Aire Logic Limited
AireGlu is a modern HyperRAD integration that delivers clean abstraction between applications and the services it integrates with. The product also supports iterative and rapid development detached from the cadences of release cycles. Founded in healthcare AireGlu has versioning and integration tooling for working with HL7v2, FHIR, Spine and MESH
Drug history management and recording, backed by SNOMED coded dm+d drugs and allergies. Capability to share data add either as modules integrated with external systems (e.g. for an enterprise wide shared allergies record) with a variety of integration techniques.
Vodafone Limited
Vodafone works with Medtech companies to realise the benefits digital solutions can have on addressing challenges in healthcare. Vodafone is an authorised re-seller of the Inhealthcare Digital Health Platform and is a distributor of this service. The Platform automates monitoring and enables virtual wards using a range of communication tools.
We enhance workplace relationships to improve culture and operational growth. At the heart of this is our Vibe survey, feedback, and LMS platform, which provides deep, actionable insights into all aspects of your organisation. The real-time dashboard includes insights into demographic, psychographic, and behavioural trends with support from our consultants.
Everyday Mental Health by Wysa provides App or web-based clinically-validated mental AI mental health support for ages 11+
InPhase Limited
Triangulated suite for NHS and healthcare providers.
Oversight for PDSA continuous improvement in CQC, quality, NHS England LFPSE risk, incident, outcomes, NICE compliance, CAS, clinical audit, integrated governance, PAM, complaints, Friends and Family, planning, performance, policy, nursing dashboards, action plan assurance, ward accreditation, IPC care home assurance, and others.
COHESION Care Wallet enables patients to securely share data with flexibly configured cloud-based Digital Respiratory Services allowing improved care planning, remote monitoring and service feedback to deliver better outcomes and patient experiences. COHESION has a proven track record with the NHS across the UK.
AES Group
The Customisable Healthcare Clinical System is a generic system that can be customised to address specific needs in any healthcare setting (radiology, maternity, etc) and uses the power of the cloud and artificial intelligence to give healthcare professionals the tools they need to collaborate more efficiently across patient care journeys.
The Access Group
The Access Elemental solution supports Integrated Care Systems to drive quality of care, reduce risks and save costs through the delivery of social prescribing and personalised care programmes. Access Elemental reduces administrative workload and streamlines efficiency across teams while also providing real-time outcome data e.g. reduction of GP appointments, ROI
Cemplicity specialises in Patient Experience (PREMs) and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) in acute care and community settings. Designed specifically to achieve high patient response rates and to ensure no extra burden on clinicians. We offer over 100 survey instruments ‘off the shelf’ and active support to ensure impact.
Hilltop Digital Lab
The Data Orchestration Ecosystem is for organisations needing to transport message data in real-time and near real-time in a controlled and managed approach between systems and other organisations. The DOE is an open-source, highly dynamic, event-driven workflow engine validating, enriching and transforming data to open standards in transit.
AirePath is a digitally created suite of referral guidance and templates containing links to useful documentation, tools and referral templates. Through access to local and national guidance, self populating referral templates and patient information, the solution ensures consistency in referral practice, removing unwarranted variation in care and reducing waiting times.
ReStart Consulting Ltd
A platform with cloud deployed applications which can support EPR implementations, data archiving, PROMs, business continuity, integration, data migration and transformation. It's flexible, interoperable, and scalable, seamlessly integrating with existing ICT infrastructures. Suitable for use across any health and care organisation.
QAPlus ltd
Harmony360 Provider Gateway. Elevate provider invoicing, ensure swift payments, and enhance communication within the healthcare ecosystem. Empower commissioners with control over care outcomes and spend analysis. Revolutionise care procurement and patient choice with streamlined processes. Harmony360 Provider Gateway: Where patient choice meets streamlined care sourcing.
In the context of healthcare providers (both private and public) the solution provides the following automated pre-built pathways:
• Appointment scheduling and management
• Billing and insurance enquiries
• Pre-visit instructions and preparation
• Lab results and follow-up
• FAQ assistance
• Feedback collection
Carnall Farrar Ltd
Integrated impact assessment (IIA), developed by experts in healthcare at CF, uses machine learning and analytics to evaluate service transformation and relocation. Ultimately, informs decision makers of impacts on people’s access to care – considering factors such as travel time, patient flow and creating inequalities. Additionally, integrates with foundry.
A digital mental health platform for providers and commissioners, a range of internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT) programmes. Our platform has treated over one million people and delivered over two million hours of therapy. The platform includes programmes and tools covering depression, anxiety, stress, resilience, sleep, long-term conditions and more.
StoriiCare is a modern software platform used by care providers to digitally record their care, providing management with oversight and reducing common industry inefficiencies. StoriiCare also connects families to their loved ones, allowing them to contribute to their care and be informed of events in their life.
Epro Referrals enables referrals to be routed electronically from primary care referrers to secondary care. This enables reduced waiting times, reduces patient backlogs, and addresses clinical and operational efficiencies.
Provides a full audit trail and increases staff efficiencies.
iaptus is a digital care record, customisable to meet the requirements of community and mental health services including; psychological therapies, staff mental health, university counselling, gambling harms, diabetes remission, cardiovascular disease prevention and weight management services. iaptus supports case management, service workflows, outcome measurement, data analytics and reporting.
Multi-agency, single service solutions for assessment gateways, triage, needs matching, referrals, vacancies, allocations, nominations, placements, case management, personalised support plans, risks, safeguarding, task management, finances, contract management. Sectors: Health, wellbeing, care, support, housing related support, accommodation, private lettings, homelessness prevention, relief, housing support grants (HSG), housing options (HRA/H-CLIC), substance misuse.
openOutcomes is a patient-centric digital platform developed in partnership with NHS clinicians for recording PROMs & PREMs data for multiple clinical specialities.
Analysis of population level patient and procedure data allows clinicians to create dashboard visualisations and obtain insights into how care can be improved.
Ampersand Health
My Arthritis is a remote patient monitoring platform for rheumatology departments. It combines a digital app for patients and a fully integrated clinician service, supporting the collection of PROMs, bloods and other data to support safer out of hospital care (e.g. PIFU, See-on-Symptoms).
eMeet & Greet is a digital solution focused on patient experience, designed to improve communication and provide patient assurance by confirming that their referral has been received into secondary care. This reduces anxiety and increasing patient satisfaction around the appointment process, whilst improving efficiency for healthcare organisations.
Melo is a digital platform built in collaboration with NHS Trusts and clinical experts which helps make behavioural data more accessible and actionable for clinical teams looking after patients with neurological conditions.
Our goal is to assist disabled students and employees with specific learning differences overcome barriers to participating the in the workplace. We support with workplace skills, assistive technology training, mental health and wellbeing resources and career progression and support. This is through our web and mobile platforms.
Strata Health LTD
Strata Health integrates seamlessly with NHS e-Referral Service (eRS), boosting capabilities for both senders and receivers. Users can execute workflows directly within PathWays™, tailored to each client's needs and care types, enhancing efficiency and coordination across healthcare services.
Carnall Farrar Ltd
ICS and Place-Based Support, developed by experts in healthcare at CF, creates a holistic view on service integration. Considers physical and MH, community and hospital care, and health and social care. Benchmarks, compares other indexes and monitors progress. Integrates with foundry and informs goal setting, considering populations, resources and inequalities.
Cyber Media Solutions Ltd.
Health Walks and Exercise Routes delivers engaging promotion of Health Walks and exercise routes. It’s an ideal online engagement tool for Walking for Health and wider public health initiatives. Health and wellbeing teams can easily create inspiring exercise route directories and plot walking, running and cycling routes in minutes.
Hilltop Digital Lab
CHECK is a suite of quality assurance and analytical tools for providing insight into health conversations and related interactions. It intelligently integrates information from unstructured text and activity data, combining evidence-based behavioural markers in explainable models to enable prediction and stratification, and power timely interventions to improve engagement and outcomes.