OpenOutcomes is a patient-centric digital platform developed in partnership with NHS clinicians for recording PROMs (Patient Reported Outcome Measures) data for multiple clinical specialities.
Analysis of this alongside patient and procedure data allows users to create visualisations and produce insights into how care can be improved.
Storm ID
The Clinical Dashboard displays and aggregates healthcare data across patients and services. With patient consent, trained healthcare professionals working across specialities can use this data, driven by rules, to identify patterns and insights that will trigger personalised interventions or escalation, in line with defined clinical protocols.
The Diabetes Prevention Service allows patients who are prediabetic to securely share activity, sleep and nutrition data, gathered from apps and wearables. Insight gleaned from the data can be used by healthcare professionals to support patients in preventing prediabetes developing in to Type 2 diabetes.
ID Medical Group Ltd
Our Workforce Deployment Solution is a unified, modular platform designed to improve workforce planning, management and productivity. Unifying Roster, Job planning, Bank, Agency and Direct Engagement into one solution, it provides better visibility, capacity to demand matching, patient care outcomes, flexible working and staff wellbeing.
getUBetter is a digital health treatment delivering and enabling patients to self-manage their recovery from all common MSK disorders and injuries by following a recovery and prevention pathway defined by their local healthcare provider
The Dermatology Service allows patients to securely share photos of their skin condition as part of an asynchronous consultation / appointment with a remote dermatologist. The photos are triaged to determine possible skin conditions, providing a prioritised view of patients who can be signposted to relevant follow-on care.
Storm ID
The Apple HealthKit and Google Fit Integrator Service enables popular consumer health apps like FitBit, MyFitnessPal etc. to be used in new care pathways. Patient generated data can securely flow to Lenus, connecting with EHRs, making it accessible to healthcare professionals for use as part of care provision.
Open Medical Ltd
Developed by surgeons, Pathpoint® Plastics is a clinical workflow platform for centralised coordination of surgical patients. Supports multiple distributed teams, customisable local workflows, digitisation of end-to-end pathways. Versatile, interoperable, collaboration solution offering tracking, planning, reviewing. Automatic clinical-coding of pathways using SNOMED-CT NLP technology delivers superior analytics. Accessed on HSCN.
The Sleep Apnoea Service allows patients to securely share respiratory and other data relating to their sleep disorder, from apps and wearables including CPAP. Data can be used by healthcare professionals to provide remote monitoring of and support for patients at risk of high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.
ID Medical Group Ltd
ID Roster has been specifically designed for Health and Social Care markets; it can be implemented across any staff group, department or team.
It offers a mobile, dynamic take on rostering and meets the challenges of managing a flexible workforce. It is developed on the principle of an activity-based model.
ORCHA Health Ltd
ORCHA provides the only Digital Health Formulary allowing the safe recommendation and use of approved digital health technologies. The platform enables and supports the end-to-end digital transformation of NHS organisations, through a formulary, app library, digital health academy, toolkits and risk management frameworks.
Leicestershire Health Informatics Service
The MSK app has been developed to offer support and guidance on how to manage a Musculoskeletal (MSK) condition or injury. This can relate to any injury, disease or problem with muscles, bones or joints.
Clinical guidance and exercise videos can be of benefit to anyone with an MSK condition/injury.
CC2i Limited
Automated calls to informal carers to ensure they are given the support they need. Informal carers often feel socially isolated, Contact&Connect is able to regularly check in on carers, signpost community services, ensure they are in receipt of relevant benefits and identify vulnerabilities before they hit crisis
The Virtual Clinical Trials Service enables healthcare professionals to conduct remote clinical research using connected devices and secure healthcare data exchange. The service is well-suited for pharmacology research or studies that do not require in-patient care or observation. Patients can participate from home while receiving support from their care team.
CC2i Limited
Automated calls to known vulnerable and priority people to ensure they are safe, well and prepared for incoming extreme weather, during storms, snow or other civil emergencies. A standby platform which can broadcast advice, as well as ask questions to prioritise people to your resilience team and first line responders.
Open Medical Ltd
A HSCN cloud-based platform that digitises and streamlines the PICUPS and PICUPS plus tools. Facilitates efficient production of the Rehab Prescription augmenting the continuation of the patients rehab journey.
Extraction tools allow relevant data available for export to UKROC in line with best practice guidelines, creating significant efficiencies for clinicians.
Open Medical Ltd
A HSCN cloud-based platform that digitises and streamlines the PICUPS and PICUPS plus tools. Facilitates efficient production of the Rehab Prescription augmenting the continuation of the patients rehab journey.
Extraction tools allow relevant data available for export to UKROC in line with best practice guidelines, creating significant efficiencies for clinicians.
Visiba Care
Visiba Care’s market leading AI-triage solution enables healthcare professionals to efficiently direct patients to the right place, at the right time, saving clinical time and enabling appropriate prioritisation of appointments.
Includes configurable levels of automation as well as communication and administrative tools such as appointment booking, messaging, video consultations, forms.
Cemplicity specialises in Patient Experience (PREMs) and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) in acute care and community settings like MSK. Designed specifically to achieve high patient response rates and to ensure no extra burden on clinicians. We offer over 100 survey instruments ‘off the shelf’ and active support to ensure impact.
Patients Know Best
The patient engagement platform is used by healthcare providers across the system to securely share data and interact with patients/carers to better support/manage patient's health and wellbeing. This includes patient outpatient and PIFU prgrammes supporting elective recovery as well as perioperative and acute care episodes.
ORCHA Health Ltd
ORCHA has created the world's largest database on digital health technologies, that provides unique insights into all aspects of technologies that can be used in healthcare settings. ORCHA can deliver an on-demand data dashboard for live interrogation of data or deliver bespoke research programmes.
Open Medical Ltd
Pathpoint® MSK. A cloud-based clinical system developed by clinicians and professional software developers, specifically to serve as a secure and centralised platform for community MSK service coordination and clinical workflow digitisation. Pathpoint MSK will self-populate reports and letters, streamlining referral processes and linking community services such as physiotherapy and podiatry.
Holly Health is a personalised digital health + wellbeing coach that supports habit-forming behaviour change for physical and mental health, guided by PhD-grade clinical and psychological evidence.
This is a highly scalable, yet person-centred health behaviour change service, running on a mobile app, which can scale to entire populations, affordably.
The Activity, Sleep and Nutrition Tracking Service allows patients to securely share activity, sleep and nutrition data, gathered from apps and wearables. The data can be used by healthcare professionals to design and provide support for a range of conditions, including chronic long term conditions, to improve health outcomes.
Storm ID
The Diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2) Management Service allows patients to securely share their healthcare data, gathered from apps and connected hardware, relating to their diabetic state. Anxiety measurements and qualitative data can be used by healthcare professionals to provide remote, targeted support to each patient in their care.
Storm ID
The Care and Support Plan Service allows individuals to consent to their care and support plan being shared between healthcare professionals and local authority carers.
Access provides a holistic view of the individual; highlighting correlations between health data and the care needs outlined in the care and support plan.
Open Medical Ltd
Developed by surgeons, Pathpoint® Theatre Management is a clinical platform for centralised coordination and documentation of theatre activity. Versatile, interoperable, end-to-end collaboration solution offering tracking, planning and reviewing of theatre cases. Supports multiple distributed teams, customisable local workflows, digitisation of end-to-end pathways. Automatic coding using SNOMED-CT NLP. Accessed on HSCN.
COHESION Care Wallet enables patients to securely share data with flexibly configured cloud-based Digital End of Life Care Plan Service allowing improved care planning, remote monitoring and service feedback to deliver better outcomes and patient experiences. COHESION has a proven track record with the NHS across the UK.
COHESION Care Wallet enables patients to securely share data with flexibly configured cloud-based Digital COPD Services allowing improved care planning, remote monitoring and service feedback to deliver better outcomes and patient experiences. COHESION has a proven track record with the NHS across the UK.
PhysioBuddie is an innovative online therapy service providing users with remote step-by-step progressive rehabilitation via: expert help, video tutorials, written and picture-based descriptions and information.
PhysioBuddie progresses in line with recovery and the users rehabilitation ability .
Physiobuddie empowers the patient supporting a wide range of needs and abilities.