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Workpro Support Services

Workpro Cloud Support services are available to support Workpro Cloud Software deployments purchased under G Cloud 13 Lot 2. Services include configuration changes or additions, integration and migration services, report writing services, training and ongoing support. These services are applicable to all Workpro case management versions (Complaints, Casework, HR, Requests).


  • Configuration services, changes or additions to standard workflow, reports etc.
  • Integration services, e.g. other client systems, authentication systems, branding etc.
  • Migration services: import of data and documents from existing systems.
  • Report writing services: assistance with report writing if required.
  • User training, System Administrators, Report Writing, Train the Trainer.
  • Ongoing Support and Maintenance Packages, including system upgrades.
  • Implementation planning, including requirements gathering and specification if required.


  • Ensures Workpro solution reflects any unique organisational requirements.
  • Minimise costs by building on functionality in standard Workpro package.
  • Exceptional flexibility and scalability. Workpro can adapt to business needs.
  • Investment protection through integration with any existing systems.
  • Harness current data and minimise duplication through data migration.
  • Adapt to legislation, business process and environment changes over time.
  • Compliance with legislation, regulation and business goals assured.
  • Optimise efficient use of combined systems/ data.
  • Supplement internal IT resources with our expertise as needed


£990 a unit a day

Service documents

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If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need versions of these documents in a more accessible format, email the supplier at Tell them what format you need. It will help if you say what assistive technology you use.


G-Cloud 13

Service ID

8 5 1 2 8 2 1 7 2 4 5 5 3 6 8


Workpro Ken Naismith
Telephone: 0131 449 7071


Planning service
How the planning service works
Workpro Business Analysts are experienced in gathering requirements and formalising them into specification documents. The inclusion of agreed acceptance criteria ensures a shared understanding of requirements with our customers. To help clients with the process of planning their cloud software implementation, we give access to a core system and an example configuration specification. The client compares these with their own requirements specification (if they have one) and adjusts or adds to the configuration specification as necessary.
Planning service works with specific services
Hosting or software services the planning service works with
  • Workpro Complaints Management System
  • Workpro HR - employee relations case management system
  • Workpro Requests - FOI, EIR and SAR case management system
  • Workpro Case Management System


Training service provided
How the training service works
Training is delivered online in manageable modules for System Administrators, Users & Report Writers.
We conduct Administrator training first so that we can make any changes to lists and add some document templates before having User training, which can then include real list values and templates. Reports training is conducted after go-live so using data in the system and some context to any reports you may build during the course.
System Administrators training in groups of up to 4 over two, 2-hour sessions and covers for example:
• Core record management including automated tasks
• Case permissions, case unlocking and user management (access and roles)
• Dashboard and report management
• Templates, document folders and file management
• Form and list management
• Accessing Workpro support online and through the Helpdesk.
User training is in groups of up to 8 over three, 2-hour sessions and covers for example:
• Overviews and monitoring caseload
• Process, workflow, tasks and alerts
• All document actions
• All case actions, including adding participants, linking cases, closing and re-opening.
• Search.
Report Writer training is in groups of up to 4 over two, 2-hour sessions and covers report administration, development, creation and subscriptions.
Training is tied to specific services
Services the training service works with
  • Workpro Complaints Management
  • Workpro HR case management
  • Workpro Requests - FOI case management
  • Workpro Case Management

Setup and migration

Setup or migration service available
How the setup or migration service works
Data migration – import existing case data into Workpro using agreed format (usually .csv file). We provide a template you can use to extract data from the original system.
• Document import – we can work with you to import existing case documents into Workpro. Please note that documents must be in an appropriate, structured folder format.
Setup or migration service is for specific cloud services
List of supported services
  • Workpro Complaints Management System
  • Workpro HR - employee relations case management system
  • Workpro Requests - FOI, EIR and SAR case management system
  • Workpro Case Management System

Quality assurance and performance testing

Quality assurance and performance testing service

Security testing

Security services

Ongoing support

Ongoing support service
Types of service supported
Hosting or software provided by your organisation
How the support service works
CAS operates an ITIL compliant support operation comprising of manned help desk with
backup technical resource as required.
• 24/7/365 online support portal, for logging and monitoring issues, requests and
• Support is also available by email or telephone through our helpdesk
• On-screen Help link always visible to users, with access to Workpro User Guide.
• Remote support can be carried out via dedicated link if required.
• Workpro is an evolving product and one system upgrade is available per year.
• Planned and emergency maintenance is included with the standard support package,
including monthly patching out of hours, with users notified in advance.
• Standard Workpro application support hours are Mon-Fri 9-5, excluding the
Christmas and New Year period. Out of hours cover is available – this is charged at
1.5 times our standard rate. Please refer to our SFIA Rate Card.
• Our Business Relationship Manager oversees your contract and acts as an escalation point.

Service scope

Service constraints
Access to Workpro can be constrained to a site based VPN, but this is not mandatory.

User support

Email or online ticketing support
Email or online ticketing
Support response times
We aim to respond as soon as possible, with standard response commitments as follows: Priority 1 within 1 hour (system non-operational and affects more than 50% users). Priority 2 within 4 hours (system non-operational and affects minority of users). Priority 3 within 4 hours (identifiable fault but system still operational, minor faults and advice). Priority 4 within 8 hours (cosmetic issues which do not affect the operation of the system). Priority 5 within 5 working days (system enhancements, new and additional features). Standard working hours are Mon-Fri 9am-5pm GMT but out of hours support is available.
User can manage status and priority of support tickets
Online ticketing support accessibility
None or don’t know
Phone support
Phone support availability
9 to 5 (UK time), Monday to Friday
Web chat support
Support levels
CAS operates an ITIL compliant support operation including manned help desk with backup technical resource as required. • 24/7/365 online support portal, for logging/monitoring issues, requests and billing Support is available by email/telephone through our helpdesk • Remote support can be carried out via dedicated link. • Workpro is an evolving product with one annual system upgrade • Standard Workpro application support hours are Mon-Fri 9-5, excluding Christmas and New Year. Our response times are based on 5 priorities: Priority 1 system non-operational and affects majority of (>50%) users with a target of respond <1hr and resolve < 4 hours Mon-Fri. Priority 2 system non-operational and only affects minority (<50%) of users with a target of respond in <4 hours and resolve in < 8 hours. Priority 3 identifiable fault but system still operational , minor faults and advice with a target of respond < 4 hours and resolve in the next planned release. Priority 4 cosmetic issues which don't affect the operation of the system with a target to respond in <8 hours and resolve in the next planned release. Priority 5 system enhancements, new and additional features with a target to respond in <8 hours and negotiate resolution.


Supplier type
Reseller providing extra support
Organisation whose services are being resold
Iomart Group plc provides the cloud hosting for our software.

Staff security

Staff security clearance
Other security clearance
Government security clearance
Up to Security Clearance (SC)

Standards and certifications

ISO/IEC 27001 certification
Who accredited the ISO/IEC 27001
BM TRADA Certification Ltd.
ISO/IEC 27001 accreditation date
What the ISO/IEC 27001 doesn’t cover
The CAS ISO27001 certification scope covers the service provided directly by the organisation, i.e. the software processing and storage environment, and development and administrative systems in place to support this. The provision of hardware and network services is the responsibility of our service partners, Iomart, who have their own ISO 27001 certification.
ISO 28000:2007 certification
CSA STAR certification
PCI certification
Cyber essentials
Cyber essentials plus
Other security certifications

Social Value

Fighting climate change

Fighting climate change

CAS recognises that commercial activity needs to be conducted in an environmentally sustainable manner. We have a well-established ISO 14001 accredited environmental management system and seek continual improvements to our environmental performance.
Our key impacts are in energy and raw material use, transport and waste generation, including disposal of electrical equipment.
All staff are made aware of our Environmental Policy. Initiatives include:
•Separate recycling bins for paper, cardboard, batteries etc.
•Paper use is minimal. E-documents are used as routine including contracts, user manuals and business documents.
•As electronic storage is not free either, vast data centres use electricity 24/7 , we promote timely file management in our office systems and products to reduce data storage.
•Discussions are under way with our UK hosting partner, iomart Group, to reduce hosting footprint. Our Canadian hosting partner AWS has a climate pledge.
•Employees offered cycle2work and electric car schemes.
•Heating levels are controlled, programming to “off” when the office is unoccupied.
•Lights motion activated for safety and security in non-core areas (toilets, kitchen), “sleeping” when not in use.
We moved to remote working during the pandemic and the team has chosen to continue to work from home by default saving fuel and time in unnecessary commutes. Most sales and customer meetings are now conducted via Teams, where before they would have been face to face – a huge saving in business travel.
As cloud hosted software, Workpro is a key enabler for our customer’s environmental practices:
•It enables remote working - it can be accessed anywhere by users with appropriate authorisation.
•It promotes paperless working - it is designed to bring all casework into one online system, with everything electronically stored.
•Workpro training has been re-designed for online delivery, with training materials such as manuals in electronic format, reducing waste, travel and pollution.
Covid-19 recovery

Covid-19 recovery

When Covid-19 struck, we immediately transitioned to home working - our staff were already set up for this. Other equipment was provided, e.g. office chairs, to ensure everyone had a comfortable working environment. Throughout the pandemic, the team worked full time, with no redundancies and no use of the furlough scheme.
However, some of our customers struggled. We helped any way we could with the transition, e.g. providing laptops which were in short supply. We also provided a dozen laptops to a local school to distribute to families who could not afford the equipment needed for online schooling.
Our Workpro product enables casework to be coordinated in remote settings, and it can be securely deployed remotely. During the pandemic we experienced an increase in enquiries from organisations who suddenly needed an online case management system. We made it easier to procure Workpro with reduced contract commitment terms and fees - giving people with immediate needs the flexibility to review arrangements post-crisis. We added c.30% to our customer base during Covid.
We conducted online team sessions on mental health wellbeing, including Mindfulness training with an independent consultant and a talk from the Samaritans on recognising mental health concerns. Employees have 24/7 access to confidential counselling and medical services as part of an employee assistance programme through our Zurich insurance policy.
Through an employee consultation exercise, the team chose to continue to work from home going forward saving unnecessary commutes. The office has been re-configured for team meetings and hybrid working. Any employees who prefer to work in the office can do so, with a desk booking system to manage numbers and appropriate hygiene measures in place.
Most sales and customer meetings are now conducted via Teams, whereas before they would have been face to face a huge saving in business travel.
Tackling economic inequality

Tackling economic inequality

Given the current Digital Skills shortage in Scotland, our strategy is to “grow candidates” by supporting local educational communities. Initiatives to date include:
•When Covid19 struck, we provided a dozen PCs and laptops to a local school to distribute to families who could not afford IT equipment for online schooling.
•We regularly accept local school children for work experience, e.g. this year we have offered work experience to a 6th year pupil interested in an IT career.
•We proactively encourage women into the IT sector where they are under-represented:
o We sponsored our UX Designer through her Professional Diploma in UX, supporting her to change career from graphic designer.
o Between 2014 and 2020 we supported the CareerWISE scheme run by Equate Scotland with paid women-only internships. The scheme no longer continues in the same format, but you can read our case study here.
•We sponsored two Graduate Apprentices, and three employees came to us via CodeClan, a local Digital Skills Academy which transforms careers through software development and data analysis training.
•We offered an IT Analyst position through the Kickstart scheme, which provides funding to create new jobs for 16- to 24-year-olds on Universal Credit who are at risk of long-term unemployment.
Our employees are encouraged to undertake training relevant to their work. We have recently commissioned an independent consultant from Connect Three to conduct a Training Needs Analysis session with all employees.
Our Workpro product is used by Ombudsman organisations amongst others to tackle injustice. Case outcome data feeds into analysis of lessons learned and root causes, which is then used in initiatives to tackle systemic injustice in their sectors.
We undertake periodic pay comparisons, using external benchmarking via PurposeHR our HR service provider, to ensure that we have no gender-related pay gap for example.
Equal opportunity

Equal opportunity

CAS is committed to treating all employees and applicants equally. We maintain full transparency in our employment and business practices, with published policies that are audited annually as part of our ISO 9001 quality management accreditation. Our Equality and Diversity policy is available in our CAS Company Handbook.
We are an accredited Living Wage supplier- ensuring anyone working for us, including third party suppliers, is paid a fair, living wage.
Our male/female ratios are better than industry averages, especially in management positions, and we have no gender-related pay gap. We undertake periodic pay comparisons, using external benchmarking via PurposeHR, our HR service provider.
We are working with a recruitment agency specializing in candidates who are higher on the Autism Spectrum and have allocated headcount for this initiative.
CAS is committed to acting ethically in all our business dealings. This includes zero-tolerance of modern slavery and human trafficking throughout our business and supply chain. Our suppliers comprise mainly UK-based professional services or IT providers.
All staff have a duty to avoid any activity that might lead to a breach of this policy and are encouraged to raise any concerns at the earliest possible stage. We have a Whistleblowing policy based on the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 to ensure staff feel comfortable raising concerns.
Our customer base includes Ombudsman and others who use Workpro to support their own customers and ensure fair case outcomes. Our product includes features that promote consistent case handling, with alerts to vulnerabilities or additional needs, e.g., that someone requires Braille documents. Workpro can be configured to collect equality and diversity data to help organisations with equality initiatives.
Our UX Designer works hard to ensure the Workpro UI is user friendly and accessible to users with additional needs, and we are working towards full WCAG 2.0 compliance.


All of our employees have access to an employee assistance programme through the company insurance policy with Zurich. The Health Assured programme gives all employees 24/7 access to:
• Confidential helpline to access face to face or telephone counselling, medical, bereavement and financial wellbeing support.
• My Healthy Advantage App for self-help tools, factsheets and webinars for mental and physical health.

Employees can also choose a health cash plan with Healthshield which allows them to claim back the costs of dental check-ups, fillings, eye tests, physiotherapy, prescriptions and much more up to the limit of their choice.
During Covid19 we conducted sessions on mental health wellbeing, including Mindfulness training with an independent consultant and a talk from the Samaritans on recognising mental health concerns (in return for a charitable donation which we were glad to do). Feedback on these sessions was positive.
We use Trickle employee engagement platform as a safe place for people to share their thoughts – anonymously if they prefer. Trickle is used to conduct “moodsense” surveys, to arrange social activities and to give people encouragement (via “fist bumps”) for a job well done, amongst other things.
Regular social activities are organised to promote team unity and connection. During lockdown these were held online – now we have moved to regular in-person activities organised by various team members. Recent events have included an online board games evening, an online magic show with family members invited, and four meals out since lockdown ended.
We operate an employee volunteering scheme, through Social Good Connect, making 2 hours per week/1 day per month available during work time to help their choice of charity. Example charities include Sepsis Research, Dignity Boxes and a local Youth Club. Feedback shows that this has a positive effect on the wellbeing of participating team members.


£990 a unit a day
Discount for educational organisations

Service documents

Request an accessible format
If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need versions of these documents in a more accessible format, email the supplier at Tell them what format you need. It will help if you say what assistive technology you use.