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NEC MultiCloud

NEC MultiCloud includes the design, provision and on-going support of both public and private cloud infrastructure. The service is tailored to specific needs, so that maximum benefit is obtained from effort expended. All elements of change are efficiently managed, and, once established, Cloud services enjoy a comprehensive support package.


  • Guidance for planning and delivering a migration to Cloud
  • Design and build Cloud environment to customer and regulatory requirements
  • Cloud application support and agile development
  • Cloud Security configuration and testing
  • Service Management to ITIL4
  • Ongoing Cloud Service assurance for service protection and performance
  • Cloud Service performance testing and monitoring
  • Devops Services for Continuous Improvement and Continuous Delivery (CICD)
  • Training (internal and customer) in Cloud Service provision and support
  • Comprehensive 24x7x365 support wrap available for all Cloud Services


  • Expert operational support for all Cloud service elements
  • Cost savings through increased efficiency and on-demand environment provision (virtualisation)
  • Reduce Capital expenditure (renting not buying)
  • Increased collaboration and access as a result of Internet-facing applications
  • AWS, Azure, GCP, OCI, UKCloud, O365, SharePoint experience
  • Improved security and resilience through centralization and automated replication
  • Instant performance improvement and availability on-demand and according to need
  • Improvements, upgrades and patches delivered continuously, and with minimal impact
  • A catalogue of supplementary Cloud services available
  • Service Desk and support services available up to 7x24x365


£450 a unit

Service documents

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G-Cloud 13

Service ID

7 4 4 6 5 2 2 4 1 9 6 9 8 6 9


Telephone: 07852 936231


Planning service
How the planning service works
NEC provides a solution design service as part of its cloud hosting, this includes evaluating appropriate cloud providers, applications being hosted and the Business As Usual operating model. We help create business cases for cloud adoption and gather the operational requirements of the solution, such as the availability and level of resilience required. At a detailed level we look at the security requirement that includes how the cloud hosted services will be accessed, how it will be supported and the classification of the data being hosted. We have a model solution in terms of user access and security architecture that looks at each layer of the solution.
Planning service works with specific services


Training service provided
How the training service works
NEC have training services to meet all customer needs. Following an analysis of your requirements, NEC will work with you to plan a training strategy and build a suitable training platform. Training may be client led, it may be remote, it may make use of the NEC Learning Management Services, or it may be face-to-face in a classroom. NEC will support the delivery of whichever is the most appropriate.
Training is tied to specific services

Setup and migration

Setup or migration service available
How the setup or migration service works
We have a proven methodology to transition customers from on-premise or existing cloud services. Our ‘Cloud Engagement Process’ document initiates the discovery phase whereby we capture the infrastructure requirement, application requirement, network configuration, local services such as print, integrations and key dates and dependencies. An initial plan is provided based upon our templates which is specific to each individual customer, this is then used as the basis to work with the customer to create the joint plan which is used to take the project forward. Having identified the key stakeholders and technical specialists from both sides we then commence the transition. Typically we spin up the test infrastructure, undertake initial data migration (if appropriate) and establish the UAT environment. Often there will be a staging area or cross platform service depending on the existing service, this will be made available for the transition phase and until the service moves into BAU. As part of the live migration we provide an intensive level of support to ensure all aspects of the service are fully functional. Prior to live migration we ensure any agreed reporting and escalation paths are in place.
Setup or migration service is for specific cloud services

Quality assurance and performance testing

Quality assurance and performance testing service
How the quality assurance and performance testing works
The process of assuring the quality of service provided and its performance, is a continuous activity. It begins with the migration, is fine-tuned during the run-up to live service, and then embedded as a service standard.
NEC will support you in defining what levels of service are required, and then configuring / building the necessary tools for monitoring that those levels are adhered to.

Security testing

Security services
Security services type
  • Security strategy
  • Security risk management
  • Security design
  • Cyber security consultancy
  • Security testing
  • Security incident management
  • Security audit services
Certified security testers
Security testing certifications

Ongoing support

Ongoing support service
Types of service supported
  • Buyer hosting or software
  • Hosting or software provided by your organisation
  • Hosting or software provided by a third-party organisation
How the support service works
We offer the full range of Cloud hosting and software service support. We will support and maintain services on a Customer Cloud (AWS, OCI, Azure or Google), or provide hosting on an NEC Private Cloud.
We are able to offer the complete range of software services required for ongoing support and improvement subject to agreement.
Where required NEC can provide strategic consultancy, Business Analysis, Data Analysis and modelling, Business Intelligence, software development services, innovation through Design Sprints, Agile application development, the provision of additional SaaS, PaaS or IaaS, and the management required to support all of these activities.

Service scope

Service constraints
Remote support only.
Customers meet the security requirements of NEC.
Customer to provide Level 1 support.
Planned and Emergency downtime is not included in the availability calculation.
Customer must provide a dedicated lead technical contact.
Customer must provide a dedicated lead business contact.
Customer must provide a dedicated lead security contact.

User support

Email or online ticketing support
Email or online ticketing
Support response times
The response and resolution targets as detailed in the Support Levels section shall apply Mon-Fri 09:00-17:30 UK Time excluding public and bank holidays in England and Wales.
User can manage status and priority of support tickets
Online ticketing support accessibility
None or don’t know
Phone support
Phone support availability
9 to 5 (UK time), Monday to Friday
Web chat support
Support levels
A single standard support service is offered with associated service level targets covering incident response and resolution. Support is provided from a pool of experienced engineers overseen by a lead engineer.
NEC appreciates the impact a loss or degradation of a business critical service can have on end users.
It is important that incidents are responded to as quickly as possible in an appropriate ITIL aligned manner, and NEC has the flexibility to recommend a Service approach to align with a customer's requirements.
This flexibility extends to a capability to deliver the service aligned to a variety of response and resolution targets which can be carefully tailored in consultation with the customer to address the needs of the service while balancing against the cost of delivery.


Supplier type
Reseller providing extra features and support
Organisation whose services are being resold
Public Cloud supplier

Staff security

Staff security clearance
Conforms to BS7858:2019
Government security clearance
Up to Security Clearance (SC)

Standards and certifications

ISO/IEC 27001 certification
Who accredited the ISO/IEC 27001
ISO/IEC 27001 accreditation date
07/06/2021; valid until June 2024. Certificate IS 598449.
What the ISO/IEC 27001 doesn’t cover
The NEC Information Security Management System (ISMS) is registered to ISO 27001:2013 and therefore audited by BSI at least annually. All NEC staff are required to comply with the ISMS.
ISO 28000:2007 certification
CSA STAR certification
PCI certification
Cyber essentials
Cyber essentials plus
Other security certifications
Any other security certifications
  • Business Continuity Management ISO22301:2019
  • Environmental Management ISO14001:2015
  • Evidential Weight and Legal Admissibility of Electronic Information BS10008:2020
  • Service Management ISO20000:2018
  • Quality Management ISO9001:2015

Social Value

Fighting climate change

Fighting climate change

NEC has committed to being Net Zero by 2030. We project our carbon emissions will reduce by 50% from our baseline by 2026.
We have implemented a multitude of initiatives to support this:
• Appointing an Environmental Manager and Environmental Champions.
• Successfully obtaining certification for and implementing ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System (EMS).
• Developing a Carbon Reduction Plan, which is published on our website and an Environmental Strategy.
• Maintaining an Environmental Aspect and Impact Register (down to site level) through which to capture elements of our operating practices which could negatively impact the environment.
• Working with government accredited consultants to understand environmental impact and using outputs to inform future improvement activities.
• Collaborative activities to influence customers, supply chain partners and employees.
Specific initiatives applicable to our contract delivery approach include:
• Energy used on the contract will be from green energy sources.
Business travel will reduce where possible through utilisation of technology such as:
• Video conferencing.
• Sharing documents.
• Conference call facilities.
• Working from home/flexible working arrangements.
• Approval controls in place for commercial flights.
• Use of environmentally friendly data centres.
Our Environmental Policy objectives, relevant to the contract include:
• Meeting all relevant legal requirements and monitoring our compliance.
• Minimising our environmental impacts for the life cycle (including disposal) of work equipment and other physical assets under our control.
• Demonstrating efficient use of energy, water, and other natural resources.
• Maximising opportunities to minimise our waste by reusing or recycling waste, where practical.
• Ensuring our supply chain is aware of our environmental policy and our commitment to ensuring its effective implementation.
• Increasing environmental awareness and commitment amongst colleagues through training and briefings.
Continuing to identify opportunities to improve our environmental performance through clear objectives, plans and targets.
Covid-19 recovery

Covid-19 recovery

Since the emergence of Covid-19 as a global health crisis, we have supported our customers and the local communities they serve to adapt to the challenges posed by the pandemic. As a supplier of software and services to the public sector, this has included rapid development and deployment of software solutions to enable the efficient and effective delivery of new government schemes and changes in legislation, such as provision of Test and Trace Support Payments and new hospitality sector licensing requirements.
Initiatives we have implemented to support the policy outcomes include:
• Increasing our pre-pandemic workforce numbers through recruitment of an additional 250 UK based roles, many of whom were unemployed following redundancy from other sectors such as hospitality.
• Re-training and redeploying temporarily displaced colleagues rather than imposing redundancies or taking advantage of the furlough scheme.
• Commitment to investing over £400,000 in training and apprenticeships.
• Working collaboratively with customers to introduce new ways of working.
• Delivering community based social value through donations in kind to voluntary sector organisations impacted by the pandemic.
As part of our response to the pandemic we invested in and introduced several initiatives and workplace adaptations to protect employee health and safety, including:
• Introducing wider use of remote and flexible working, including making additional allowances for those caring for young children.
• Enhancing office safety, including installing sanitising stations, hygiene screens and digital thermometers.
• Increasing the frequency of colleague communications, with a focus on provision of mental health support and reducing the risks of isolation/loneliness.
• Providing all employees with free access to additional specialist resources, including 24x7 counselling and mental health services.
Tackling economic inequality

Tackling economic inequality

We recognise the expertise, innovation and value that can be gained from having a diverse supply chain and providing all suppliers with a fair and equal opportunity to become suppliers to us and our customers. We operate openly and transparently to enable this collaboration with third-party suppliers including large enterprises, sub-contractors, SMEs, VCSEs, mutuals and social enterprise organisations.
Additionally, we are committed to nurturing new and existing talent and creating a sustainable learning and development culture, equipping our staff with the appropriate skills, knowledge and processes so the company continues to deliver innovative, industry leading solutions.
Processes and practices we have adopted to tackle economic inequality include:
• Using outcome-based specifications and co-design methods to encourage suppliers, communities, users and third sector organisations to collaborate and propose solutions based upon end user requirements, rather than being prescriptive.
• Advertising supply chain opportunities openly and always operating transparently.
• Including modules covering anti-bribery and corruption, whistleblowing, equality and diversity in our all-colleague compulsory Annual Compliance Training.
• Having policies and operating practices that support effective supply chain relationships through fair selection and responsible management. For example, only flowing down appropriate contract terms.
• Paying at least 95% of all invoices within agreed terms and agreeing to reduced payment terms for SMEs and subcontractors.
• Never deducting sums from payments as a charge for remaining on our supplier list.
• Investing in new jobs and training opportunities through an active Apprenticeship scheme.
• Creating opportunities for career progression and investing in reward and recognition initiatives that support employee retention.
• Following the foundational principles of the Good Work Plan in respect of employee satisfaction, fair pay, well-being and safety, career progression, voice, and autonomy.
• Having appropriate controls in place to mitigate cyber security risks.
Equal opportunity

Equal opportunity

We want to be an employer of choice for people of all backgrounds, regardless of sexuality, disability, nationality, race, gender or religion. We are committed to ensuring workers either directly employed or employed within our supply chains are treated fairly, humanely, and equitably.
To encourage a diverse and varied workforce our approach to equal opportunity includes:
• Ensuring job adverts reach a diverse audience, including utilising job sites which encourage interest from disadvantaged and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups.
• Inclusive and accessible recruitment practices, supporting candidates with disabilities through provision of supportive technology and/or changes to working practices.
• Collecting, analysing and senior reporting of equality and diversity data obtained during recruitment activities.
• Making appointments on the grounds of selecting the most suitable candidate for the post.
• Gender-neutral role definitions.
• Ensuring policies and employee communications promote respect and equality for all.
Other activities supporting equal opportunity within the workforce include:
• Tackling gender pay gap, through annual audits. Women now comprise over a third of our leadership team, including our Chief Executive.
• Compliance with Modern Slavery Act 2015 and 9 core principles of Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code.
• Ensuring effective controls are in place to mitigate and manage risks of exploitation within the supply chain, including supplier questionnaires and evidence requirements.
• Provision of appropriate channels for colleagues to have an effective voice, such as our Employee Steering Group.
• Investment in workforce development and training, including an active Apprenticeship and Graduate Recruitment programme.
• No use of zero hours contracts or fire and rehire practices.
• Being a Real Living Wage Employer.
• Flexible working practices.
• Transparent and structured promotion, pay and reward processes.
• Senior level sponsorship at board level supporting and promoting equal opportunity beyond basic statutory requirements.


Physical Fitness and Mental Stability is one of our sustainable development goals.
Our approach to supporting good health and wellbeing which will be applicable to the contract workforce includes:
• Providing employees with free and confidential access to specialist resources 24x7, including counselling and mental health services through our Employee Assistance Programme.
• Providing private healthcare cover for employees. Cover includes Doctor at Hand service to provide employees with fast and convenient access to advice, assistance and medical treatment, GP appointments anytime and anywhere.
• Maintaining compliance with the six standards of the Mental Health at Work commitment and a dedicated module to promote health and wellbeing as part of our all-colleague compulsory compliance training.
• Accommodating workplace adjustments, such as supportive technology for those with a disability or health condition.
• Encouraging good physical health by providing discounted corporate gym membership over 3,300 participating gyms through our employee GymFlex scheme.
We incorporate national health and wellbeing campaigns within our communications calendar, raising employee awareness and signpost to useful support pathways. Our 2022/23 calendar include raising awareness of the following nationally recognised campaigns:
• Stress Awareness Day.
• Mental Health Awareness week.
• World Menopause Day.
• National Eye Health week.
• World Diabetes Day.
• Stress Awareness Month.
• Suicide Prevention Day.
• Men's Health week.
Within one of our acquired businesses, we have Mental Health First Aiders who have trained to spot signs of mental ill health and provide early support for colleagues who may be developing a mental health issue.
Supporting employee health and wellbeing is underpinned by clear action plans for improvement and several Human Resources policies, such as our:
• Health and Safety Policy
• Alcohol, Drugs & Solvent Abuse Policy
• Menopause Policy
• Absence Policy
• Flexible Working Policy
• Gender Reassignment Policy.


£450 a unit
Discount for educational organisations

Service documents

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