Aire Logic Limited
AireGlu is a modern HyperRAD integration that delivers clean abstraction between applications and the services it integrates with. The product also supports iterative and rapid development detached from the cadences of release cycles. Founded in healthcare AireGlu has versioning and integration tooling for working with HL7v2, FHIR, Spine and MESH
Drug history management and recording, backed by SNOMED coded dm+d drugs and allergies. Capability to share data add either as modules integrated with external systems (e.g. for an enterprise wide shared allergies record) with a variety of integration techniques.
MIG is secure middleware technology providing a two way exchange of patient data between different healthcare organisations. MIG Primary Care dataset service caters for the real time retrieval and display of patient record information for a pre-defined dataset related to a specific condition or pathway
Brave AI is a Population Health Management (PHM) platform. Brave uses Machine Learning to integrate and rapidly analyse routinely-collected health and social care data to empower patients and clinical teams to create the most appropriate plan of action for delivery of proactive anticipatory care.
Nourish Care Systems Ltd
Nourish is a leading provider of digital care management software in the UK. Accredited by PRSB as a Quality Partner, the easy to use mobile app provides care teams with person centred tools, timelines, assessments and more to drive outstanding care and improve outcomes for those with support needs.
Ortus Solutions limited
Ortus-iHealth’s digital platform enables the digitisation of outpatient care pathways. Through one unified solution, organisations can deliver personalised and customisable remote and virtual ward patient monitoring pathways, including dashboards, PROMs, PREMS, Vitals, questionnaires and content. Ortus supports connected patient devices, integration with EHR and PAS systems and telehealth functionality.
Birdie Care
Birdie empowers homecare providers with the innovative tools needed to transform how they care, unlock a new way to operate and build a supported workforce of carers. Offering a single platform for care management, auditing, rostering and finance, Birdie supports businesses of all sizes, alongside practical resources and industry support.
Ethical Services Group
Designed to replace pagers - Find any healthcare professional in your and partner hospitals.
Bleep feature with integrated severity levels: the alert received changes in accordance with the urgency of the task.
Task-based chats: Two-way communication focused on patient
tasks. Allows routine chats between users.
Broadcast Emergency Bleeps: 2222 emergencies
C2-Ai CRAB Clinical Informatics
C2-Ai Maternity & Neonatal Module - Performance improvement analytics that deliver actionable insights across maternity care – driving better patient outcomes, reputation and profitability
SystemC Healthcare Limited
CareFlow Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (EPMA) supports end-to-end prescribing and administration of all medicines for inpatient, outpatient, and discharge prescribing, helping to ensure safe prescribing.
CareFlow EPMA operates across a wide range of care settings, including Acute, Mental Health, and Community, providing an ‘Integrated Care System (ICS) ready’ solution.
REMCARE preAMS is an award winning digital pre endoscopy assessment and management platform.
Our customisable platform can increase productivity by up to 40% (with no increase in staffing levels), reduce late cancellations in endoscopy pre-assessment clinics and improve patient outcomes.
COHESION Care Wallet enables patients to securely share data with flexibly configured cloud-based Digital Respiratory Services allowing improved care planning, remote monitoring and service feedback to deliver better outcomes and patient experiences. COHESION has a proven track record with the NHS across the UK.
AES Group
The Customisable Healthcare Clinical System is a generic system that can be customised to address specific needs in any healthcare setting (radiology, maternity, etc) and uses the power of the cloud and artificial intelligence to give healthcare professionals the tools they need to collaborate more efficiently across patient care journeys.
NHS Outpatient Recovery & Transformation (Eclipse) allows ICBs to transform outpatient activity through centralised management of all patients under the Outpatients services for each NHS Trust within their ICB. The service reduces waiting times, prioritises patients and engages with patients to maximise efficiency and patient safety.
St. Vincent's Consulting
Digital solution to meet additional health and care requirements.
Orca Scan
A solution that allows healthcare providers to track all formats of Unique Device Identification (UDI) barcodes in one single scan. Automatically extracts the Device Identifier, Serial Number, Manufacturer/Production Date, Lot Number and Expiration Date from a UDI barcode into the relevant columns when scanned.
Somerford Associates Limited
Imprivata Mobile Access and Control® Enables secure real time access to shared, iOS, Android devices and applications, simplified inventory management, device fleet management and loss prevention.
Our Midwifery app allows Midwives and Health Visitors to record their clinical findings electronically using a tablet, instead of on paper. We designed the screens to reflect documents like the Green Book/Red Book etc. The app can be used online and offline and can exchange data with existing trust systems
First Databank Europe Limited
AnalyseRx supports Primary Care Networks and Clinical Commissioning Groups in delivering proactive, well-governed, ongoing medicines optimisation across a patient population by providing actionable evidence-based best practice, safety and cost guidance integrated within existing clinical system workflows.
Hilltop Digital Lab
The Data Orchestration Ecosystem is for organisations needing to transport message data in real-time and near real-time in a controlled and managed approach between systems and other organisations. The DOE is an open-source, highly dynamic, event-driven workflow engine validating, enriching and transforming data to open standards in transit.
Quicksilva Limited
An ITK Spine Mini Service providing simple access to the NHS Spine SCR service. NHS Digital CAP accredited, conneQt® serves acute trusts, ambulance trusts, private healthcare providers and mental health trusts. conneQt® is a fully developed service, with high availability, robust security, data integrity and comprehensive customer service.
Doc-works Ltd
A fully featured, customisable cloud audit management system, empowering users to complete, respond, report and action on all standards within an organisation to become and remain compliant. Tablet/smartphone technology links directly to a powerful analytics portal comprehensively managing, automating, and mandating action plans. Helpful wizards provide easy self-management.
Open Medical Ltd
SurgiCare is a digital pathways hub organising the perioperative process including TCI's, pre-assessment, list management and follow-up. Highly versatile interoperable, collaboration solution offering flexible patient tracking, planning, and reviewing. Modifiable for multiple, distributed teams following customisable workflows. Automatic clinical-coding of pathways using SNOMED-CT NLP referencing technology delivers superior analytics.
Open Medical Ltd
Pathpoint® MSK is a cloud-based system developed by clinicians and professional software developers, specifically to serve as a secure and centralised platform for community MSK service coordination and clinical workflow digitisation. Self-population of reports and letters, streamlining referral processes and linking community services such as physiotherapy, podiatry and occupational therapy.
AirePath is a digitally created suite of referral guidance and templates containing links to useful documentation, tools and referral templates. Through access to local and national guidance, self populating referral templates and patient information, the solution ensures consistency in referral practice, removing unwarranted variation in care and reducing waiting times.
Computacenter (UK) Ltd
IBM Aspera - A proven rapid data transfer SaaS offering for sharing large files and data sets in an easy drag-and-drop format, from and to any datacentre, whether cloud or on premises. Aspera is scalable, secure with encryption as standard. E.g, Video files, X-Ray Imagery, Forensic Files.
Clinical Architecture
Symedical is a cloud hosted clinical data quality platform providing API's for simplifying access to terminologies, such as SNOMED CT, dm+d, ICD-10, and OMOP vocabularies. Used by organisations around the world and in the UK to automatically normalise terms between many terminologies as well as local codes.
ReStart Consulting Ltd
A platform with cloud deployed applications which can support EPR implementations, data archiving, PROMs, business continuity, integration, data migration and transformation. It's flexible, interoperable, and scalable, seamlessly integrating with existing ICT infrastructures. Suitable for use across any health and care organisation.
QAPlus ltd
Harmony360 Provider Gateway. Elevate provider invoicing, ensure swift payments, and enhance communication within the healthcare ecosystem. Empower commissioners with control over care outcomes and spend analysis. Revolutionise care procurement and patient choice with streamlined processes. Harmony360 Provider Gateway: Where patient choice meets streamlined care sourcing.
Ctrl O
With LinkSpace, Ctrl O helps you optimise and manage business processes that involve many people continuously contributing, tracking or viewing data. Reliable and secure productivity and collaboration software with role based permissions. It is quick to deploy and easily customised by your staff, as standards policies or legislation evolve.