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5 results found

5 results found containing somerford in Lot 2: Cloud software in the category Password management

  • Imprivata OneSign Single Sign On (SSO)

    Somerford Associates Limited

    Imprivata OneSign® provides secure and convenient access to workstations, virtual desktops, critical applications, Electronic Health Records (EHRs), and other systems containing patient data.

  • Delinea - Privileged Access Management (PAM)

    Somerford Associates Limited

    Delinea Privilege Manager provides a best-in-class solution for managing Windows and MacOS privileged accounts. Organisations are stuck between the security benefits of removing local administrative rights and productivity impact . Privilege Manager provides functionality to quickly and easily remove admin rights while elevating specific applications , without impacting user productivity.

  • Okta - Identity Management with Single Sign-On, Multi-factor Authentication, Lifecycle Management

    Somerford Associates Limited

    Okta is a leading identity and access management solution providing single-sign on, multi-factor authentication and provisioning capabilities for all applications. Okta is the foundation for secure connections between people & technology. Using identity information to grant access to applications on any device at any time, enforcing strong security protection.

  • HashiCorp Vault - Secrets Management, Policy-as-Code and Data Encryption

    Somerford Associates Limited

    HashiCorp Vault secures, stores and tightly controls access to tokens, passwords, certificates and encryption keys to protect sensitive data. Security in static infrastructure relies on dedicated servers, static IP addresses and a defined perimeter. Security in dynamic infrastructure is defined by ephemeral applications and servers, verified identities and software encryption.

  • Delinea - Secret Server

    Somerford Associates Limited

    Delinea Secret Server Cloud is a Privilege Access Management (PAM) cloud solution hosted in MS Azure, a highly secure and available platform. Providing password management, with layered built-in security, easy access management for IT admins, robust segregation of role based duties, AES 256 bit encryption, built-in reports to demonstrate compliance.