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Cloud Programme / Project Health Check Service

The burendo Cloud Project / Programme Health Check Service aims to rapidly provide clarity and a clear understanding of how to transform the delivery into a successful outcome.


  • Detailed analysis of your Cloud delivery capability
  • Identification of key risks and issues along with mitigations
  • Identify any gaps in capabilities and skills
  • Recommended revised delivery plan and approach
  • Recommended delivery phases, milestones and outcomes


  • Clear understanding of delivery capabilities and process challenges
  • Clear understanding of current challenges and future risks
  • Identification of weak or missing capabilities
  • A clear mitigation approach
  • A clear approach to recover delivery
  • An executable plan to recover
  • A library of proven Open Source tools provided free
  • Cloud provider agnostic; AWS, Google, Azure, etc


£400 to £1,100 a person a day

Service documents

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If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need versions of these documents in a more accessible format, email the supplier at Tell them what format you need. It will help if you say what assistive technology you use.


G-Cloud 13

Service ID

9 1 6 5 4 8 9 4 0 1 7 1 6 0 0


Burendo Burendo Commercial Bids
Telephone: 0113 887 4204


Planning service
How the planning service works
At burendo we work with customers to select the most suitable Cloud technologies to adopt. We help plan the path to live strategy and continuous delivery framework. We help plan the migration of services to the Cloud and where a hybrid multi-vendor or mix cloud and on-premise solution might be more applicable. We help identify risks and issues as well as mitigation strategies. We review skills and staffing requirements to allow safe adoption of Cloud technologies. We work with the customer to build robust security and testing capabilities covering both functional and non-functional testing.
Planning service works with specific services


Training service provided

Setup and migration

Setup or migration service available
How the setup or migration service works
We have executed many initiatives to implement or migrate to / from different Cloud providers. This includes the adopting new technologies and services to provide end-to-end solutions. Often this involves adoption of differing Cloud native tools and technologies to gain best benefit. We identify gaps and risks / issues where Cloud service offerings differ. We assist clients to plan migration.
Setup or migration service is for specific cloud services

Quality assurance and performance testing

Quality assurance and performance testing service
How the quality assurance and performance testing works
We provide both functional and non-functional testing and assurance. Test automation is vital to operate in a DevOps model. We use automated testing to minimise risk and time to release whilst maximising quality and re-use.

Security testing

Security services
Security services type
  • Security strategy
  • Security risk management
  • Security design
  • Cyber security consultancy
  • Security testing
  • Security incident management
  • Security audit services
Certified security testers

Ongoing support

Ongoing support service

Service scope

Service constraints

User support

Email or online ticketing support
Email or online ticketing
Support response times
Response times are specific to Service Level Agreements.
User can manage status and priority of support tickets
Online ticketing support accessibility
None or don’t know
Phone support
Phone support availability
9 to 5 (UK time), Monday to Friday
Web chat support
Web chat
Web chat support availability
24 hours, 7 days a week
Web chat support accessibility standard
None or don’t know
How the web chat support is accessible
We utilise tools such as Slack or Microsoft Teams for web chat and conferencing.
Web chat accessibility testing
Support levels
Our support services are dependant on the Service Level Agreement (SLA) and relate to precious metals:

Platinum: 24/7, 99.9% availability
Gold: 24/7, 99% availability
Silver: Monday to Friday 8am - 6pm, plus out of hours on call, 95% availability
Bronze: Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm, 95% availability

Costs are subject to Service Level and Service complexity.


Supplier type
Not a reseller

Staff security

Staff security clearance
Conforms to BS7858:2019
Government security clearance
Up to Security Clearance (SC)

Standards and certifications

ISO/IEC 27001 certification
ISO 28000:2007 certification
CSA STAR certification
PCI certification
Cyber essentials
Cyber essentials plus
Other security certifications

Social Value

Tackling economic inequality

Tackling economic inequality

Burendo addresses ‘Theme 2: Tackling Economic Inequality’ through our fledgling Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity (DEI) community and our supply chain strategy.

Create new businesses, new jobs and new skills:

We address the UK digital skills gap specifically through our position on the Leeds Beckett University advisory board, ensuring that tech skills are prioritised in higher education. We work with local schools and colleges through the Ahead Partnership and Career Ready to develop employability skills and engage young people in skilled careers that they may not usually find accessible due to economic inequality. We also work with Women in Tech to deliver events aimed at skills sharing and widening opportunities.

We have established a Burendo Academy which creates entry into a tech career for talented young people who are typically excluded, supporting on-the-job skills development. Next year we aim to increase from 1 supported placement to 2.

Burendo creates skills-sharing opportunities for all stakeholders, including suppliers and clients, with regular events like lunch-and-learns in business analysis, DEI strategy building and in 2022-2023 will add cloud skills to the list when we complete our AWS certification.

Increase supply chain resilience and capacity

Our supply chain strategy aims to diversify by working with more SMEs – currently 48% of our procurement spend is with SMEs and we target 5% increase year-on-year, along with the engagement of at least one VCSE focused on a cause like education, employment or housing.

We support SMEs and VCSEs’ growth by sharing our own maturing journey and we provide remote working tools and shared space for inclusivity of our partners’ staff. We share resources with SME partners to reduce costs and environmental impact, and we adhere to their payment terms (most are within 30 days) as requested to ensure fairness.
Equal opportunity

Equal opportunity

Burendo addresses ‘Theme 4: Equal Opportunity’ through our fledgling Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity (DEI) community. The community comprises over 15% of the workforce through optional membership.

Tackle workforce inequality:

Burendo works with Career Ready and the Ahead Partnership to address inequality in opportunities to enter high-skilled careers. We hold events 3-4 times per year to inspire young people to consider the tech industry and to help break down barriers they face. We build employability skills and confidence in around 100 young people every year.

We have established a Burendo Academy which creates entry into a tech career for typically-excluded, talented young people, supporting on-the-job skills development. Next year we aim to increase from 1 supported placement to 2.

We are now beginning to capture data to identify under-represented groups and pay disparities. Over the next 12 months we have planned the following activity to address gaps:

Uncovering unconscious bias and non-inclusive practice: We are reviewing all our internal policies and processes for unintended bias and exclusion through use of language.

Tackle non-inclusive recruitment (3-6 months): We will introduce training for recruitment in writing inclusive job adverts and conducting interviews.

Understand issues around pay and remuneration (9-12 months): We aim to voluntarily report on the gender pay gap and become a Living Wage certified employer.

To ensure progression opportunities are equal we provide permanent colleagues with a personal training budget, that allows us to choose our own development routes. We allocate 10% of working time to spend on a choice of projects and personal development.

Any colleagues facing disability are actively supported through our policy to provide reasonable adjustments to working patterns or conditions, and we encourage remote working where it is practical with appropriate equipment, including any needs identified through display screen equipment assessments.


£400 to £1,100 a person a day
Discount for educational organisations

Service documents

Request an accessible format
If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need versions of these documents in a more accessible format, email the supplier at Tell them what format you need. It will help if you say what assistive technology you use.