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559 results found

559 results found in Lot 2: Cloud software in the category Clinical decision support

  • Axial3D Medical Anatomical Models


    Axial3DInsight is a secure, cloud-based digital image processing, segmentation and 3D modeling framework converting 2D image data to either a digital file or a 3D printed physical model. The physical replica is intended to be used as a diagnostic tool in conjunction with the DICOM images and expert clinical judgment.

  • MAXIMS Cloud ED

    Integrated Medical Solutions Ltd

    MAXIMS is a sophisticated and scalable Emergency Department solution that supports the specific workflows in the department. In so the system collects the required data to provide a detailed patient record as well as comply with the mandated ECDS reporting requirements.

  • OpenOutcomes


    OpenOutcomes is a patient-centric digital platform developed in partnership with NHS clinicians for recording PROMs (Patient Reported Outcome Measures) data for multiple clinical specialities. Analysis of this alongside patient and procedure data allows users to create visualisations and produce insights into how care can be improved.

  • Agilent Alissa Clinical Informatics Platform


    Designed to improve operational excellence in molecular pathology, clinical genetic labs, and research labs, Agilent Alissa Clinical Informatics Platform streamlines your data analysis and variant assessment workflows-providing first-class support from raw reads to draft reports.

  • Clinical Dashboard

    Storm ID

    The Clinical Dashboard displays and aggregates healthcare data across patients and services. With patient consent, trained healthcare professionals working across specialities can use this data, driven by rules, to identify patterns and insights that will trigger personalised interventions or escalation, in line with defined clinical protocols.

  • Yeti Real-Time Anomaly Detection


    Yeti is a cloud data platform for clients to analyse time series data in real time and flag anomalies. It's a series of Open Source software libraries we have developed to rapidly prototype Machine Learning solutions.

  • eConsult Video Consultation

    eConsult Health

    eConsult Video Consultation (Q Health), allows secure and safe video consultation between NHS clinicians and patients. It allows telephone AND video consultation, with seamless upgrade/downgrade between the two. It is a nationally approved platform (NHSD-DFOCVC), operational across CCGs and ICSs nationwide, which gives scheduled and unscheduled video consultation flexibility.

  • Strata Clinical Pathways

    Strata Health LTD

    A flow and eReferral platform that automates the workflow of specific care pathways provide a best practise process, matching patient need to availability including service requests and appointments. NHS centres of excellence and regional specialty hospitals centralising specialist / tertiary medicine on a regional basis can underpin local best practise.

  • Diabetes Prevention Service


    The Diabetes Prevention Service allows patients who are prediabetic to securely share activity, sleep and nutrition data, gathered from apps and wearables. Insight gleaned from the data can be used by healthcare professionals to support patients in preventing prediabetes developing in to Type 2 diabetes.

  • Clarity - Digital Personal Health Budgets (PHB) App


    Our PHB web App is designed to provide clinicians and admin teams with an easy to use application to speed up and provide transparency across the PHB process. The PHB App includes a patient portal for individuals to review and truly collaborate on their health needs and budgetary spend

  • Rapid Triage

    Blackspace Technology Ltd

    . Rapid Triage - A fully automated prehospital care electronic care record (ePR) combined with wireless monitoring systems for the real-time management of emergencies. There is optional low bandwidth-high-definition videoconferencing. The cloud based platform has the advantages of simpler deployment, easier maintenance, and multinational language interoperability.

  • RBfracture

    Radiobotics ApS

    RBfracture is a software as a medical device (SaMD) that takes digital radiographs (DICOM) as input and as output provides DICOM annotated radiographs with bounding boxes of the detected fractures and a conclusion that either fractures have or haven’t been detected in the analysed radiograph

  • MediViewer


    MediViewer is a clinical electronic document management solution built specifically for healthcare providers and designed around the needs of healthcare professionals. This end-to-end solution optimises every aspect of the digitisation of paper clinical content by providing fast, intuitive and secure access to electronic patient records from any device.

  • Patient Flow Management


    Patient Flow manages patient healthcare appointments. We enable them to confirm their attendance for a telephone F2F or virtual consultation using a smart devices (e.g. Kiosks and Smartphones). Healthcare staff manage patient journeys throughout, enabling operational requirements like social distancing and infection control to be readily configured in real-time.

  • Patient Pass

    Patient Pass

    Patient Pass is a secure platform for secondary to tertiary consultation and referral management that improves communication between clinical staff based in different locations. It allows specialist services to remotely provide documented clinical advice and coordinate transfers of care supported by speciality-specific rule-based workflows and configurable decision support tools.

  • Finworks Health - Continuing Health Care Digital Platform

    Fincore Limited

    FInworks Health Continuing Health Care (CHC) digital platform delivers NHS England’s full CHC Maturity Index requirements in a single solution. Workflow logic that supports the delivery of the CHC assessment processing includes a case management system to enable digital transformation and efficient administration of patient information, PHBs and care plans.

  • Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Software


    Clinical Decision Support (CDS) cloud hosted Software-as-a-Service solution. Solution leverages Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) iRefer referral guidelines. Solution integrates to existing Electronic Health Record (EHR) / OrderComms systems using healthcare interoperability standards.

  • Interneuron Fluid Balance

    Interneuron CIC

    Interneuron Fluid Balance - an open source Fluid Balance Cloud service is designed for secondary care organisations that are looking to implement a paperless patient Fluid Balance management solution.

  • Ortus-iHealth

    Ortus Solutions limited

    Ortus-iHealth’s digital platform enables the digitisation of outpatient care pathways. Through one unified solution, healthcare professionals can deliver personalised and remote care, using digital consent tools, remote patient monitoring, configurable virtual wards, customisable pathway dashboards, PROMs, PREMS, and vitals measuring software. Ortus includes integrated telehealth functionality empowering and enabling patients.

  • EMIS Health - EMIS Web Patient Tracking

    EMIS Ltd

    Patient Tracking is an EMIS Web add-on module, developed to support delivering unscheduled care in settings such as urgent care centres, walk-in centres and minor injury units. Patient Tracking can only be purchased alongside the core EMIS Web product.

  • Dermatology Virtual Asynchronous Consultation Service


    The Dermatology Service allows patients to securely share photos of their skin condition as part of an asynchronous consultation / appointment with a remote dermatologist. The photos are triaged to determine possible skin conditions, providing a prioritised view of patients who can be signposted to relevant follow-on care.

  • e3c

    Elisian Limited

    e3c is a SaaS offering to Local Authority, Police, NHS Trust and third sector service providers. It is a comprehensive, flexible, powerful but simple to use case management solution suite which has been used to support multi-agency, service user based initiatives as it has evolved over the last 15 years.

  • MIS C3 fully hosted 999, IUC, 111 and PTS System


    Intuitive ambulance command and control system; from call handling through triage to dispatch. Integrated Urgent Care and 111, NHS Digital and national system interfaces enhanced care pathway management for patients. Fully functional non-emergency patient transport system.

  • Agilio Mortality Review

    Clarity Informatics Limited

    Clarity Assure Retrospective Case Review (RCRR) is an online solution to allow users to enter data for mortality reviews. It complies fully with all national standards of reporting to the Learning from Deaths report.

  • CareCentric

    Graphnet Health Limited

    CareCentric Health Integration Exchange Platform provides: real-time, secure, unified shared care records via Clinical& Patient Portal; system integration/interoperability; CareConnect FHIR standards support; data capture forms for assessments, care plans, End of Life including workflow; mobile solutions; Personal Health Records, Population Health, Analytics and innovative solutions for managing Long Term Conditions.

  • Recovery

    LifeBox Health

    The Recovery module supports patients following discharge and allows Hospitals to create virtual wards to build capacity. Recovery allows patients to self-report sleep, pain and mood, upload pictures and videos. Hospital teams can remotely monitor progress, avoiding unnecessary follow up outpatient appointments.

  • Data Processing - Data Linking / Unification / Integration of Anonymised Data


    Linkage / unification of anonymised health- or activity-related row-level data (can be applied to any data) across multiple datasets. Fully GDPR-compliant (data output is outside of the scope of the GDPR), does not require consent and data is processed for the purpose of anonymisation only.

  • Careflow EPR and CarePlus.

    SystemC Healthcare Limited

    System C’s service includes: PAS/EPR; Departmental Solutions (ED, Maternity, Theatres, Kiosk); Business Intelligence & Reporting; Clinical Solutions (OC/RR, ePrescribing, Pharmacy, Closed loop, Meds Management, Critical Care, Anaesthesia, Blood Tracking, Milk Tracking, Clinical Documentation, e-Observations, Clinical Communications, Task Management); Child Health; Adult & Children’s Social Care, Early Years Education.

  • Apple HealthKit and Google Fit Integrator Service

    Storm ID

    The Apple HealthKit and Google Fit Integrator Service enables popular consumer health apps like FitBit, MyFitnessPal etc. to be used in new care pathways. Patient generated data can securely flow to Lenus, connecting with EHRs, making it accessible to healthcare professionals for use as part of care provision.

  • T-Pro eClinic Manager - Video/Virtual Consultation, and Telemedicine solution


    T-Pro eClinic Manager enables healthcare organisations conduct video and telephone consultations, and manage face-to-face appointments from a single consolidated platform, which seamlessly integrates with PAS/EPR. By connecting clinicians with their patients virtually, T-Pro simplifies healthcare delivery so hospitals can provide care when and where it’s needed.