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5 results found containing "Analytics Engines" in Lot 3: Cloud support in the category Quality assurance and performance testing

  • Data and Analytics Innovation Support Services

    Analytics Engines

    We offer Digital, Technology and Data Innovation services to define policy and strategy, to define, design, deliver and assure execution utilising Cloud environments and solutions. Helping organisations to unlock and maximise the true value of data, improving decision making, identifying new opportunities, driving innovation, using ethical AI and reducing risk.

  • FD Technologies - Cloud Infrastructure Support

    FD Technologies plc

    FD Technologies provides experienced and high-level consultancy support to Organisations seeking to migrate legacy systems to the cloud. We own the world’s most performant analytics engine (KX) and deploy our software on cloud environments including AWS, Azure and GCP. We provide application modernisation, managed services, and help with AI/ML.

  • Analytics based assurance


    Proteus provides independent, unbiased assurance on the true health of your Digital change initiative, using our proven, Cloud-based predictive analytics engine. Your approach is validated against thousands of similar scenarios throughout the transformation lifecycle. Auditing changing health improves chances of success, identifying where to make preventative, timely course corrections.

  • Customer Data Hub

    Daemon Solutions

    Understanding your customer is essential to providing experiences that work. For a competitive edge, understand your customer in real-time from vast multichannel streams of data and respond swiftly and intelligently. We work with you to build a customisable and integrated data platform that ingests, understands and actions this data.

  • Cyber Security Analytics Service


    BMT offers qualified multidisciplinary security consultants and data scientists who assist organizations in assessing the cyber threat landscape and developing analytical solutions. BMT helps design, build, test, deploy, run big data detective and predictive cyber analytics solutions. Expertise includes vulnerabilities, threat intelligence, analysing attack patterns, and behaviours of threat actors.