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6 results found

6 results found containing civica in Lot 2: Cloud software in the category Governance, risk management and compliance (GRC)

  • Civica Declare

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica Declare is the leading software solution to meet NHS England requirements for NHS organisations to manage Conflicts of Interest. It is a 3-way system for the public to inspect and interrogate declarations, for staff to register their declarations and for the Corporate Secretariat teams to manage the workflow.

  • Civica Experience

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica Experience is the leading real-time platform for capturing, analysing and reporting on patient and staff experiences including the NHS Friends and Family Test. It provides multi-channel data collection, bespoke reporting, a unique solution for automated free-text analysis of patient comments, and is built in partnership with our NHS clients.

  • Civica Engage

    Civica UK Limited

    Civica Engage, our stakeholder engagement system, is used by hundreds of customers to manage and communicate with their members, local communities and other stakeholders. The CRM Member/Stakeholder Engagement Platform is designed specifically for the health sector. Trusted by over 200 organisations as the communications hub for their engagement with staff/patients/public.

  • Civica Involve

    Civica UK Limited

    Involve, the leading community and stakeholder engagement platform includes powerful outreach, feedback and analytic tools. Involve makes it easier for you to reach your community, staff and stakeholders to make better informed, more collaborative decisions. Involve enables the easy creation of striking engagement multi-platformed websites, microsites and survey platforms.

  • Civica Parago

    Civica UK Limited

    Parago is a centralised operations management system which enables schools and MATs to save time and resources, and improve the effectiveness of daily processes. Digitise and streamline processes for; Asset Management, Premises Compliance, Risk Management, Capital & Projects, Incident Management, Contract and Contractor Management, Room and Asset Booking, e-Sign Documents

  • Civica FOI, EIR, Subject Access Request, Information Request and GDPR Case Management (iCasework)

    Civica UK Limited

    A highly configurable and scalable SaaS solution deployed securely upon Amazon Web Services (AWS) which allows for the recording and management of information requests received via multiple channels to deliver statutory and regulatory requirements for the public and private sectors, supporting compliance with FOI, EIR and GDPR legislation.