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7 results found

7 results found containing "Analytics Engines" in Lot 2: Cloud software in the category Project management and planning

  • Radar Healthcare

    Smartgate Solutions Limited

    Integrated risk, quality and compliance management system, incorporating Incident & Event reporting, Risk Management, Incident Management, Claims and Mortality, Auditing, Workforce Compliance and Business Process Management to support patient safety – all underpinned by an intelligent analytics engine.

  • Low Income Family Tracker (LIFT) Dashboard

    Policy in Practice

    The LIFT platform is a SaaS based interactive tool that combines our comprehensive welfare policy analytics engine with local authority administrative data to drive strategic and operational decisions. Councils can identify financially struggling residents, design appropriate interventions, and track the effectiveness of these interventions.

  • TCS Digital Smart City - TCS DigiGOV

    Tata Consultancy Services Limited

    TCS’ DigiGOVTM Smart City solution provides the base to build end-to-end solutions to transform citizens services. It is a unified platform for efficient G2B, G2C, and G2G service delivery, the solution is based on TCS DigiGOV™ and offers advanced capabilities in file management, knowledge management, accounting, taxation, and HRM.

  • Asset Decision Support Tools


    Successfully manage your Transport Assets utilising these Decision Support Tools. Use industry standard or configurable logic to model how your assets will perform in various scenarios. Create Works Programmes, Scenario Comparisons, Interactive Reports, Condition and Risk Profiles through dynamic and intuitive web-based software, improving your Asset Management outcomes

  • Predictive Analytics, Business Intelligence – Talend, Athena Command Centre, Coeus, Qlik, AutoML

    Catalyst BI Ltd

    Catalyst BI Ltd is a pioneering data management, data science and data quality consultancy, renowned for its enviable reputation in predictive analytics, automated machine learning and real-time data integration. Catalyst provides licenses and solutions for revolutionary partners including: Talend, Coeus, Qlik, DataRobot and Snowflake.

  • FM:Systems – Digital Workplace Solutions


    FMS is an integrated suite of technology solutions that cover a range of CRE enterprise technology. Example solutions are: Portfolio Management, Space Management, Capital Projects, Maintenance Management, Asset Management, Sustainability and Risk, Workplace Experience, Space Utilisation & Analytics, Reservations & Way-finding. JLL Technologies is the largest FM:Systems implementation partner globally.

  • AspireBI – Asset Rationalisation and Option Appraisal

    Asprey Solutions

    AspireBI offers self-serve Asset Value rationalisation, option appraisal and sustainability modelling enlightens strategic decision making and cement asset value consensus across an organisation. Insights into optimising investments, improves efficiency of management efforts from a reliable central source and eliminates repeated, and expensive third-party appraisals. Embeds organisational strategies into asset investment.