We've co-created an industry-leading booking system with over 40 forward-thinking councils. This award-nominated system automates booking management, resourcing, reporting, and notifications for any booking-related use case, including appointment booking, event and course booking, and resource booking. The system delivers simple, end-to-end self-service with customisable booking rules, guidance messaging, and workflows.
We've co-created an industry-leading booking system with over 100 government departments. This award-nominated system automates booking management, resourcing, reporting, and notifications for any booking-related use case, including appointment booking, event and course booking, and resource booking. The system delivers simple, end-to-end self-service with customisable rules, guidance messaging, and workflows.
We've co-created a best-in-class HAF Booking System with leading council HAF teams. This all-in-one Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) Booking System is proven to streamline registration workflows, booking management, HAF-related admin processes, provider and stakeholder management, reporting, and communications. The booking system also delivers simple, end-to-end self-service for users.
We've co-created a Sports Pitch and Facility Booking System for councils. This industry-leading booking system automates booking management, resourcing, reporting, pricing/payments, and notifications for any bookable sports facility, including sports pitches/courts/venues and sporting events. The system delivers an accessible, end-to-end booking journey with customisable booking rules, guidance messaging, and workflows.
We've worked with 50+ NHS clinics to co-create a Phlebotomy Booking System that helps improve the patient experience, increase service efficiency, reduce the cost to serve and enhance reporting. This Phlebotomy Booking System also offers NHS clinics a secure and accessible way to manage high booking volumes across unlimited locations.
We've co-created a cutting-edge Short Breaks Booking System with leading children's services teams. This end-to-end digital short breaks service enables you to manage registrations, bookings, communications, payments, short breaks providers, and reporting for trips, overnight bookings, clubs and activity bookings, max cards, and ticketing services—all in one, easy-to-use booking system.
A lettings website that manages the end-to-end customer booking process for community lettings. Booking software that eliminates manual processes by automating venue booking journeys and administration for local authorities. Digital transformation of community lettings. Helps Councils and Local Government to save time and money, and generate community use and income.
We've co-created a cutting-edge Registrars and Ceremonies Booking System with leading Registrar teams. The system seamlessly manages multiple booking types, including notice, citizenship, ceremony, and venue bookings. It delivers rule-based self-service and offers online diary management, registrar allocation, task management, payments, communications, and reporting in one easy-to-use registration booking system.
We’ve worked with our council community to co-create a purpose-built Fleet Booking System that streamlines pool car management, increases fleet efficiency, reduces vehicle costs, encourages greener travel, improves access to shared vehicles, and enhances reporting. With open APIs, you can connect your workflows & deliver a seamless vehicle reservation process.
A lettings website that manages the end-to-end customer booking process for community lettings. Booking software that automates manual lettings processes and optimises customer journeys. Digital transformation of community lettings and school lettings. Achieves community engagement and income generation goals. For Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) and schools.
Our industry-leading Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) Booking System delivers a 1000% ROI across 120+ HWRCs. This award-nominated booking system stops the misuse of HWRC services, increases HWRC efficiency, reduces HWRC costs, and delivers user-friendly booking management across unlimited locations, waste streams, vehicles, and HWRC booking types.
We've developed a market-leading Family Hubs Booking System. This all-in-one family hubs booking system enables you to manage registrations, bookings, communications, payments, providers, and reporting for any family hubs service in a single admin view. The system also automates/streamlines booking-related admin processes, delivers end-to-end self-service, enhances reporting, and generates savings.
Zipporah Ltd
An advanced, powerful appointment booking solution that can configured by you for many different types of booking. Allowing you to create your own diaries/calendars and booking workflows. Incorporate your rules and processes, provide a flexible online appointment booking solution that evolves alongside your services in delivering digital transformation.
We’ve worked with our local government community to co-create a cost-effective Desk & Room Booking System that’s proven to optimise space, enable income generation, improve reporting, save staff time, and ensure fair access to resources. With open APIs, you can also connect your workflows & deliver a seamless hybrid experience.
Web Labs Ltd
A dedicated microsite or portal solution for local authorities to manage and streamline bookings for community activities, cultural events, sports, and recreation. Gov-active brings a comprehensive and flexible platform to meet the needs of diverse local communities.
Boomerang I-Comms Ltd
An intelligent platform to automate appointment management using our patented threading technology for 2-way messaging. We make it easy to manage appointments and integrate with your booking system / schedule. SMS, EMAIL AND IVR used to set, remind and cancel appointments. ISO-27001, Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus accredited
Eequ is the leading event booking solution to manage activities for the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme as well as SEND Short Breaks and Family Hubs. The centralised platform helps local councils to engage hard-to-reach families, fund more local providers and makes DfE reports simple.
Leicestershire Health Informatics Service
The use of eLearning is a powerful and engaging tool for communication, education and training. From concept o creation we can handle all parts of the process. Our content writing specialists are here to support you in creating the perfect bespoke eLearning package for your needs.
Cyber Media Solutions Ltd.
Theseus: Integrated Care System Management is a specialised solution for Integrated Care Boards (ICB). It facilitates Single Point of Access (SPoA) for patients to integrated referral ecosystems comprised of NHS and local authority health and care teams, plus services delivered by VCSE partners and external agencies.
Simpleview provides destination marketing solutions including business listings, website design/development, Content Management System, digital marketing, CRM, booking, reporting, insights and analytics, SEO, consulting, and training to optimise marketing strategies.
These services empower destination and place marketing organisations to support the tourism economy by attracting visitors, investment, conferences, and events.
Cyber Media Solutions Ltd.
Theseus: Drug and Alcohol is a secure substance misuse caseload management system with integrated NDTMS National Drug Treatment Monitoring System CDS dataset compliant returns and reporting features. Theseus: Drug and Alcohol has powerful case management functions including Drug and Alcohol treatment episodes, TOP Treatment Outcomes Profile and NEX Needle Exchange.
Accurx supports users in general practice, pharmacies, acute trusts, community and mental health organisations to communicate with patients and each other. Integrations include NHS Login, NHS App, EPRs. The platform modules include: two-way messaging, questionnaires, patient engagement platform, email, Patient Initiated/Triage, video consultations, appointment booking & reminders, shared care records.
GOSS Interactive Ltd
GOSS Content CMS is a comprehensive and powerful browser-based low-code web content management system (WCMS) built on open standards. Used by many Public Sector organisations (Local Authorities/Councils & Central Government, Blue Light) for website, intranet/extranet content management and optional Bookings, Room Bookings, Forms. GOSS has an active user community.
Cyber Media Solutions Ltd.
Theseus: Healthy Weight is a secure weight management caseload system to support teams delivering behavioural change interventions, obesity prevention, nutritional advice and dietetic services. Theseus: Healthy Weight supports triage assessments, appointment management and weigh-in recording and has integrated assessment tools.
Cinnamon Digital Applications Limited
Digital Immunisation software for managing NHS vaccinations for staff:
- Easily record vaccinations for any programme (Flu, Covid etc.)
- Linked to ESR for full coverage
- Simple and intuitive
- Online clinic booking module included
- Options for non substantive staff
- Realtime automated reporting using ESR Hierachy
Zipporah Ltd
An online booking and appointment solution for MOTs and Private Hire/Hackney carriage licences (taxis). Empower your citizens to manage themselves through an easy online process. Accelerate first-time applications and renewals while freeing-up staff through the implementation of a clear and staged process. Record test results and automate customer contact.
Cyber Media Solutions Ltd.
Theseus: Social Prescribing is designed for social prescribing link workers, community navigators and health and wellbeing advisors to efficiently assess and refer clients to community groups, assets and activities. Theseus: Social Prescribing has integrated outcome reporting features and data dashboards for easy insight and management of social prescribing initiatives.
Cyber Media Solutions Ltd.
Theseus: Physical Activity is a caseload management and referrals system empowering healthy lifestyles teams to assess, manage and easily refer individuals to physical activity providers and facilities in their locality. Theseus: Physical Activity supports behavioural change triage and features integrated assessment tools including WEMWBS, PAR-Q and IPAQ.
Cyber Media Solutions Ltd.
Theseus: Exercise Referral is a caseload management and referrals system for Exercise by Referral and Activity on Prescription initiatives. It empowers referral receipt from health professionals, triage by Exercise Coordinators, and onward referrals to Exercise Professionals, who can manage caseloads, complete assessments and record exercise session information on mobile devices.
Cyber Media Solutions Ltd.
Theseus: Single Service Case Management is for the management of health and care services and programmes not aligned to existing case management models. Theseus is highly flexible and modular, supporting bespoke workflows, assessments and follow-ups tailored to the needs of health and care services and public health initiatives.