CO2) status by 2025, by reducing our environmental impact, minimising waste, conserving water and by offsetting our emissions in the short-term.

To support our progress towards achieving net-positive status, BJSS has set targets from 2021 to 2023. BJSS will target 250 kgCO2 e per BJSS consultant by 2023 (from 419 kgCO2 e in 2019).
Our aims:
•Reduce energy consumption by at least 10% (per head) in each of the next three years across BJSS (through reduction in water usage, office waste, and travel-related emissions)
•Providing a BJSS Environmental Champion to report on progress
•Consider environmental impact as a key factor/definition-of-done, and prioritising (where appropriate) greener technologies
•Maintaining and evolving hybrid working practices to strike a balance between supplier outcomes, staff wellbeing, and environmental protection
•Achieve tangible improvements in energy efficiency through annual review of equipment and hosted supply chain
•Contributions to conservation and wildlife projects, including creation of green spaces
•Provision of workshops, hackathons and learning materials centred around eco-friendly IT
•Reduce waste accumulation at landfills, through our REUSE programme.
Covid-19 recovery

Covid-19 recovery

BJSS recognises its responsibility to support people and communities to manage and recover from the impacts of COVID-19, both directly through service delivery and through additional activities conducted across the wider organisation.

Since March 2020, BJSS has taken great strides to ensure continued COVID-19 recovery within the business and wider community. We have done this (and will continue to do this during provision of this service) through:
•Creating new employment and training opportunities, including hiring >1700 new employees, opening >10 new offices, ringfencing more new roles for apprentices, graduates and re-trainers, to diversify our talent pool and support growth in our local economies
•Continued use of inclusive, flexible and accessible recruitment practices and conditions (e.g. inclusion nudges, skills-based assessments, structured interviews, transparent promotions to senior positions)
•Supporting the mental and physical health of staff through provision of home-working office equipment, gathering (voluntary) employee satisfaction data around health and wellbeing, close pastoral care from line managers, regular wellbeing events and comms channels, and offering staff access to comprehensive private healthcare benefits, an employee counselling programme, 24/7 GP service, flu jabs, PCR tests, and heavily subsidised/discounted gym memberships
•Continuing to support hybrid working through a defined model that allows staff the benefits of both home-based and office-based working, while meeting client needs
•Continued usage of PPE, hand sanitiser, signage, cleaning products, social distancing and our desk booking system to ensure limited office capacity, work flexibility and hygienic working conditions.
Tackling economic inequality

Tackling economic inequality

BJSS recognises its responsibility to tackle economic inequality by creating egalitarian employment and training opportunities, gathering data to benchmark improvements, and fostering an inclusive and progressive working environment.

We have built our Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) strategy around our understanding of the problems and inequalities in employment, outlining how we involve and include people with protected characteristics and people from a range of social backgrounds.

Activities to tackle economic inequality during delivery of this service will hinge on our Diversity and Inclusion strategy. We will achieve our aims through:
•Continued use of inclusive, flexible and accessible recruitment practices and conditions (e.g. inclusion nudges, skills-based assessments, structured interviews, transparent promotions to senior positions)
•Working with training and reskilling partners to support recruitment from diverse backgrounds
•Conduct regular skills analysis across BJSS’ workforce and the contract workforce to understand the need/desire for any additional training or certification
•Increase and diversify our BJSS Academy intake; the 2021 intake had three times the number of women than the 2019 intake (34% identifying as female); around 20% are retraining to work in the IT industry
•Continue supporting hybrid working (with home office equipment provided)
•Conduct regular DSE assessments, cater to reasonable adjustments, and meet Disability Confident Level 2
•Adhere to our documented escalation and whistleblowing processes and policies, supported by our anonymous issue-raising software (Spot)
•Collect employee demographic data to help benchmark improvements
•Conducting an annual Equal Pay and Progression Review/Report (to include gender, ethnicity, age, and disability) to benchmark further improvements, with a view to:
o Increase the number of hires and job applications from target groups by 10%.
o Reducing the gender pay gap by at least 5% within client-facing areas.
Equal opportunity

Equal opportunity

BJSS recognises its responsibility to understand employment and skills issues, and create, promote, and support equal employment, representation, training, and re-training for those who face barriers to employment and/or who are in deprived areas.

BJSS' activities to create equal opportunities during the provision of this service, and more generally, will hinge on our Diversity and Inclusion strategy. We will achieve our aims through:

•Continued use of inclusive, flexible and accessible recruitment practices and conditions (e.g. inclusion nudges, skills-based assessments, structured interviews, transparent promotions to senior positions)
•Working with training and reskilling partners to support recruitment from diverse backgrounds
•Conduct regular skills analysis across BJSS’ workforce and the contract workforce to understand the need/desire for any additional training or certification
•Increase and diversify our BJSS Academy intake; the 2021 intake had three times the number of women than the 2019 intake (34% identifying as female); around 20% are retraining to work in the IT industry
•Continue supporting hybrid working (with home office equipment provided)
•Conduct regular DSE assessments, cater to reasonable adjustments, and meet Disability Confident Level 2
•Adhere to our documented escalation and whistleblowing processes and policies, supported by our anonymous issue-raising software (Spot)
•Raise awareness of egalitarian issues (e.g. Black History Month, Pride, International Women’s’ Day) through regular webinars, staff blogs, marketing communications and our Life@BJSS programme
•Collect employee demographic data to help benchmark improvements
•Conducting an annual Equal Pay and Progression Review/Report (to include gender, ethnicity, age, and disability) to benchmark further improvements, with a view to:
oIncrease the number of hires and job applications from target groups by 10%.
oReducing the gender pay gap by at least 5% within client-facing areas.


BJSS understands the issues affecting staff health and wellbeing across the UK workforce, in particular in the technology sector, where we have seen the rise in remote and hybrid working affect staff mental and physical health, both positively and detrimentally.

During the delivery of this service, we will continue to support staff physical and mental health and wellbeing through:
•Providing home-working office equipment to ensure ergonomically sound working environments
•Supporting hybrid working to account for varied preferences, with COVID-19 protective measures in place across all offices
•Regular wellbeing talks, events and gift packages, bolstered by wellbeing-focussed and off-topic communication channels and regular in-person and remote social events
•Provision of flu jabs, an employee counselling programme, private health and dental care benefits, family access to a 24/7 virtual GP service, and heavily discounted gym memberships
•Access to an anonymous issue raising system: Spot
•Continued success of our Squad-based system for pastoral care; we have the flexibility to make reasonable adjustments and change our processes to meet the needs of applicants and staff
•Collection of employee health and wellbeing satisfaction data to benchmark improvements
•Continued DSE assessments and achievement of Disability Confident Level 2
•Continue inclusive talent attraction/selection to grow and retain a happy, diverse talent pool, including:
oInclusion nudges for recruiters
oNeutrally worded job descriptions
oAnnual transparent review processes for pay/promotions/rewards
oTraining for recruitment staff/interviewers on D&I
oStructured interviews and skill-based assessments across all role types
oNeeds accommodation.


£350 a unit a day
Discount for educational organisations

Service documents

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If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need versions of these documents in a more accessible format, email the supplier at Tell them what format you need. It will help if you say what assistive technology you use.