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Shaping Cloud

Microsoft Cloud Security

Our Microsoft cloud security service helps commissioning organisations:
• Assess cloud security requirements in business context
• Plan an implementation approach to deliver business value
• Set-up and configure Microsoft cloud security services
• Manage your security services to required service levels


  • Understand your cloud security needs, including licencing
  • Plan your cloud security roadmap
  • Assess your existing risk profile
  • Fully manage your security services
  • Optimise Microsoft licencing and make recommendations
  • Microsoft 365 solutions
  • Microsoft Azure solutions
  • Protect and govern sensitive data
  • Identify and remediate risk


  • Confidence in the cloud security you need
  • Low-risk plan for success
  • Manage services so your team focusses on high-value business
  • Support your transformation strategy
  • Protect what's important


£785 to £1,850 a unit a day

Service documents

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G-Cloud 13

Service ID

6 5 5 8 2 1 8 3 8 4 9 6 4 2 0


Shaping Cloud SC Customer Relationship Team
Telephone: 01614085333


Planning service
How the planning service works
We run assessment activity to understand a commissioning organisation’s current state. Work includes:

• Remote or on-site education: cloud security 101
• Remote or on site scoping: cloud security in your business

Planning work includes:

• Cloud security strategy document
• Indicative timeline and project plan
• Costed work breakdown structure (WBS)
• Optional: proof of concept / pilot
Planning service works with specific services


Training service provided
How the training service works
Adoption of cloud services means that organisations need to develop a sustainable legacy of skills and cultural changes, alongside the delivery of these solutions and services.
We support you on your cloud journey, whatever your starting point, to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to increase confidence and competence so that you can deliver ongoing excellence.
Throughout all our engagements, our multi-disciplinary teams work alongside you and share their knowledge and experience throughout delivery.
Our consultants have real-world experience in your sector, and as such consider your overall needs so that you can strategically transform. For instance, leadership, culture, operating models, and processes aligned to your context and incorporating best practice and standards.
Should you wish, we can help empower your organisation to manage their own cloud or hybrid infrastructure and aim not to build a dependency on an external provider, including us. Throughout our services we aim to transfer knowledge and skills to your team to achieve this.
We offer both structured and unstructured training, as well as technology specific workshops with relevant stakeholders. We also offer co-location with your teams, peer-to-peer coaching, and on-demand support and advice services.
Training is tied to specific services

Setup and migration

Setup or migration service available
How the setup or migration service works
Setup and configuration work gets cloud security established in your organisation
Setup or migration service is for specific cloud services

Quality assurance and performance testing

Quality assurance and performance testing service
How the quality assurance and performance testing works
We ensure that we meet your needs for quality assurance and testing, by agreeing the quality assurance and performance testing requirements with you during the development of our proposal. This assurance can fit into your governance arrangements, so that you can feel confident in what is being delivered and you can easily reassure key stakeholders. All requirements and approach are documented for your agreement before work commences. We also monitor, optimise and tune cloud services to ensure you have the right balance between performance and cost according to your priorities for any service.

Security testing

Security services
Security services type
  • Security strategy
  • Security risk management
  • Security design
  • Cyber security consultancy
  • Security testing
  • Security incident management
  • Security audit services
Certified security testers
Security testing certifications

Ongoing support

Ongoing support service
Types of service supported
  • Buyer hosting or software
  • Hosting or software provided by your organisation
  • Hosting or software provided by a third-party organisation
How the support service works
By the end of an engagement with us, you will be confident in your ability and have the capacity to support your new services yourselves. We support you throughout, providing skills transfer and working collaboratively to ensure that the future state is a reality.
Some organisations do not have the scale, or seek to add value elsewhere, which is why we can provide management of a single technology, solution, service, or the whole landscape for them. We offer flexible support options from basic call-off to fully managed support, from code only, to managed applications, through to a fully managed architecture service. We offer tailored SLAs, up to 24/7 coverage and specialist knowledge from our certified engineers, which ensures your key services are always available. We offer telephone, email, remote and on-site support options.
We handle all the time consuming BAU activities to free up your team, monitoring, patching and backups and we keep abreast of new service offerings, ensuring that we can refine and optimise performance.
We are responsive and flexible, with high customer satisfaction levels. We combine our expert support resources with infrastructure, platform, and development capabilities - including Infrastructure as Code, Dev-Ops, Robotics, AI and data analytics.

Service scope

Service constraints
No constraints are envisaged. Each service will be tailored to meet the client’s support requirements and priced accordingly.

User support

Email or online ticketing support
Email or online ticketing
Support response times
We typically respond to questions within 30 minutes of asking them, or immediately depending on the method of contact and availability. For support services, we have standard SLAs available for working hours, or 24/7/365. The response times for this are defined with the SLA and depend on the categorisation and prioritisation of incident / query.
We also offer tailored SLAs for all clients - our response times are agreed with each client, defined in the SLA and are flexible according to your needs.
User can manage status and priority of support tickets
Phone support
Phone support availability
24 hours, 7 days a week
Web chat support
Support levels
Our support arrangements are tailored to your specific needs, as our experience shows that no 'one-size' fits all requirements. We will discuss your customer support requirements (including the support/services, service levels, response times, communication channels and reporting) to agree your specific requirements for the services that you are looking for.
Our support methodology is based on the rigour of ITIL and the flexibility of Agile principles and a Dev Ops culture. A typical support team is led by a technical account manager who is responsible for day-to-day support and allocation of support requests to our engineers and technical specialists. This approach provides a resilient support service with sufficient cover to ensure all support requests are managed in an effective and efficient manner.


Supplier type
Not a reseller

Staff security

Staff security clearance
Conforms to BS7858:2019
Government security clearance
Up to Security Clearance (SC)

Standards and certifications

ISO/IEC 27001 certification
ISO 28000:2007 certification
CSA STAR certification
PCI certification
Cyber essentials
Cyber essentials plus
Other security certifications

Social Value

Fighting climate change

Fighting climate change

Consuming cloud services from the main hyper-scale cloud providers and being a part of their commitment to being carbon neutral by 2025 and carbon negative by 2030. Right sizing workloads in the cloud and regularly reviewing consumption further supports these targets and ensures minimum carbon footprint.
As part of our engagement with any Customer, we are able to measure the reduction in carbon footprint as a result of adopting cloud services in preference to traditional technology. This supports each organisation in achieving their own plans to become net zero.
We are a 100% cloud-based SME, with a minimal carbon footprint and a target to have a zero-carbon footprint by 2030 - so partnering with us also supports moving to a zero carbon footprint in your supply chain.
Covid-19 recovery

Covid-19 recovery

We are a UK-based SME who creates UK jobs. We have programmes to recruit from a diverse base, including career changers. We are already a diverse workforce and have targets to ensure we continue to be diverse.
We are committed to supporting our Customers in the public sector with their plans to support help communities manage and recover from the impact of COVID-19.
Use of cloud services ought to ensure your organisation is agile in the response to recovery. Right-sizing and optimising your use of cloud, which we can help you with, will ensure a sound investment of public funds - retaining as much funding as possible for deliver of public services and interventions such as Covid-19 recovery.
Tackling economic inequality

Tackling economic inequality

We are a UK SME with a diverse workforce. We recognise the benefits from having a diverse workforce and therefore target people from all backgrounds to work at Shaping Cloud.

We support career changers and measure values and culture alignment along with career potential higher than formal education - ensuring equal opportunity for those from all economic backgrounds. We partner with a variety of organisations to provide digital training for those from diverse and deprived backgrounds – providing them with their first employment experience subsequent to this training.

All our employees are paid above the Living Wage and receive additional benefits, such as private health - having a positive impact on themselves and their families and communities.
All our employees receive training in digital as well as five days paid leave for learning every year.

We pay all genders equally, according to merit.
Equal opportunity

Equal opportunity

We are a UK SME with a diverse workforce. We recognise the benefits from having a diverse workforce and therefore target people from all backgrounds to work at Shaping Cloud.

We measure values alignment along with career potential higher than formal education and background - ensuring equal opportunity for those from all economic and racial backgrounds, as well as those who require additional support or technology in order to carry out their work effectively. E.g. individuals with visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, language, learning, behavioural or neurological impairment, as well as the needs of those for whom English is not their first language.

Our recruitment practices value each person according to their experience as well as their potential and do not discriminate in any way on the grounds of race, colour, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.

All employees have a personal development plan and access to a personal coach to support them in their professional and personal development - ensuring everyone has equal opportunity for career progression. Each person's performance and contribution is reviewed at least annually, which includes 360 degree views, to determine whether they are ready for career progression. This career progression is awarded on the basis of readiness and not on the basis of a post becoming available or an individual line manager making that decision. In this way, every person has equal opportunity.

Implementation of digital services requires consideration to ensure no user is excluded from using the service. This is all the more important with respect to public services. We support our customers with advice with respect to accessibility, and we tailor our solutions and services to our client’s needs in this area.


We prioritise the wellbeing of our workforce, with private health, excellent work-life balance, flexible working location and hours, coaching, and personal development.

We regularly canvas for feedback from our employees to ensure they all enjoy work and feel rewarded for their efforts.

We have an always available Wellbeing group internally, which arranges activities and challenges throughout the year to promote good health as well as providing a variety of suggestions and opportunities to ensure good mental health.

We provide two paid volunteering days per year per employee, and encourage use of these to improve the communities we are a part of.


£785 to £1,850 a unit a day
Discount for educational organisations

Service documents

Request an accessible format
If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need versions of these documents in a more accessible format, email the supplier at Tell them what format you need. It will help if you say what assistive technology you use.