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Hark HR

Hark is a cloud-based, externally hosted HRIS, which includes a fully mobile and responsive Employee Self Service application. It is a powerful, workflow driven application containing 40+ pre-built workflows that automate each process with CIPD best practice workflows. Additional client specific can also be offered within this service.


  • Cloud based, externally hosted service
  • Secure Data Management
  • Fully responsive web application with any device connecting via internet
  • Designed and developed in conjunction with web accessibility guidelines
  • Data migration available with support from Hallmark Solutions team
  • Audit log feature for changes to records and workflow cases
  • Admin panel incorporating multiple levels of access control
  • Fully mobile and responsive Employee Self Service option
  • Information reporting functionality with secure monitoring, statistics and analytics
  • Training and support suite including telephone, online, manuals, and videos


  • 40+ CIPD best practice workflows
  • Service configurable to client needs, including flexible access rights
  • Notifications incorporated to provide appropriate user with necessary communication
  • Set of inbuilt reports with customised reports also available
  • Manager training on ESS/Portal and staff training on ESS
  • Ongoing development for fixes and especially for client driven enhancements
  • Ability to upload data into the system in various formats
  • Range of utilities to update/change employee records, including leave


£0 a unit

  • Education pricing available

Service documents

Request an accessible format
If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need versions of these documents in a more accessible format, email the supplier at Tell them what format you need. It will help if you say what assistive technology you use.


G-Cloud 14

Service ID

8 0 9 4 5 1 5 9 0 0 5 6 5 4 9


Telephone: 02890812618

Service scope

Software add-on or extension
Cloud deployment model
Public cloud
Service constraints
Requires up to date browsers.
System requirements
Up to date browser

User support

Email or online ticketing support
Email or online ticketing
Support response times
Non-critical fault response or query within 8 standard support hours of the Company being contacted.
Critical fault response within 4 standard support hours of the Company being contacted.
User can manage status and priority of support tickets
Phone support
Phone support availability
9 to 5 (UK time), Monday to Friday
Web chat support
Onsite support
Yes, at extra cost
Support levels
Our support is high-quality and operates as a standard across all our services.
Non-critical fault response or support query within 8 standard support hours of the Company being contacted.
Critical fault response with 4 standard support hours of the Company being contacted.
Support available to third parties

Onboarding and offboarding

Getting started
Users can be provided with online or onsite training.
Training incorporates training videos for HR, Manager and Employee and a manual.
Further training can be purchased at any time at the request of the user.
Full support function is also in place to resolve any initial service use needs.
Service documentation
Documentation formats
End-of-contract data extraction
Client data is available as csv output for each data screen. Field selections are available to establish reports for required data extraction.
End-of-contract process
Contract is in place for period agreed with client and remains in place after expiry of the initial period unless and until (a) a party provides 12 months' written notice of termination, or (b) termination due to material breach of agreements that have not be remedied within 28 days of notification by the other party.

Reports and csv files of customer data are available to extract data. This is undertaken by client and no cost is attached.

Formal process of handover by Hallmark Solutions to different service provider can be arranged. A cost may be attached to this.

Using the service

Web browser interface
Supported browsers
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Opera
Application to install
Designed for use on mobile devices
Differences between the mobile and desktop service
No difference in service.
Hark is a fully responsive web application, with any device connecting via internet. Mobile phone, tablet, laptop and workstations are all compatible with the application.
Service interface
User support accessibility
None or don’t know
What users can and can't do using the API
Two aspects for API - for Hark and for integrations.
Hark API offers functions for users to operate on both the Admin app and the ESS app e.g. create / edit employees, create / edit workflows, create / update workflows cases, request leave, authorise leave etc etc. Roles are created to restrict access to what end-users can do in the apps
For integrations the API offers methods to support Time & Attendance or Payroll providers with integration to Hark. This will allow the sending and receiving of required information. Access to all methods is controlled by HMAC authentication.
API documentation
API sandbox or test environment
Customisation available
Description of customisation
Workflow processes can be customised, offering flexibility in all HR methodologies for the service user.


Independence of resources
Service can auto-scale based on the requirements, based on user workload.
Also has individual database that is not impacted by service use by other clients.


Service usage metrics
Metrics types
Via Google Analytics and statistics within application.
Reporting types
  • Real-time dashboards
  • Regular reports
  • Reports on request


Supplier type
Not a reseller

Staff security

Staff security clearance
Other security clearance
Government security clearance
Up to Security Clearance (SC)

Asset protection

Knowledge of data storage and processing locations
Data storage and processing locations
  • United Kingdom
  • Other locations
User control over data storage and processing locations
Datacentre security standards
Complies with a recognised standard (for example CSA CCM version 3.0)
Penetration testing frequency
Less than once a year
Penetration testing approach
Another external penetration testing organisation
Protecting data at rest
Physical access control, complying with CSA CCM v3.0
Data sanitisation process
Equipment disposal approach
Complying with a recognised standard, for example CSA CCM v.30, CAS (Sanitisation) or ISO/IEC 27001

Data importing and exporting

Data export approach
Client data is available as csv output for each data screen. Field selections are available to establish reports for required data extraction
Data export formats
  • CSV
  • Other
Other data export formats
Data import formats
Other data import formats

Data-in-transit protection

Data protection between buyer and supplier networks
  • Private network or public sector network
  • TLS (version 1.2 or above)
Data protection within supplier network
TLS (version 1.2 or above)

Availability and resilience

Guaranteed availability
Hallmark ensures that the software confirms to all representations and descriptions of functionality and service made available to the buyer and that the software will operate to a 99.5% uptime availability level, excluding downtime for scheduled and emergency maintenance, which shall be notified to the buyer wherever possible, and scheduled to minimise disruption to the buyer's operations.
Approach to resilience
This information can be provided on request.
Outage reporting
All outages are reported via email to relevant service users within maximum 4 working hours.

Identity and authentication

User authentication needed
User authentication
  • 2-factor authentication
  • Username or password
Access restrictions in management interfaces and support channels
All access for users, management and support is filtered. This ensures that access is restricted across our entire service delivery.

This filter method allows Hallmark Solutions to meet the various access requirements of all service users.

For example, only 3 Hallmark Solutions staff members who have the knowledge and skills to manage the service are able to access information that would be consider 'secret'.

Additionally all staff who manage or support any element of this service are security checked.
Access restriction testing frequency
At least once a year
Management access authentication
  • 2-factor authentication
  • Username or password

Audit information for users

Access to user activity audit information
Users contact the support team to get audit information
How long user audit data is stored for
Access to supplier activity audit information
You control when users can access audit information
How long supplier audit data is stored for
How long system logs are stored for

Standards and certifications

ISO/IEC 27001 certification
Who accredited the ISO/IEC 27001
Centre for Assessment
ISO/IEC 27001 accreditation date
What the ISO/IEC 27001 doesn’t cover
Hallmark Solutions fully met ISO 27001 standards over period of 14 years.
With new SaaS products being released, Hallmark Solutions took the decision early in 2023 to fully review all elements of the business, with an external review of all elements of ISO 27001 currently being completed.
This was to ensure all policies and procedures were fully compliant, fully implemented and fully representative of the changed state of Hallmark Solutions service delivery.
This review will be completed by summer 2024 with re-accreditation at that time.
ISO 28000:2007 certification
CSA STAR certification
PCI certification
Cyber essentials
Cyber essentials plus
Other security certifications

Security governance

Named board-level person responsible for service security
Security governance certified
Security governance standards
ISO/IEC 27001
Information security policies and processes
Hallmark Solutions has an established Information Security Management System that meets requirements of ISO27001. This is used to manage risks and threats to information security which we may face in the operation of our business and in the delivery of our services.

We ensure compliance with all relevant legislative, business and contractual security obligations.

We ensure that the information security risks, threats and vulnerabilities associated with our business are effectively identified, assessed and managed.

This includes:
- Meeting specific customer requirements and responding to customer need;
- Setting and monitoring achievement of specific information security improvement objectives;
- Closely monitoring the information security risks and threats which we may face and ensuring that suitable controls are in place and effectively monitored;
- Continually improving the effectiveness of our Information Security Management System;
- Continually striving to ensure we provide the most secure services to customers;
- Protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all information which we hold.

Operational security

Configuration and change management standard
Conforms to a recognised standard, for example CSA CCM v3.0 or SSAE-16 / ISAE 3402
Configuration and change management approach
Changes to information resources or application is managed and executed according to a formal change control process.
Details of all changes are generated and recorded on an on-line Version Control Form, and include the following information:
Change Control Form Number
Date Reported
Reported By
Client Version
Enhancement/Bug Indicator

The control process ensures that changes proposed are reviewed, authorised, tested - including for potential security impact -, implemented, and released in a controlled manner.
The status of each proposed change is monitored by MD, Senior Management and Software Development leads at various stages in the change management process.
Vulnerability management type
Supplier-defined controls
Vulnerability management approach
Processes apply to all hardware, software and network assets.
Threats are assessed by internal test including routine scans of all services, websites, servers or devices. Service upgrades and enhancements are fully Quality Assured before version issue.

Vulnerability Reports are reviewed by system administrators.
Where necessary, response action is instigated immediately.
Critical issues are responded to within 4 standard hours of the company being aware of the threat.

Records relating to Vulnerability Management are retained for minimum period of two years.
Protective monitoring type
Supplier-defined controls
Protective monitoring approach
All elements of our service are fully tested and quality assured for potential compromises. This is undertaken on a manual and automated basis before publishing to our own testing server.

Our team provide further investigation prior to version release to clients.

Additionally, an external security test is undertaken on at least an annual basis.

This process minimises risk of any potential comprises. Were such to occur, Hallmark Solutions has a full Incident Management Response procedure that is undertaken within maximum of 4 hours of any compromise or issue being identified. This timeframe remains in place over down days (e.g. weekends).
Incident management type
Supplier-defined controls
Incident management approach
Hallmark Solutions incident management processes confirm to standards ISO 27001.

Incident response is within 4 hours of the company being notified or identifying incident. Users can report incident by email or telephone.

Incident reports are issued to clients as a matter of policy. These are issued in pdf by email.

Secure development

Approach to secure software development best practice
Independent review of processes (for example CESG CPA Build Standard, ISO/IEC 27034, ISO/IEC 27001 or CSA CCM v3.0)

Public sector networks

Connection to public sector networks

Social Value

Social Value

Social Value

  • Tackling economic inequality
  • Equal opportunity

Tackling economic inequality

This service is:
- Flexible and can be tailored to needs of new, small organisations. The efficiencies available will enable these businesses to focus on growth and the development of new opportunities.
- Reduced cost and time focused on HR needs will ensure new, small business owners can focus on income generation and reinvestment in the business.

- The use of this service will enable Hallmark Solutions itself to focus on growth, particularly for new entries to a high growth sector.
- Our use of apprenticeship schemes best illustrates our clear commitment to educational attainment and ensuring employment through and beyond the education period. We have a consistent introduction opportunity for younger people keen to enter a high-growth sector.
- We continue to focus on individual employees, supporting their individual development to ensure they can progress in their careers and be creative and entrepreneurial as they do so.

Equal opportunity

- Our use of apprenticeship schemes best illustrates our clear commitment to educational attainment and ensuring employment through and beyond the education period. We have a consistent introduction opportunity for younger people keen to enter a high-growth sector.
- We continue to focus on individual employees, supporting their individual development to ensure they can progress in their careers and be creative and entrepreneurial as they do so.


£0 a unit
Discount for educational organisations
Free trial available

Service documents

Request an accessible format
If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need versions of these documents in a more accessible format, email the supplier at Tell them what format you need. It will help if you say what assistive technology you use.