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Outcomes Based Healthcare

OBH® Outcomes Platform

The OBH® Outcomes Platform provides cohort and population level segmentation analytics and outcome measurement. Applying a data-driven approach of the ‘Bridges to Health’ segmentation model, the tool measures longitudinal health outcomes across populations. Through ongoing monitoring of outcome measures, it helps service improvement, service evaluation and benefits realisation.


  • Identify baseline values for each outcome using historical data
  • Make statistical adjustments to allow for meaningful comparison
  • Monitor outcomes data with a minimal time lag
  • In depth analysis of each outcome measure, where applicable
  • Measurement of person-centred outcomes
  • View the annual financial out-turn of outcomes-based contracts
  • Application of data-driven and clinically robust population segmentation model
  • System-level view of outcomes, consistent with population health management requirements
  • Data-driven, accurate measurement of population level HEALTHY LIFESPAN® and HEALTHSPAN®


  • Measure outcomes for whole populations or single conditions
  • Know your outcomes at the start of the process
  • Trust your outcomes measures are accurate and complete
  • Assurance that your outcomes definitions are always up to date
  • Confidence that coding of outcomes are consistent with clinical evidence
  • Reduce the time and complexity to set up outcomes-based contracts
  • Timeliness of reporting allows for in-year contracting
  • Key quality improvement insights for successful population health management
  • Evaluation approach that measures impact of interventions and deprivation


£75,000 a licence a year

Service documents

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G-Cloud 13

Service ID

6 5 8 8 6 1 3 9 7 5 4 8 6 6 9


Outcomes Based Healthcare Rupert Dunbar-Rees
Telephone: 07946 178 596

Service scope

Software add-on or extension
Cloud deployment model
Public cloud
Service constraints
1. Client must have legal access to data for outcomes measurement
2. Updates are dependent on timely access to data
3. Accuracy depends on access to multiple linked data sources
System requirements
Modern browser which is internet enabled

User support

Email or online ticketing support
Email or online ticketing
Support response times
Within 24h on business days.
User can manage status and priority of support tickets
Phone support
Web chat support
Onsite support
Support levels
Level 0 support is offered in the form of documentation describing the outcomes and a user video demo. Level 1 is included as contracted hours of support for queries / questions related to the Outcomes Platform (see pricing document). Level 2 is any support required above and beyond the contracted hours and will be based on the rate card.
Support available to third parties

Onboarding and offboarding

Getting started
Basic training is included in the initial purchase of the cloud software - up to 3 hours of training and/or short training videos for the Outcomes Dashboard module. Additional support, training and client coaching can be purchased via services provided in lot 3 (cloud support) if required. This is offered through a virtual/online channel currently.
Service documentation
Documentation formats
End-of-contract data extraction
Buyer data is not stored in the Outcomes Platform, only aggregated, anonymised, derived data is displayed. There is no functionality to extract derived outcomes data at the end of the contract. Users can copy over aggregated values if required when their contract ends, or if needed, this can be supplied as CSV.
End-of-contract process
Access to the Outcomes Platform is removed for all users.

Using the service

Web browser interface
Supported browsers
  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Opera
Application to install
Designed for use on mobile devices
Service interface
User support accessibility
None or don’t know
Description of service interface
Interactive dashboard
Accessibility standards
None or don’t know
Description of accessibility
The Outcomes Platform provides visualisations of monthly outcomes data at a population level. There is both a graphical visualisation of the data as well as dynamic descriptions in text of each data point. Users can select from a number of filters to provide different breakdowns or statistical analysis on the data.
Accessibility testing
Customisation available
Description of customisation
The outcomes displayed in the Outcomes Platform can be selected and customised by the organisation. An individual user can customise different views through a variety of filters available, for example for deprivation, or denominators.


Independence of resources
A 99.99% uptime SLA is in place with the hosting server provider. Servers can be resized when usage increases beyond required levels. Independent servers can be provided for users at the prevailing rate when requested.


Service usage metrics
Metrics types
Depends on the exact product selected, but typically resources, active users and/or population coverage.
Reporting types
Reports on request


Supplier type
Not a reseller

Staff security

Staff security clearance
Other security clearance
Government security clearance

Asset protection

Knowledge of data storage and processing locations
Data storage and processing locations
United Kingdom
User control over data storage and processing locations
Datacentre security standards
Managed by a third party
Penetration testing frequency
Less than once a year
Penetration testing approach
Protecting data at rest
Physical access control, complying with CSA CCM v3.0
Data sanitisation process
Data sanitisation type
Deleted data can’t be directly accessed
Equipment disposal approach
In-house destruction process

Data importing and exporting

Data export approach
There is no functionality for users to export derived outcomes data. Input/source data is provided by the Buyer at the start of the contract and can be viewed as aggregate anonymised outcomes data on the Outcomes Platform during the period of the contract.
Data export formats
Data import formats

Data-in-transit protection

Data protection between buyer and supplier networks
TLS (version 1.2 or above)
Data protection within supplier network
  • TLS (version 1.2 or above)
  • Other
Other protection within supplier network
The webserver hosting the OBH Outcomes Platform is not on the OBH company network. In addition, the Outcomes Platform is installed on a server which has an SSL/TLS certificate and all data is therefore transmitted over an HTTPS secure connection. A firewall is installed on the server. TLS connections are in place between data servers and users. File data is stored on encrypted blocks on the storage servers. Access to data is also password protected.

Availability and resilience

Guaranteed availability
99.99% uptime SLA with server provider and contractual commitment.
Approach to resilience
Multiple servers are load balanced when required. In addition, there is a contractual commitment from the server provider for any required uptime.
Outage reporting
Email to registered client and/or a notification on the company / service website.

Identity and authentication

User authentication needed
User authentication
Username or password
Access restrictions in management interfaces and support channels
Management interface access is through role-based access for defined usernames and passwords. Support channels are restricted by direct contact with individuals including email.
Access restriction testing frequency
At least every 6 months
Management access authentication
Username or password

Audit information for users

Access to user activity audit information
Users contact the support team to get audit information
How long user audit data is stored for
At least 12 months
Access to supplier activity audit information
You control when users can access audit information
How long supplier audit data is stored for
At least 12 months
How long system logs are stored for
At least 12 months

Standards and certifications

ISO/IEC 27001 certification
ISO 28000:2007 certification
CSA STAR certification
PCI certification
Cyber essentials
Cyber essentials plus
Other security certifications

Security governance

Named board-level person responsible for service security
Security governance certified
Security governance approach
OBH ensures that all members of our staff are aware of, and comply with, relevant legislation, including the Data Protection Act and more recently, General Data Protection Regulation. In addition, OBH maintains policies which describe the principles of information security management and how these shall be implemented within OBH. OBH will assist staff to identify and implement information security as an integral part of their day-to-day role within the company. OBH will also safeguard information relating to staff and clients under the control of the company. OBH have a current NHS DSP Toolkit completed registration and ICO registration.
Information security policies and processes
OBH holds its own Information Security and Information Governance policies with all staff undergoing the most appropriate data governance training for their roles. In addition, OBH is compliant with the NHS Digital Data Security and Protection Toolkit as a Commercial Third Party, having secured 100% of mandatory evidence supplied.

Operational security

Configuration and change management standard
Supplier-defined controls
Configuration and change management approach
Configuration is managed as part of the installation process for a Buyer and any changes are made after communicating to Buyers about expected impact, if any. Any requirements changes are analysed for impact assessment and for budgetary considerations.
Vulnerability management type
Vulnerability management approach
Potential threats are assessed and managed through a variety of means. These include security software running on servers as well as third party hosting providers assessing threats and scanning hardware. Patches can be deployed as quickly as same day, depending on the required solution. Monitoring on the hosting servers will also report potential threats directly to OBH staff.
Protective monitoring type
Supplier-defined controls
Protective monitoring approach
Monitoring on servers report potential issues and compromises on a regular basis. This monitoring allows OBH staff to action any relevant response within minutes of any potential issue, if required.
Incident management type
Supplier-defined controls
Incident management approach
The OBH Information Security Policy defines the incident management process. Incidents are reported to the SIRO or IG lead (depending on the nature of the incident) and these are recorded, analysed and investigated.

Secure development

Approach to secure software development best practice
Conforms to a recognised standard, but self-assessed

Public sector networks

Connection to public sector networks
Connected networks
Health and Social Care Network (HSCN)

Social Value

Covid-19 recovery

Covid-19 recovery

The OBH® Outcomes Platform contains 25 clinical and social outcome measures, including population level HEALTHSPAN®. The period of measurement can be set to include a baseline period (pre-Covid) and outcomes are monitored throughout and post-pandemic. This allows Buyers to evaluate the impact of the pandemic and Covid-19 recovery on a number of clinical and social outcomes for the chosen population. Outcomes can be displayed by socio-demographic breakdowns, such as the IMD deprivation index, which allows Buyers to use insights as part of Covid-19 programmes and to support reducing inequalities.

The insights derived from the Outcomes Platform can be used by Buyers to support people and communities within their population to manage and recover from the impacts
of COVID-19. For example enabling Buyers to view outcome baselines pre-pandemic, forecast recovery trajectories and then monitor outcomes on an ongoing basis.

There have been several examples of where this data has been used to monitor and address population level changes in HEALTHSPAN throughout the pandemic by local NHS areas. In addition changes in falls rates and respiratory exacerbations have been monitored over the pandemic, with a view to evaluating the impact of any interventions put in place to address any adverse changes.


£75,000 a licence a year
Discount for educational organisations
Free trial available

Service documents

Request an accessible format
If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need versions of these documents in a more accessible format, email the supplier at Tell them what format you need. It will help if you say what assistive technology you use.