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4OC Ltd

Power BI Services for Education

4OC provide consulting, implementation and ongoing support for the implementation of Microsoft’s Power BI cloud-based analytics service. We identify business challenges, needs and data requirements, ensuring the solution meets operational and management requirements. Our analysis allows development of simple, powerful visualisations and measures that support improved performance within the service.


  • Get a single view of your most critical business data
  • Monitor the health of your business using a live dashboard
  • Interactive reports for deep analysis in minutes
  • All your information from many sources presented in one place
  • Create Business Intelligence solutions based locally or on the cloud
  • Transforms your organisation’s data into rich visuals
  • Knowledge Transfer, Capacity / Capability Building, Upskilling
  • Co-Design, Design Principles, Solutions, Target Operating Model, Roadmap, Plan
  • Experienced, professional staff, relevant competencies
  • Root cause analysis, Problem solving, Vision for change, Futureproofed TOM


  • Fully flexible – present your data how you want
  • Enables you to quickly turn detailed insight into action
  • Understand at a glance how your organisation is running
  • Offers pre-built dashboards for services used every day
  • Keeps you connected on almost any device
  • Informed Timely Decision Making, Transparency of Responsibilities, Progress Against Plan
  • Value for money, financial risk management, assured competitive rates
  • Dedicated programme/project team that understand problems, relevant solution development
  • Collaboration across Teams and Departments to Co-Design future state
  • Universal Buy In, Embedded Change, Increased Adoption, Sustain Benefits Realisation


£385 to £1,700 a user a day

Service documents

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G-Cloud 13

Service ID

8 1 8 8 3 9 4 9 8 9 9 9 4 4 1


4OC Ltd 4OC Support
Telephone: 020 3965 3948


Planning service
How the planning service works
During the Mobilisation stage of all engagements, we agree the outputs to be delivered. Our co-design method ensures our clients are included in the production of deliverables to maintain business ownership of the change. This consistently results in a better buy-in from all those engaged, ensures ‘no surprises’ and delivers a high-quality output from the business analysis, solution and system design.

To ensure the quality of outputs, we developed an approach to deliver agreed outcomes utilising a flexible but rigorously managed programme methodology, the Programme Management Project Review (PMPR) process. PMPR is a practical fortnightly project review process (equally applicable to work-packages) with the project team focused on progress, risk and quality. It provides control via a structured process and utilising easy to use toolkits.

If agreed, the PMPR processes and toolset will be used to manage work-packages, including:

♣ Work-package Progress – output production and milestone management
♣ Risks/Issues
♣ Financial information (including Resources)
♣ Baseline budget – agreed with Project Manager at outset.

We will drive continuous communication to ensure that all parties are informed of progress, risks/issues throughout the implementation. We also agree, review and refine our communications approach with the Project Team during the Mobilisation stage.
Planning service works with specific services


Training service provided
How the training service works
We provide training support and delivery for cloud software and hosting services. We have extensive experience of developing training approaches that are tailored to suit business need and centred around how staff use systems rather than simply providing functional training. This ensures much greater engagement and an effective learning experience.

We always recommend that a Training Needs Analysis is conducted (scalable to the project), as it is essential to any delivery to fully ensure that training delivery will fulfil the needs of individual learning needs, considering skill levels and potential barriers to learning, as well as the overall business aims.

We use a variety of training materials, manuals, how to guides, quick reference guides, and delivery styles, such as classroom, on the job, one to one, online e-learning and blended learning approaches, to achieve a successful outcome.
Training is tied to specific services

Setup and migration

Setup or migration service available
How the setup or migration service works
Our comprehensive systems and service transition planning and management methodology, 4Sight, ensures that everyone is confident that deadlines and targets can be met and every individual and organisation understands their role in achieving them. We typically begin an engagement, using our 4Sight transition methodology, to structure, validate and analyse the approach across affected services.

Some of the key areas that we cover using our approach include: Re-design of Business Process/Customer Journeys; System and reporting requirements; Transition plans with key milestones/decisions; Project Governance and Performance Management framework.

We apply the 4Sight methodology principles to implement a programme structure that supports an organisation shifting systems or services online or transitioning to alternative cloud solutions.

We understand the need to deliver change in a controlled, measurable manner. We prioritise criteria with the client and undertake an Impact Assessment for each business team being transitioned. Underpinning this, we develop a change approach and implementation plan, drawing upon lessons learned of previous change programmes to ensure an approach to successfully deploying and embedding change was achieved.

Where issues are identified, the team will develop and implement effective mitigations and provide comprehensive measures to ensure senior managers have a live and accurate representation of progress.
Setup or migration service is for specific cloud services

Quality assurance and performance testing

Quality assurance and performance testing service
How the quality assurance and performance testing works
We work with clients to clearly articulate and document the objectives and scope of testing to ensure that there is absolute clarity of understanding and deliverables. Once determined, we would apply our 5-stage approach to testing, covering the following areas:

♣ Unit testing
♣ System Testing
♣ Model Office Testing
♣ User Acceptance Testing
♣ Production Testing.

In all stages, test scenarios will be developed that document the business processes affected and how users will use the applications provided. Test scripts will be produced to ensure that appropriate test coverage is documented and that each business requirement is thoroughly tested. Any defects are recorded and classified in terms of severity and priority and are determined from the point of view of business efficiency and effectiveness.

At each stage, there are a series of quality criteria that must be passed before moving into the next stage. This provides buyers with evidenced based decisions about whether to proceed and provides structured and control in quality assurance and performance testing.

This is underpinned by a jointly agreed test schedule and clear roles and responsibilities to ensure all involved are aware of their role in testing and that there is no confusion.

Security testing

Security services

Ongoing support

Ongoing support service

Service scope

Service constraints

User support

Email or online ticketing support
Email or online ticketing
Support response times
Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm (UK time)
User can manage status and priority of support tickets
Phone support
Phone support availability
9 to 5 (UK time), Monday to Friday
Web chat support
Support levels
We provide ongoing support to the client as part of all of our Cloud Support Services.


Supplier type
Reseller providing extra features and support
Organisation whose services are being resold

Staff security

Staff security clearance
Other security clearance
Government security clearance
Up to Security Clearance (SC)

Standards and certifications

ISO/IEC 27001 certification
ISO 28000:2007 certification
CSA STAR certification
PCI certification
Cyber essentials
Cyber essentials plus
Other security certifications

Social Value

Fighting climate change

Fighting climate change

Maintaining a clean and protected physical environment is everyone’s responsibility so we support and meet or exceed the requirements of current environmental legislation and codes of practice. Our Environmental Policy outlines the following:Transport – We use remote working and teleconferencing to reduce travel but will use public transport and local cycle initiatives when necessary, minimising our carbon footprint

Minimising Waste – We strive to be a paperless organisation, utilising whiteboards and projector technology, discouraging printing of unnecessary documents. We apply the principles of continuous improvement in respect of air, water, noise and light pollution from our premises and reduce any impacts from our operations on the environment and local community  
Suppliers – We assess suppliers to make sure they have sustainability policy in place and assess the environmental impact of any new products we intend to introduce

We recognise and have responded to the climate emergency by minimising our negative environmental impact to protect our planet for future generations. It is an integral part of 4OC culture, reflected in our values, attitudes and behaviours and is not tokenistic.

Understanding environmental impact is threaded through everything we do – informing our decisions, designing the way we work, benefitting our clients, our teams, our communities, and our spaces. We know that positive impact happens at scale, so we collaborate in all possible areas, ensuring our decisions are not impacted solely by monetary gain.

In abiding by this standard, our dedication to true environmental value creation and evidence-based measurement of our impact will ensure that we are recognised as a socially and environmentally minded provider, employer, and partner of choice. We have developed a tool, the ‘Sustainability Framework’, which allows us to measure current sustainability metrics and provides a scheduled plan of activities to drive continuous improvement in sustainability performance.


4OC champions and supports the health and wellbeing of all our people from a range of angles and aspects including:

Career progression and personal development - Each employee is given the autonomy to design their own career journey, supported by a mentor within the organisation. They are given the time, tools and support to ensure they know what is required to learn and progress within the organisation. This is underpinned by our Competency Framework.

Rewards and Recognition – staff are not only rewarded through pay awards and promotions through the Competency Framework but also recognised for their efforts and achievements through a bi-annual profit share to every member of the team based on the performance of the organisation as a whole, and call-outs in 4OC newsletters (the 4UM).

Social gatherings – regular gatherings which encourage staff to meet and have fun, this also helps build a wider support network and share learnings. During the Covid-19 lockdowns, we established ‘Comrade Roulette’ to keep in contact with different members of the team while remote working. These meetings, held via Microsoft Teams, have proved highly popular and remain a weekly event

Staff Wellness – we care about the health and wellbeing of our team, and we provide free access to our independent wellness coach, and appointments can be held virtually or in person. All members of 4OC are encouraged to access this wholly confidential mental and physical health support, which may include help with anxieties and phobias, physiotherapy, or just someone independent to talk to about work or homelife.

Co-design and co-delivery are two of our core principles. We recognise that delivering change invariably fails if the design of the solution does not take account of the most important stakeholders impacted by that change - the beneficiaries and frontline providers of the service.


£385 to £1,700 a user a day
Discount for educational organisations

Service documents

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If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need versions of these documents in a more accessible format, email the supplier at Tell them what format you need. It will help if you say what assistive technology you use.