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Cyber Security Analytics Service

BMT offers qualified multidisciplinary security consultants and data scientists who assist organizations in assessing the cyber threat landscape and developing analytical solutions. BMT helps design, build, test, deploy, run big data detective and predictive cyber analytics solutions. Expertise includes vulnerabilities, threat intelligence, analysing attack patterns, and behaviours of threat actors.


  • Detective cyber analytics: baselining, anomaly detection, empirical rules, etc.
  • Predictive cyber analytics: Bayesian networks, Markov chains, etc.
  • Big Data Cyber Platforms: Requirements, Design, Architecture, Data Modelling, Analytics
  • Real-time streaming data, log processing: NiFi, Kafka, Spark Streaming
  • Analytical engines on top of Apache Spark, Elastic Search, Hadoop
  • Fusion of structured/unstructured data, threat intelligence feeds. Data enrichment.
  • Advanced Big Data Analytics for forensic attack analysis, threat hunting
  • Data sources: DNS, web proxy, netflow, AD logs, system/user events
  • Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning: supervised and unsupervised techniques
  • Advanced AI techniques: deep neural networks, NLP, particle filters


  • Advanced detection of known/unknown cyber threats
  • Advanced Analytics to inform security decision making and reduce risk
  • AI and Machine Learning tailored to analyse vulnerabilities, threats, incidents
  • Cyber analytics strategy to inform business case and cost-effective solutions
  • Provision of scalable, resilient open source analytical platforms/ solutions
  • Anticipating and predicting attack behaviour and driving mitigation efforts
  • Targeted collection and processing of meaningful data sets/logs for analytics
  • Adoption of open source tools, ML/AI technologies for cyber analytics
  • Reducing alert fatigue by increasing true positive alert rates
  • Attack detection/prediction driven by standards e.g. Kill Chain/Mitre ATT&CK


£575 to £2,075 a unit a day

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G-Cloud 13

Service ID

9 0 9 7 3 1 5 0 2 4 2 1 7 0 5


BMT LIMITED Edyta Redfern
Telephone: 07717705919


Planning service
How the planning service works
We use collaborative and agile working practices. We are user focused and we identify relevant stakeholders, working closely to understand user needs, business requirements and pain points. We assess the organisation’s requirements and communicate what approach would support the goals. We are technology agnostic.

We undertake "Discovery" activities that scale according to the size your project. We can provide design and modelling services from roadmaps to deployment strategy and can undertake trials and feasibility studies. We also provide data analytics and software development in the cyber security domain and undertake delivery and support.

We utilise our experience within the defence sector and our adherence to our ISO27001 accreditation to investigate and advise on security considerations and data classification. Combining our cyber security, threat intelligence, data analytics and data modelling expertise we provide our clients with user-need focused solutions that are secure, scalable and exploit open data standards.

Our skills are used across the Public Sector, including Defence, Security, the Home Office and Law Enforcement and Other Government Departments.
Planning service works with specific services


Training service provided
How the training service works
BMT has a wealth of experience in providing training courses for UK government and industry organisations. All training courses we provide involve detailed demonstrations on how to use specific areas of systems and contain a mixture of presentation slides and live user demonstrations. We produce a number of training presentations with the content tailored to which areas the session attendees are from and what their key objectives and requirements are. In addition to classroom training courses, we provide a number of online interactive training options. Our specialists have extensive experience in outlining learning outcomes and ensuring each outcome is achieved through specifically designed interactive modules and quizzes. The quizzes are intentionally kept simple and lightweight as our specialists, through their years of experience of building on-line learning packages, believe its key to maintaining motivation throughout the course.
Training is tied to specific services

Setup and migration

Setup or migration service available
How the setup or migration service works
We communicate effectively with your stakeholders and end-users to ensure they understand the potential benefits and the impact, scope and scale of change needed during implementation to bring about transformation.

We offer a combination of approaches to the delivery of a Data Migration service within and across cloud providers (e.g. Azure, AWS, Google Cloud) that are most appropriate in your particular situation:
• Fully managed service - we manage the ICT implementation and report back to you on agreed metrics at agreed intervals
• Consultancy - through the provision of specialists into your implementation teams to provide specific skills where there is a deficit
• Mentoring – upskilling of your implementation team through mentoring to enable the team to deliver the required implementation
• Implementation Training - working with you to design and, if required, deliver training to upskill your implementation team when a greater degree of upskilling is required.
We use the latest technologies and approaches including infrastructure-as-code for scripting, deployment of data, applications, and analytics by using: VM, containerization, Docker, micro services and Kubernetes. We support scripting techniques such as Ansible, Terraform and Powershell.
Setup or migration service is for specific cloud services

Quality assurance and performance testing

Quality assurance and performance testing service
How the quality assurance and performance testing works
Data Quality: Since poor data quality is one of the most common causes of failure in cyber analytics projects, BMT offers its services to analyse the quality of your data and apply cleansing techniques.
Analytics Quality: Since poor analytics quality is one of the most common causes of alert fatigue and high false positive alerting, BMT offers its services to tune and refine the quality of cyber analytics and correlation rules.
We provide Software Quality Assurance service for cyber analytics solutions, which includes:
o Dedicated and experienced test team
o Appropriate testing performed through all phases of delivery
o Automated and fully traceable unit, system and integration testing
o Non-functional testing including performance, scalability and reliability
o Full User Acceptance Testing to ensure deliverables genuinely meet needs of users
Our flexible, business driven, agile processes ensure project progress is always aligned to strategic objectives and delivering benefits, even as they evolve over time. BMT is registered under ISO 9001 and TickITplus quality management and assurance and ISO27001 information security standards.

Security testing

Security services
Security services type
  • Security strategy
  • Security risk management
  • Security design
  • Cyber security consultancy
  • Security incident management
  • Security audit services

Ongoing support

Ongoing support service
Types of service supported
  • Buyer hosting or software
  • Hosting or software provided by your organisation
  • Hosting or software provided by a third-party organisation
How the support service works
BMT provide different cloud hosting support options, dependent on the criticality of the hosted system and the customer needs. All of our hosting options are backed up by a Service Team which is comprised of a number of experienced first line support technicians and second/third line software analysts, developers and test analysts.
Our helpdesk support service is available between 08:00 – 17:00 (UK hours) Monday to Friday excluding Public Holidays. Users can call our helpdesk directly (on a Bath, UK fixed line) or email the helpdesk with any issues. Our support levels include different Service Level Agreement (SLA) options. Our SLAs have defined Severity Categories with associated reporting procedures and response/resolution timescales against all support requests.
We also provide a range of support across the initial stages of your Cloud services procurement including cost management, procurement, optimisation, efficiency analysis, process analysis, requirements analysis, budget setting, governance, modelling and process/guidance, schedule analysis and strategy alignment.

Service scope

Service constraints

User support

Email or online ticketing support
Phone support
Phone support availability
9 to 5 (UK time), Monday to Friday
Web chat support
Support levels
BMT provide different Service Level Agreement options, dependent on the criticality of the hosted system and the customer needs. All of our hosting options are backed up by a Service Team which is comprised of a number of experienced first line support technicians and second/third line software analysts, developers and test analysts.

Our helpdesk support service is available between 08:00 – 17:00 (UK hours) Monday to Friday excluding Public Holidays. Users can call our helpdesk directly (on a Bath, UK fixed line) or email the helpdesk with any issues.

Our support levels include different Service Level Agreement (SLA) options. Our SLAs have defined Severity Categories with associated reporting procedures and response/resolution timescales against all support requests.

The support options we provide include training packages comprising on-site classroom training sessions, administrable on-line training/guidance tools and web-enabled, interactive, training systems. Please refer to the Pricing Document for costs.


Supplier type
Not a reseller

Staff security

Staff security clearance
Conforms to BS7858:2019
Government security clearance
Up to Developed Vetting (DV)

Standards and certifications

ISO/IEC 27001 certification
Who accredited the ISO/IEC 27001
Lloyds Register
ISO/IEC 27001 accreditation date
What the ISO/IEC 27001 doesn’t cover
All services are covered by ISO27001:2013
ISO 28000:2007 certification
CSA STAR certification
PCI certification
Cyber essentials
Cyber essentials plus
Other security certifications
Any other security certifications
  • Accredited by Defence Assurance Information Security to hold Official-Sensitive information
  • Comply with the Defence Cyber Protection Partnership Medium level risk

Social Value

Fighting climate change

Fighting climate change

BMT has signed the Business Ambition for 1.5°C Pledge and committed to a long-term target to reach net-zero emissions by no later than 2050. The global pandemic has transformed how we communicate, collaborate, and deliver, and proven our ability to operate with a reduced environmental impact, significantly reducing monthly travel and electricity and gas emissions. Our measures to continue reducing emissions when performing the contract will include:

• A continued focus on travel reduction and renewable energy transition across our value chain.
• Where possible, we have converted lighting to LED and PIR across the buildings that we internally own and manage, resulting in a reduction in electricity consumption of 30% We are also in the process of installing SMART meters in our buildings to ensure accurate data is collected for emissions reporting and to help with reduction targets.
• We are installing chargers for electric cars at our offices.
Our Carbon Reduction Plan can be found here: bmt-defence-and-security-uk-ltd-carbon-reduction-plan.pdf
BMT manages our environmental impact and drives sustainable practice through our internationally recognised ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System (EMS). We have recently been re-structuring the EMS to better embed sustainability as a whole, which is inclusive of environmental, economic and social elements of the business rather than only an environmentally focused EMS.

We endeavour to bring our policy and strategy to work with our clients on achieving a more sustainable project outcomes across many sectors with a particular focus on government.

We consistently work with clients to ensure environmental impacts have been considered in any product, process or service and we work collaboratively to ensure that environmental assessments are undertaken as early in the process as possible to ensure any environmental or sustainable changes can be made with ease.
Covid-19 recovery

Covid-19 recovery

BMT is committed to creating new opportunities for the wider workforce following the COVID-19 pandemic. We have introduced a number of initiatives including:
1. Partnering with a social enterprise called Women’s Work Lab, which supports unemployed mothers to become work ready, and who may have faced extra challenges due to the pandemic. Outcomes for participants include moving closer to work, positive role modelling for their families and communities and the creation of a vital support network.
2. To support COVID 19 recovery efforts, we maintained our apprenticeship and graduate programmes throughout 2020-21, recognising the impact the virus has on youth unemployment.
3. We continue to create employment, re-training and return to work opportunities for those left unemployed by COVID-19. Our recruitment approach ensures our opportunities are available to everyone, regardless of background or circumstances, we have employee networks in place to ensure these individuals have the support they need.
4. Our flexible working policy gives our employees the freedom to work in a manner, location, and time best suited to their individual needs providing the rest of the business, customers or team are not disadvantaged. We equip all staff with the right tools to facilitate remote working. This helps those with extra caring responsibilities due to the pandemic; those who are still shielding because of underlying health conditions or those with vaccine hesitancy.
5. In response to the pandemic, BMT adapted its training content and delivery methods. Training programmes switched to virtual delivery, new programmes on leading virtual teams were created and virtual collaboration communities were developed. In our 2020-2021 financial year, excluding local regional training, employees collectively spent approximately 15,000 hours on global learning and development activities. This additional training benefits all employees but particularly those who are re-joining the workforce, for example after being made unemployed through COVID-19.
Tackling economic inequality

Tackling economic inequality

Our approach to recruitment ensures our opportunities are available to everyone, regardless of background or circumstance. We actively engage with local employment agencies who support in the recruitment of specialist and hard to recruit employees.

In 2021 we launched our first Returners Programme which aims to tap back into people with skills at the core of BMT business but have fallen outside of normal career pathways due to challenging circumstances. We have employee networks in place to ensure these individuals have the support they need to thrive in our business.
We use the most current benchmarking and internal data from our employee engagement survey allowing us to support action plans and ensure we can measure the success of the work we are doing in improving equality at all levels and areas in regard to career progression, closing the gender pay gap and removing unconscious bias.

BMT have reported on the gender pay gap since 2018 within our Defence and Security UK area of the business. Following the 2019 report we prioritised and invested in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) initiatives and WISE (Women in Science and Engineering), to develop and enhance skills of women both embarking on a career in STEM and those who wish to progress to the next level of their career to encourage greater diversity in our professions. Our mean hourly pay gap has reduced from 20.3% in 2019 to 16% in 2020. We endeavour to close the pay gap further year on year.

Our graduate and apprenticeship programme demonstrates our commitment to our professions and underpins our passion for STEM as we aim to support young people with work experience and placements. Our active STEM outreach programme spans all BMT’s capabilities and through workshops and outreach days aims to engage and energise our future workforce.
Equal opportunity

Equal opportunity

We have an Equality and Diversity Policy and launched our first global Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Strategy in 2018, demonstrating our commitment as a company to ensuring no person or group of people will be discriminated against or put at a disadvantage.

In 2019 we launched our “We are One” campaign, a global training event for all staff aimed at raising awareness of diversity and inclusion and ensuring it is reflected in our day-to-day management and work environment. Following this, we implemented the second initiative, “We are Proud”, aimed at expressing our commitment to an LGBTQ+-inclusive workplace.

We are acting to balance our traditionally male dominated workforce and have taken several steps to support gender equality. For example, our Consulting Women Leadership Programme provides an excellent opportunity to develop the skills and competencies required to support progression to more senior positions.

BMT has been recognised in 2020/21, by both the Royal Institute of Naval Architects (RINA) and Women in Defence organisations for our active participation in equality, diversity and inclusion.
To strengthen our diversity profile, we have set an ambition to increase the numbers in our minority groups by 10% by 2025.

We have set up a D&I Forum, that meets every two months and includes representatives from across our business, including our Managing Director. The Forum coordinates and promotes D&I programmes and activities, increasing our awareness of diversity issues.

We also have a number of Employee Network Groups (ENGs) that are created and shaped by our staff. They are open communities, where participation and roles aren’t determined by hierarchy or grade and are made up of staff volunteers. ENG members identify with and/or are passionate about a cause and they wish to participate to define and advance the objectives of the group.


BMT truly value the wellbeing of all our staff, this is demonstrated through our global wellbeing strategy that seeks to improve physical, financial and mental health. BMT currently provides its employees with a wealth of materials, tools and resources and is always aiming to enhance this further. BMT can support customers with the implementation of similar activities to support staff on their contracts.
Examples of activities we have undertaken are:
• Wellbeing measures are included within our Integrated Strategic Business Plan which sets out our wellbeing objectives
• Regular check ins with line managers and wellbeing champions for all employees
• Arranging employee events around wellbeing which have included facilitated sessions with the charity MIND, on mental health in the workplace, cancer awareness talks, mental health awareness month and schemes to promote exercise
• Mental Health First Aiders and Champions in place across the organisations different sites to ensure ease of accessibility to all employees
• We have Employee Assistance Programmes accessible by phone, website and face to face. We provide a “Wellness Zone” on our internal intranet with a range of resources and tips that are regularly updated.
• We provide Wellness Rooms in offices – providing a quiet and relaxing space for employees to access when required
• Flexible working practices enabling employees to have a good work/life balance.
• We operate a Wellbeing Fund to enable employees to spend £250 per year to help fund activities that support in an individual’s personal development and/or wellbeing.
We prioritise physical health by ensuring all employees have access to plenty of resources such as: Private Medical Insurance (Healix or Vitality), Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), Eye Tests and Glasses, Flu Jabs, Health and Wellbeing Events and a Cycle to Work Scheme.


£575 to £2,075 a unit a day
Discount for educational organisations

Service documents

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