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Through Technology Limited

Agile Cloud and Application Development

We offer a bespoke solution architecture and Dev/Sec/Service operations service to understand your user needs and deliver new services that meet them. Working using proven methods and fully aligned to GDS/NCSC Standards and Guidance.


  • End-to-End Agile Cloud and Application Development Function
  • Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, Google Cloud Platform, PaaS, Serverless
  • Cloud, Hybrid Cloud or Multi-Cloud Solutions
  • APIs and Web Services, REST, XML, API Development and Consumption
  • Web UI Development, responsive sites and Single Page Applications
  • Mobile UI Development, IOS/Android apps, native or cross-platform
  • DevOps, Continuous Integration, Development, Monitoring and Evolution
  • Systems Integration, Orchestration, Automation
  • High throughput, availability, resilience and scalability solutions
  • Reliability engineering and cloud service optimisation


  • Proven experience in public and private sectors
  • Augment your internal capability with managed development services...
  • ...or procure a complete software development service and outcome
  • Reduce deployment time with iterative, incremental development and release
  • Reduce cost through optimisation of cloud service consumption
  • Reduce maintenance overheads through automation and orchestration
  • Move your people up the value chain, automating repetitive processes
  • Scalable customer focused agile teams


£300 a unit a day

Service documents

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G-Cloud 13

Service ID

8 3 2 9 2 9 9 1 1 8 2 6 3 3 2


Through Technology Limited Peter Hanney
Telephone: +44 (0)7913334794


Planning service
How the planning service works
We can plan and deliver the service as an entire standalone or
autonomous team or work as part of a blended client-supplier
team to deliver your requirements.
We are also happy to either take on greenfield projects, or
understand, optimise and deliver projects that have already
We can undertake user research, plan and deliver workshops,
plan and lead agile ceremonies either independently or in
collaboration with your internal teams or as part of broader
We can either build a backlog and iteratively deliver or refine
and deliver an existing backlog prepared by your team.
We have a strong track record in solution integration, and will
also undertake integration planning to minimise any risk and
confirm the readiness of your infrastructure and existing
Planning service works with specific services


Training service provided
How the training service works
Our service will provide a clear exit plan upon conclusion,
including transfer of all project documentation and knowledge
transfer sessions with the customer's internal or incumbent
supplier teams.
We can also undertake training and upskilling of your internal
teams, providing the knowledge and processes necessary to
bring ongoing support in house.
Training is tied to specific services

Setup and migration

Setup or migration service available
How the setup or migration service works
We can setup secure cloud hosting environments including
development, test, staging, production, etc.
We can perform assessment and remediation of existing
We can deal with change and release management.
We utilise infrastructure as code to provide automation and
orchestration of environments. Ensuring stability and
configuration control across multiple environments.
Integration of solutions with your organisations existing
authentication and monitoring services.

For application or data migration services, please refer to our other G-Cloud 12 services.
Setup or migration service is for specific cloud services

Quality assurance and performance testing

Quality assurance and performance testing service
How the quality assurance and performance testing works
QA is an integral part of each Agile software development
iteration. Each increment is tested functional using automation
to ensure minimised risk of regression issues.
Depending on the performance requirements, dedicated
performance testing environment(s) can be setup to perform
load testing, soak testing, stress testing, etc

Security testing

Security services
Security services type
  • Security strategy
  • Security risk management
  • Security design
  • Cyber security consultancy
  • Security testing
  • Security incident management
  • Security audit services
  • Other
Other security services
Remediation of issues identified in customer ITHC
Certified security testers
Security testing certifications

Ongoing support

Ongoing support service
Types of service supported
  • Buyer hosting or software
  • Hosting or software provided by your organisation
How the support service works
Support requirements will vary between customers and
applications. We therefore tailor these services to the
individual needs of the client and roadmap for future
development and operation of their applications. We will
discuss specific requirements in the proposal stage.
For all projects we assign a service manager and technical lead
who will - at minimum - respond to any enquiries during the
project term within 1 business day.

Service scope

Service constraints
Any constraints will be associated with the individual customer
requirements and therefore identified and managed at the
proposal stage

User support

Email or online ticketing support
Email or online ticketing
Support response times
Support arrangements are tailored to the needs of our customers
and the nature of the use case. Please discuss this with us. We
are technology agnostic and happy to work with your own
ticketing and ITSM systems or our own
User can manage status and priority of support tickets
Online ticketing support accessibility
Phone support
Phone support availability
9 to 5 (UK time), Monday to Friday
Web chat support
Web chat
Web chat support availability
9 to 5 (UK time), Monday to Friday
Web chat support accessibility standard
Web chat accessibility testing
We typically utilise Microsoft Teams, Hangouts or Slack, all of which have been through accessibility testing and conform to the standards above.

Our preference is to utilise the same chat solutions as your users, thereby negating any need to accessibility test, certify or learn a new solution
Support levels
Throughout any development engagement we will provide
support and consultancy on a T&M or fixed price basis with all
queries responded to within at most one business day. You will
have an assigned Service Manager and Solution Lead to carry out
the work and provide any aftercare required.
We offer user support services separately through our TT Cloud
Services Support offering on G-Cloud lot 3.


Supplier type
Not a reseller

Staff security

Staff security clearance
Conforms to BS7858:2019
Government security clearance
Up to Developed Vetting (DV)

Standards and certifications

ISO/IEC 27001 certification
Who accredited the ISO/IEC 27001
British Standards Institute (BSI) - BSI Certificate Number IS 743920
ISO/IEC 27001 accreditation date
What the ISO/IEC 27001 doesn’t cover
Nothing, it covers all of our services.
ISO 28000:2007 certification
CSA STAR certification
PCI certification
Cyber essentials
Cyber essentials plus
Other security certifications

Social Value

Fighting climate change

Fighting climate change

Through Technology is a Carbon Negative Business and formally assessed and certified as such with the PAS2060 Carbon Neutral Plus standard. This means that our services are operated to remove more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than our business has created or will create in future, already significantly exceeding HM Government's Net Zero targets. Our business was designed with a very carbon-efficient business model. Building on this foundation, we have a process of continual improvement. We annually calculate our carbon footprint using the reputable service, identify further reductions in our environmental impact, then offset -double- the residual carbon footprint of our business through the same scheme reputable UK tree-planting scheme used to offset HM Government ministerial travel. Measuring our footprint every year, optimising it and offsetting double, scales with our business and automatically applies to every service we provide (through G-Cloud or elsewhere). Furthermore, because trees last for many years, our positive impact on carbon capture and storage will continue to grow greater and greater across the lifetime of our business. As a business, we are also focussed upon helping our customers achieve your outcomes. We consider environmental impact in the work we undertake as part of our services many of which involve carbon reduction through modernisation of systems and migration to the cloud. Fighting Climate Change is something we are passionate about. We are proud of the contribution we make as UK Small Business. It also shows our commitment to not only meet, but exceed government targets for fighting climate change and goals of Procurement Policy Notes PPN 06/20 (Social Value) and PPN 06/21 (Taking account of Carbon Reduction in major contracts). Further detail, including "Beyond Net Zero - The Through Technology Environmental Impact Plan" available upon request.
Covid-19 recovery

Covid-19 recovery

In Through Technology, we have a very strong focus on achieving value for the tax-payers money and on supporting the UK economy. We are a UK Small Business, paying all our taxes in the UK and operating in full compliance with UK Tax regulations. We are members of the TechUK industry body, volunteering time via our seat on their Justice and Emergency Services Committee to help to define and deliver best practice in work between the Digital & Technology industry and government. We are signatories to the UK Government Small Business Commissioner’s Prompt Payment Code. Meaning we commit to paying our supply chain within 30 days and have never yet failed to do so, even when we ourselves have faced delays in our payments. Our company principles include sharing knowledge and building capability with our customers’ internal teams. This can be seen in our “Insource Transition Support” service published on G-Cloud. Helping our customers insource and develop their internal teams will drive upskilling and job creation within our public sector customers. We have a defined standard business process to actively seek out opportunities for savings and cost avoidance for our customers in everything we do. This process has resulted in savings and cost avoidance of over £10M in the last 3 years, saving our customers more than we have cost them while we have also delivered all of our contracted scope. We have also created new jobs in our business during the Covid 19 pandemic and continue to collaborate effectively with our customers remotely through their choice of tooling and onsite following all current Covid guidance.
Tackling economic inequality

Tackling economic inequality

Through Technology are committed to fighting economic inequality. As a modern business without strong geographic ties, our hiring policy is to prioritise recruitment from areas of high social deprivation as identified in the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities' English Indices of Deprivation). At present, 40% of our staff are from these areas and as our business grows, so will this percentage, ensuring that most of the tax-payer money spent on our services ends up in the local UK communities that need it the most. We are an equal opportunities employer that recognises and actively seeks out the benefits of diverse and inclusive teams to our business, to our customers and to wider society.
Equal opportunity

Equal opportunity

We are an equal opportunities employer that recognises and actively seeks out the benefits of diverse and inclusive teams to our business, to our customers and to wider society. This is built into our policies, procedures and contracts, and lived day to day. We have worked to remove any bias from our organisational processes, including subconscious bias where it may exist. An example is that the first stage of our recruitment process is anonymised, minimising the impact of any potential bias in CV and Application evaluation. We are signatories to the Armed Forces Covenant and seek proactively to recruit ex-forces personnel, overcoming some of their challenges in returning to civilian life. Our recruitment process for opportunities is intentionally designed to be accessible and open to all. Our teams working through G-Cloud are diverse and include people from different parts of the UK, age groups, ethnic origin, gender, disability and faith.


We are an equal opportunities employer that recognises and actively seeks out the benefits of diverse and inclusive teams to our business, to our customers and to wider society. This is built into our policies, procedures and contracts, and lived day to day. We have worked to remove any bias from our organisational processes, including subconscious bias where it may exist. An example is that the first stage of our recruitment process is anonymised, minimising the impact of any potential bias in CV and Application evaluation. We are signatories to the Armed Forces Covenant and seek proactively to recruit ex-forces personnel, overcoming some of their challenges in returning to civilian life. Our recruitment process for opportunities is intentionally designed to be accessible and open to all. Our teams working through G-Cloud are diverse and include people from different parts of the UK, age groups, ethnic origin, gender, disability and faith.


£300 a unit a day
Discount for educational organisations

Service documents

Request an accessible format
If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need versions of these documents in a more accessible format, email the supplier at Tell them what format you need. It will help if you say what assistive technology you use.