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Cognizant Worldwide Limited

Azure Custom Application Development

This document provides details of Cognizant MBG’s Custom Application Development service, one of a suite of services available within the GO Digital Operating Model.


  • Includes:
  • Consultancy and advisory services
  • Architecture and design (Application
  • Application development and Testing
  • Release Management
  • Service Transition


  • Increase business agility
  • Improve time to value by accelerating
  • Reduce IT costs and improve ROI
  • Reduce risk and security posture


£7,066 a unit

Service documents

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G-Cloud 13

Service ID

6 6 6 1 1 3 1 8 8 3 0 8 6 5 0


Cognizant Worldwide Limited Frank Mcdade
Telephone: +44 (0) 7711 588 127


Planning service
How the planning service works
We run discovery and assessment workshops with customers and produce a detailed report and roadmap for consideration.
Planning service works with specific services
Hosting or software services the planning service works with
  • Microsoft Azure PaaS
  • Data Analytics
  • Mobility and workplace


Training service provided

Setup and migration

Setup or migration service available
How the setup or migration service works
Following a discovery and assessment phase we provide subject matter experts to work alongside IT units and teams to migrate. We also provide a full team managed by a dedicated Project Manager as appropriate.
Setup or migration service is for specific cloud services
List of supported services
Microsoft Azure

Quality assurance and performance testing

Quality assurance and performance testing service

Security testing

Security services

Ongoing support

Ongoing support service
Types of service supported
Hosting or software provided by a third-party organisation
How the support service works
We provide a managed service wrap tailored to the customer's requirements. We welcome discussions in this area.

Service scope

Service constraints
None known but dependent on the individual requirement.

User support

Email or online ticketing support
Phone support
Web chat support
Support levels
This service is not included as part of this offer but can be provided and we offer numerous support level tiers. We welcome discussions on pricing individual requirements. We do provide a technical account manager and/or cloud support engineer where appropriate.


Supplier type
Not a reseller

Staff security

Staff security clearance
Conforms to BS7858:2019
Government security clearance
Up to Developed Vetting (DV)

Standards and certifications

ISO/IEC 27001 certification
Who accredited the ISO/IEC 27001
DNV Business Assurance
ISO/IEC 27001 accreditation date
What the ISO/IEC 27001 doesn’t cover
Certain locations of Cognizant are not in scope of the certification
ISO 28000:2007 certification
CSA STAR certification
PCI certification
Cyber essentials
Cyber essentials plus
Other security certifications
Any other security certifications
ISO 22301 – Business Continuity Management System

Social Value

Fighting climate change

Fighting climate change

We take our environmental responsibilities seriously and have committed to becoming a more sustainable business, achieving net zero emissions by 2030. Cognizant is compliant with ISO14001 (Environmental Management System) and operates within multiple environmental policies, as set out in our ESG report and overseen by our Chief Sustainability Officer.
We reduce waste and develop sustainable products by leveraging technology advancements in AI, data and analytics, cloud and IoT, with the resulting solutions exploiting our experience, expertise and resources to help address climate change in our own activities and to help our clients meet their sustainability goals and reduce their carbon footprints. Some examples include: transitioning energy-intensive data centres to public cloud use; designing IoT-enabled smart buildings that manage electricity, heating, cooling and water consumption more efficiently to reduce power needs; and using IoT and cloud solutions in transportation and supply chain applications for real-time vessel emissions monitoring to improve shipping route planning and increase fuel efficiency.
Specific initiatives to achieve net zero include:
• Aligning to climate science. Science-based emissions reduction targets submitted for third-party validation with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
• Ongoing investments in renewable energy. In India over a quarter of Cognizant's energy already comes from renewable sources and we plan to expand our use of onsite solar energy and enter new power purchase agreements with clean energy developers.
• Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance. A global initiative bringing together the world's most influential businesses committed to procuring 100 percent renewable electricity.
• Increasing energy efficiency. We are investing in new energy efficient equipment and technologies across owned offices and data centres globally. Including green commuting, prioritising telecommuting and focussing on paperless working, energy efficient lighting, equipment, and retrofitting cooling systems.
Further information can be found at
Covid-19 recovery

Covid-19 recovery

As a major employer in the UK Cognizant is pleased to have the opportunity to continue helping communities to manage and recover from the impact of COVID-19. We announced a five-year, $250 million effort1 to support recovery and advance economic mobility in communities around the world.

During and after the pandemic, Cognizant has provided critical resources to strengthen public health systems, education and workforce institutions, jointly developing the Lateral Flow Test AI/ML component for the DHSC and partnering with the Cabinet Office on a data science awareness & training programme. As our company has continued to expand whilst office space has been restricted, we have encouraged Home Working and invested in the concomitant equipment and processes to support, including the rapid expansion of our existing Mental Health programme - adding a significant number of Mental Health First Aiders.

We have actively supported communities in managing and recovering from the impact of the pandemic, including providing those worst affected or shielding with the provision free services to digitally equip charities such that they can operate more efficiently and serve better. Our award winning “Cognizant Assist” App was also developed to support the virtual mobilisation of charities, volunteers and those in need to connect, drawing on our Google Firebase cloud platform experience and other open-source tools. This platform is provided free to community volunteering groups and charities, with volunteers from our organisation also supporting the app setup for these organisations.

Amidst our effects to support the creation of employment, re-training and other return to work opportunities, we have considered the delivery location of the services to focus on community or regional SMEs, to diversify the supply chain and create more localised opportunities.
Tackling economic inequality

Tackling economic inequality

We are committed to tackling economic inequality in employment and skills, with an approach that focuses on People, Communities and Accountability:
People: Supported by ‘Cognizant Academy’, our people continuously develop through training for soft skills and technical understanding. Training is made available to project staff and extends into communities we work with. Unconscious-bias training ensures that recruitment, performance and retention activity are creating the best platform for diversity to thrive. By educating, influencing and leading by example, we believe that we can inspire personal accountability to minimise inequality in the workforce.
Communities: As an employer of almost 8,000 people in the UK, we have a powerful sense of community purpose. We work with charities and social enterprises across the UK, including through our Outreach programme, to give back to the community and make a difference to society. We provide access to skills training and identify opportunities for employment, to help level the playing field and support individuals in securing the skills necessary for successful employment. Including:
-Employability Workshops; to provide core business skills (interview techniques, CV writing, LinkedIn training)
-Bootcamps; for training technology skills to underrepresented individuals
-Engaging local universities to co-develop digital skills, for supporting new job creation in regeneration locations
-Participating in initiatives that create work opportunities for the severely disadvantaged, such as the ‘Vital Regeneration’s’ Homeless, Employability and Learning Project (HELP)
-Leverage the Government’s Kick Start scheme to facilitate job placements and apprenticeships
Accountability: We utilise monthly and annual governance cycles to agree, measure and report on KPIs/metrics during contract term. Our ESG report increases transparency and accountability of our commitments to social responsibility. We focus in detail on diversity and actions taken to attract, develop and retain a diverse workforce, including partnering to overcome the skill-gap challenge and utilising our Digital Academy to upskill staff.
Equal opportunity

Equal opportunity

Cognizant is committed to Equal-Opportunity-Employment, regardless of protected characteristic. We take affirmative action to employ and advance all people and our policies ensure that no one is discriminated against, harassed or victimised due to a protected characteristic. We continue to invest in supporting people facing barriers to employment, especially those from under-represented groups in our industry (sex, age, disability and ethnicity), working with SMEs and local organisations to provide further opportunities for people to fill skills gaps in our industry.
Our Code of Ethics, Human Rights Policy, Modern Slavery Act Statement, and Supplier Code of Conduct address how we conduct business with integrity, respect human rights, and trade ethically. Additionally, our Code of Ethics training which is mandatory for all Cognizant associates includes a module on diversity and preventing discrimination and harassment.
We are a member of ‘the Valuable 500’, a global business collective of 500 CEOs/companies, that innovate together for disability inclusion through business leadership and opportunity. Our disability affinity group ‘Unite’ provides a community and additional support/resources for associates with disabilities, caregivers and their allies.
We are exploring partnerships with organisations such as Disability Rights UK, to ensure that our recruitment/retention approaches are accessible. Our explicit HR disability policies and expansion of our disability reporting for monitoring and retention processes are positive steps that we have already taken to level the playfield for people with disabilities.
Our Diversity Pipeline Programme drives greater diversity within our recruiting channels and adjustments are made to ensure candidates with disabilities are supported throughout the recruitment process. Our Code of Ethics is clear that discrimination of any kind is not tolerated, including in our recruitment process.
We conduct an employability training program for visually challenged graduates, where volunteers from our Outreach community train candidates on interview techniques, good interview practices and resume writing.


Our wellbeing objectives as an organisation and during contract delivery are to: Provide safe, secure and healthy environments for our staff, Support the needs of our team, implement longer-term positive approaches to thriving at work, integrate diversity and inclusion into wellbeing - covering race, religion, gender, sexual preference, disability and accessibility, and maximise the benefits of national and international awareness.

We invest heavily to ensure the physical and mental health and wellbeing of our teams, including development/access to our health and wellbeing portal and other resources e.g. Monthly ‘Town-halls’ focusing on mental health awareness and available support, Interactive webinars, (e.g. financial wellbeing support), Wellbeing and Mental health surveys, Mental health first aiders and champions, Access to weekly wellbeing sessions, Health from home (managing wellbeing at home), as well as access to a fully funded Employee Assistance Programme offering short-term professional counselling, family support services, legal support-services and financial support services.

We encourage a culture of open communication where colleagues can raise both concerns and ideas relating to wellbeing and health, and we take a comprehensive approach to influencing our staff, suppliers and communities by following the principles of: Leading from the top / Being publicly accountable / Making training accessible to all.

Improving community integration is a critical part of our commitment to improving the lives of our people, customers and citizens. We Think Local, supporting local initiatives, charities and schools. Annually, our UK workforce benefit from time off to volunteer an average of 12,000 hours in local communities or for charities.


£7,066 a unit
Discount for educational organisations

Service documents

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