Fincore Limited
FInworks Health Continuing Health Care (CHC) digital platform delivers NHS England’s full CHC Maturity Index requirements in a single solution. Workflow logic that supports the delivery of the CHC assessment processing includes a case management system to enable digital transformation and efficient administration of patient information, PHBs and care plans.
ID Medical Group Ltd
Our Workforce Deployment Solution is a unified, modular platform designed to improve workforce planning, management and productivity. Unifying Roster, Job planning, Bank, Agency and Direct Engagement into one solution, it provides better visibility, capacity to demand matching, patient care outcomes, flexible working and staff wellbeing.
Agile Business Process UK, LIMITED
Our certified Consultants deliver best in class Automation Solutions using AI (Artificial Intelligence), Low-Code BPM (Business Process Management) , Process/Task Mining, OCR (Optical Character Recognition), ODM (Operational Decision Management) and Virtual Assistants/Chatbots. We are partnered with market leading companies such as ABBYY, AutomationHero, Bizagi, Camunda, Celonis, IBM, Soroco and UiPath.
Linkage / unification of anonymised health- or activity-related row-level data (can be applied to any data) across multiple datasets. Fully GDPR-compliant (data output is outside of the scope of the GDPR), does not require consent and data is processed for the purpose of anonymisation only.
T-Pro eClinic Manager enables healthcare organisations conduct video and telephone consultations, and manage face-to-face appointments from a single consolidated platform, which seamlessly integrates with PAS/EPR. By connecting clinicians with their patients virtually, T-Pro simplifies healthcare delivery so hospitals can provide care when and where it’s needed.
Ingenica Solutions Limited
Inventory management, RFID & ERP solutions for NHS and healthcare resource management.GS1 certified inventory management solution, proven in NHS,developed in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central On-Premise ERP platform, accessed via VPN, N3/HCSN,UK data centre.Ingenica's highly scalable ERP inventory management solution, benefits from Microsoft and Ingenica investment and published development roadmap.
OX. Pregnancy & Maternity provides end-to-end digital infrastructure to efficiently manage antenatal and perinatal care and engage parents online throughout their pregnancy.
AES Group
The UK's leading Clinical Decision Support system for Haematological Malignancy, HaemoSys® is a powerful, intuitive, effective and efficient Integrated Haematological Malignancy Tracking and Reporting System providing high level support to consultant haematologists for clinically managing patients with haematological malignancies.
Civica UK Limited
Saffron enables foodservice organisations to simplify the management of catering services across all public sectors covering recipe/menu engineering inc. nutrition, allergens and dietary preference, sustainability profiling, endurance and DMR, e-procurement management, stock control, central production kitchen management, bedside patient/resident feeding, operational trading analysis, analytical reporting and paperless kitchen management.
ID Medical Group Ltd
ID Roster has been specifically designed for Health and Social Care markets; it can be implemented across any staff group, department or team.
It offers a mobile, dynamic take on rostering and meets the challenges of managing a flexible workforce. It is developed on the principle of an activity-based model.
PDF Tables accurately extracts data from PDFs. It uses an AI algorithm which can see column shapes, and outputs spreadsheets. There is a web API so it can be automated.
Hicom Technology Ltd
A single specialty electronic medical record for use multiple sites in a region or nationally in secondary care settings that also acts as a national register. Configurable data sets and speciality specific screen layout, letter generation tools and multi level reporting options including anonymised data for approved research usage.
Access Paysuite Limited
Face to face payments. Part of Pay360’s Payments Service which includes Income Management, Telephone Payments, Counter Receipting, Direct Debits, Mobile Payments and Online Store. Delivering integrated payment solutions for Local Government, Housing, Health and Education. Compatible with Revenues & Benefits, Civica, Northgate, Adelante, ABS, WPM and Capita Integra.
The IQVIA™ OMOP Converter is an off-the-shelf software tool that automates the conversion of structured data to the OMOP format. This enables life sciences companies to more reliably and quickly get analysis-ready data, maximizing data ROI.
OAS are Blue Prism partners. Blue Prism emulates how humans use existing applications and systems to automate a wide range of operational and business processes. The solution is delivered as a secure hosted cloud based environment and (if required) the platform can optionally be deployed onto a dedicated on-premise architecture.
Telstra Health UK Limited
This service provides for our specialist staff to assist you in using the Telstra Health Cloud Based Software toolsets which will allow you to visualise and analyse the data collected from within your organisation or domain.
This is done in line with GDPR regulations. Patient data is always protected.
AmdoSoft Systems LTD
AmdoSoft offers Altair Monarch self service data preparation for extracting, combining, cleaning, transforming and sharing curated datasets for various data and analytics and data extraction processes.
Monarch allows data extraction from various data sources and pdf documents by individual business users or completely automated as part of an end-to-end solution.
AES Group
This service offers a contract free, pay-as-you-go (PAYG) Cancer Outcome and Services Data set (COSD) reporting web application. This standalone system is fully Public Health England (PHE) compliant, and offers a simple and cost-effective service for rapid COSD submission to PHE from a standard web browser.
OnBase is a single enterprise information platform to manage your content, processes, and cases. OnBase centralises business content in one secure location, then delivers relevant information to you when you need it, wherever you are.
OnBase enables you to increase productivity, deliver excellent customer service and reduce enterprise risk.
KPMGs Connected Healthcare Solutions platform provides access to a suite of products designed to address the challenges of delivering effective integrated care. It supports the integration of multiple data sources across healthcare providers' data estates to facilitate predictive analytics, process automation and patient tracking solutions.
IBM United Kingdom Ltd
IBM Supply Chain Business Network (SCBN) is an
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) service offering allowing businesses to communicate with trading partners for all EDI documents, e.g. Orders, Invoices, etc. Document formats include EDIFACT, X12 etc. All Formats and all communication protocols are supported. In essentials edition customers manage all documents.
Aptvision Ltd
APTVISION created a unified Healthcare Information System which effectively and efficiently manages the Patient end-to-end through the entire 'ology process, from a GP referral, communication and scheduling, management and preparation, study delivery, reporting and results, all while integrating tightly with other 'ology systems and drastically increasing efficiencies and reducing costs.
Agile Business Process UK, LIMITED
Our certified Automation experts deliver fit for purpose Digital workforce solutions using Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Low-Code BPM, Process/Task mining, ODM, Chatbots and OCR technology. We are a Diamond UiPath Partner and partnered with Soroco, Celonis, IBM, ABBYY, AutomationHero, FireStart, Red Hat, Camunda and Bizagi.
Implicity is a cloud based platform which aggregates data from the cardiac implantable electronic devices manufacturers websites in an unique platform for remote monitoring of patients implanted with such devices.
The platforms also offers unique artificial intelligence based modules to facilitate treatment and management of the data.
Data acquisition from any source, any data type, any schema, to either store or further process the data (anonymise, link/integrate/unite, quality assure, etc.)
Civica UK Limited
Enterprise Cash Receipting, ePayments, Income Management, Acquiring and Processing services, supporting the digital transformation agenda for public sector organisations from a small District to a large Unitary or Borough, Housing Associations, Schools, Universities, NHS or any public, private organisation. Compatible with Capita, Northgate, Adelante, Cashless Catering and parent portal solutions.
Primary Care IT
Primary Care IT provide web Tools and software solutions for Primary Care.
This includes OneAnalytics, our analytics service for GP Practices and wider Primary Care. Easily see patients whose care is suboptimal or needs review and monitor IIF performance.
Our other services include Triage, Foundation System Optimisation, OneContact and Consultancy.
Automated data anonymisation that minimises re-identification risk while maximising data utility.
Woodward Associates
LiveAudit is an end-to-end audit solution that allows NHS and private hospitals to manage in-house audit programmes. The service delivers a clinically driven and scalable methodology for the audit of clinically coded data with the aim of improving coding quality and obtaining appropriate PbR reimbursement.
The RX-Info platform provides data assist pharmacy in primary and secondary care. It is split into modules including:
Define: helping hospitals analyse medicine expenditure when assessed against peers;
Refine: monitoring drug use in an individual hospital;
AdiOS: monitoring drug abuse;
Exend/Exend+: assisting in managing purchase performance and improve cost management.