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Testing Service

Testing Performance, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fimatix, specialises in performance testing, test automation and data migration/transformation testing in the digital space including mobile web applications, offering services and tools to support non functional (NFT) and functional testing, of digital systems. Specialised in pension transfer testing to the Vianova standard.


  • Performance Testing- Load, Stress, Volume, Soak, Scalability and Risk Testing
  • Automated Testing for Functional and Non Functional testing
  • Data Migration Testing
  • Testing Tool agnostic
  • Mobile, Web, Desktop or cloud based testing
  • Testing Tool migration - switch tools whilst keeping assets
  • Technology Audit against standards
  • Help with risk analysis to determine appropriate levels of testing
  • Technology Evaluation for alignment with needs and strategy
  • Knowledge Transfer- enable internal teams to support/maintain testing


  • Performance Testing reduces risks and downtime, ensures SLAs are met.
  • Automated Testing reduced time and budget for manual testing.
  • Data Migration testing ensures data transfer is accurate and clean.
  • Testing Tools - we use the market leaders and opensource.
  • Growing company that provides bespoke service to fit your needs.
  • Testing reduces business risks. Earlier testing equals higher cost-savings.
  • Provide cost effective Test Consultancy and Test Resource supplementation Services
  • On-Demand testing to suit need and budget requirements.
  • Optimising the testing processes means increasing quality while reducing costs.
  • Independent testing ensures 3rd party suppliers meet their SLAs.


£300 to £900 a unit a day

  • Education pricing available

Service documents

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G-Cloud 13

Service ID

9 4 1 1 6 0 7 1 9 7 9 5 7 2 7


Telephone: 07702574720


Planning service
How the planning service works
We help consider multiple solutions including cloud based testing. Using a variety of cloud options such as Azure or AWS and cloud hosted test tools such as LoadRunner Cloud we are able to help you plan testing services for the implementation of cloud hosting or cloud software. If you have already been advised or implemented cloud solutions we are able to benchmark and compare performance as well as automate the migration of data, even to build bespoke data transformation tools to help you change hosting or software. If you are using a third party to move you to the cloud we can help QA their process from a performance testing perspective, making sure that before and after bench marking of critical applications are captured so you know if performance has improved or degraded with evidence. Before migration we can help clean house making sure unused baggage is not taken across. We can help with your cloud resourcing to make sure you are buying what is needed rather than overestimating usage. Once migrated, but before go live, we can conduct migration checks to ensure all data has gone across in the correct format.
Planning service works with specific services


Training service provided
How the training service works
We provide training around testing services - ie how to migrate to the cloud or utilise Cloud infrastructure best for testing. We provide training in all major industry test tools. We provide training and assistance to up-skill internal testing teams and create a testing centre of excellence adhering to government digital strategy guidelines. We offer various levels of training, from shadow training where your team members shadow our highly experienced testers, to classroom based training. If we provide a testing service we always ensure that all test assets and key knowledge is transferred to your internal team.
Training is tied to specific services

Setup and migration

Setup or migration service available
How the setup or migration service works
We offer services around solution architecture to support clients migrating to/from the cloud. This also includes hybrid solutions and multi cloud provider support. We help consider multiple solutions including cloud-based testing. Using a variety of cloud options such as Azure or AWS and cloud hosted test tools such as LoadRunner Cloud we are able to help you plan testing services for the implementation of cloud hosting or cloud software. We are able to benchmark and compare performance as well as automate the migration of data, even to build bespoke data transformation tools to help you change hosting or software. If you are using a third party to move you to the cloud we can help QA their process from a performance testing perspective, making sure that before and after benchmarking of critical applications are captured so if performance has improved/degraded this is supported with evidence. Before migration we can help clean-house making sure unused baggage is not taken across. We can help with your cloud resourcing to make sure you are buying what is needed rather than overestimating usage. Once migrated, but before go-live, we can conduct migration checks to ensure all data has gone across in the correct format.
Setup or migration service is for specific cloud services

Quality assurance and performance testing

Quality assurance and performance testing service
How the quality assurance and performance testing works
We are a niche provider of performance testing and test automation. We provide independent risk analysis to determine the level of testing required to reach SLAs and achieve optimum performance before executing and reporting on performance testing. We performance test mobile, desktop and web applications. Our automated testing greatly reduces the time manual testing requires and therefore greatly reduces costs whilst providing an easily maintained repeatable set of automated tests. We are tool agnostic and are familiar with all the industry leading tools as well as open source tools. Not all tests are suitable for automation and we can help you determine the ROI. We can help establish which applications or systems are most at risk according to business use and prioritise which should be performance tested. We deliver this by four clear stages - Discover, Build, Execute and Report.

Security testing

Security services

Ongoing support

Ongoing support service
Types of service supported
  • Buyer hosting or software
  • Hosting or software provided by a third-party organisation
How the support service works
As a partner to many of the major testing tool providers, we offer support services to most of the commercially available performance and automation testing tools. We provide demo, requirements, installation, training and also migrate existing assets to the new tool. Most tool vendors offer little ongoing support unless large number of licences are purchased, so we fill that gap by being able to offer expert support pre and post delivery.

Service scope

Service constraints
As we are a small company we try to meet each clients needs. We tailor our service and level of support to make sure you are fully satisfied.

User support

Email or online ticketing support
Email or online ticketing
Support response times
Typically within an hour
User can manage status and priority of support tickets
Phone support
Phone support availability
24 hours, 7 days a week
Web chat support
Support levels
Whilst engaged with a client we provide full support and are always available to resolve issues that may arise. After an engagement is finished we are always available for maintenance or support queries, though typically this is not required. We are a small sized company that prides ourselves on our outstanding reputation. We always leave a customer fully satisfied and work very hard to resolve any issues or queries - even after the engagement as formally finished.


Supplier type
Not a reseller

Staff security

Staff security clearance
Conforms to BS7858:2019
Government security clearance
Up to Developed Vetting (DV)

Standards and certifications

ISO/IEC 27001 certification
Who accredited the ISO/IEC 27001
British Assessment Bureau
ISO/IEC 27001 accreditation date
What the ISO/IEC 27001 doesn’t cover
The entire service is covered.
ISO 28000:2007 certification
CSA STAR certification
PCI certification
Cyber essentials
Cyber essentials plus
Other security certifications

Social Value

Fighting climate change

Fighting climate change

Climate change and environmental sustainability present challenges and opportunities for Fimatix and our stakeholders. One of our proudest achievements so far was becoming Carbon Negative in January 2022. Signing up to the Carbon Net Zero initiative was easy, but being more intentful, was something our people felt passionately about. So whilst we’ve bought carbon credits to make an immediate positive difference, we also agreed a set of activities and targets which will continue to change our behaviour, reducing the need for off-setting in the first place. Our current reduction goals and carbon plan, as evaluated by our recent carbon assessment, aims to reduce emissions by 25.3%. Our goals meet the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), which aims to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, with companies reducing their emissions by up to 25% in order to keep global temperatures well below 2°C degrees. In order to achieve these goals, Fimatix UK Ltd aims to: Consistently aim to improve environmental performance by creating a culture of awareness and education within the company. Encourage and incentivise remote workers to implement forms of energy in gas and electricity that derive from suppliers who utilise renewables and offset their own emissions. Adhere to all UK and global legislation relating to climate change targets and emission reductions. Encourage further remote carbon reductions, through the use of public transportation such as train travel, investing in electrical vehicles, or walking and cycling wherever possible. Implementing further reductions to travel use by encouraging video conferencing and online meetings. Utilise the process of carbon offsetting by planting trees to further reduce Fimatix UK Ltd’s carbon footprint. Encourage the monitoring and recording of remote working electricity usage in order to raise awareness and adjust behaviours.
Covid-19 recovery

Covid-19 recovery

During Covid 19 we were able to retain all our staff through the crisis. We continue to support all employees not only by providing financial security but also guidance, allowing those who feel more comfortable to continue to work from home, gently encouraging people back to the work place to help give them a sense of community and belonging, supporting those who have developed mental health issues following lockdown, providing EAP support 24/7. We have illustrated to staff our growth plans to show them a bright and positive future and reassure them of their positions in the company. We have acknowledged the challenges individuals have faced and what we face as a company. As an agile company we were able to act in a decisive and flexible way during lockdown and now during recovery. We have focussed on staff retention and subsequently have not suffered the resignations other companies have. Instead we have strengthened our workforce. We have also used our digital and product innovation skills to help reduce the impact of Covid on society. In July 2020 we prototyped a “track and trace” solution based on a web and mobile application interface and bespoke wearable devices. We deployed this in three schools in Autumn 2020, enabling the staff to monitor and manage covid outbreaks. The ability to immediately identify pupils and staff who had been at risk of infection in a precise way led to far less disruption to lessons and year group bubbles. Risk management became more focused on those at risk rather than taking a blanket view of a bubble group. The administrative burden on teachers was also dramatically reduced as reliance on the system improved.
Tackling economic inequality

Tackling economic inequality

We seek to tackle social inequalities in a number of ways. We provide flexible working conditions for all our staff, in hours, location and environment, employing people from all areas of the country, all genders/race/religion and paying them fairly. Remote working has allowed us to employ people from as north as Scotland and as south as the Isle of Wight, paying salaries in line with skill sets rather than location. We have a diverse work force with women in decision making roles and on salaries equal to their male counterparts. Fimatix employees are allocated two days per year outside their allocated annual leave to dedicate to voluntary work. Current examples include pro-bono consulting for cancer support charities, volunteering as school governors and sharing knowledge at community events that Fimatix and others host. We are also tackling economic inequalities through our founding-involvement at “The Big Exchange”. Working with the founders of the Big Issue, the objective is ultimately to provide banking services for those traditionally unable to access them, for example the homeless. A first step towards this has been the development of an award-winning ethical investment platform. We have provided pro-bono banking platform technical services as well as assisting with fund-raising and introductions. In the broader field of Creating new businesses, jobs and skills, as a supplier to the UK public sector, we have a responsibility to recycle taxpayers money in the UK economy. We use UK suppliers wherever possible and over 90% of our supply base consists of SME’s. We have a reward and remuneration model designed to enable Fimatix suppliers share in the wealth we create. Our supplier base is incentivised to help us to find new business opportunities and rewarded for introducing other suppliers.
Equal opportunity

Equal opportunity

Fimatix is committed to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and we work with our employees, partners, and associates to support practice in these areas. These principles are enshrined in our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Policy, which commits us to objectives in terms of how we influence and encourage DEI through our Leadership, in our Processes and Policies, through our Networks, and across our Partners and Suppliers. We promote an environment that welcomes and values diverse backgrounds, thinking, skills and experience, and which allows everyone - regardless of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, marriage and civil partnership or pregnancy and maternity - to thrive and fulfil their potential. We have a particular focus on neurodiversity. We have provided training to our staff about neurodiversity, and have made our office environments and processes supportive to those on the Autism spectrum. In order to quantify our understanding of our delivery on DEI, and in compliance with our duties, we collect and publish data on employees, partners, associates and job applicants. Analysing our workforce data on a regular basis gives us a more detailed understanding of the needs of our staff and the impact of our workplace policies, procedures and culture on staff. Each year we will publish a monitoring report that outlines the profile of our employees, associates and partners. The data covers all stages of the employment cycle. We are developing our data collection processes, monitoring systems, and data reporting so that we can continue to provide a more detailed and sophisticated analysis of our patterns and trends. With 37% of our workforce (employees and associates at time of writing) identifying as non-white, our ethnicity is more diverse than the general population of England and Wales, whilst we still need to work on gender balance (78% identifying as male).


Our company leadership understands the importance of supporting health and wellbeing and have a deep understanding of the benefits of a physically and mentally healthy, well engaged, motivated workforce. Regular company events for permanent and contract staff help people feel part of a community. Our broader Wellbeing initiatives include ad-hoc leisure events, engagement programmes, and wellbeing days. Our wellbeing strategy benefits our organisation as well as helping to maintain the existing culture of care, health and wellbeing. We gain positive feedback that this is a point of difference to some other companies where particularly contractors say they feel like a lower tier of worker, or “others”. We know that a sense of inclusion and appreciation are key drivers of not only engagement, motivation and productivity but also health and well being. We ensure that the very best people actively choose to work with us over other companies, which in turn strengthens our offer for our clients and helps create happy, motivated, diverse and inclusive teams. Our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is accessible via phone/web/mobile • It gives our employees access to free 24/7 counselling and legal information. This is completely confidential. • The app also provides wellbeing tools to improve mental, physical and financial health, with personalised metrics, content and four week plans to set goals and celebrate achievements • This service also gives us access to Occupational Health Assessments so we can ensure the workplace is as good as it can be for our employees. • We conduct a regular “pulse” survey to specifically monitor health and wellbeing across the team (anonymously gathered) which is discussed at leadership meetings where team well being is a regular agenda item.


£300 to £900 a unit a day
Discount for educational organisations

Service documents

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